预售 【中商原版】How To Live With Objects 进口艺术 如何与家具共处:反向室内装饰理念 Sight Unseen杂志联合创始人 家具家居设计装潢【中商原版】
运费: | ¥ 8.00-70.00 |
库存: | 3 件 |
出版社:Random House US (2022年11月15日)
尺寸及商品重量:229 x 305 x 32mm | 2,154.56g
《Sight Unseen》一书的编辑们推出了一本反装饰的书,倡导一种新的室内装饰方法--只需用自己喜欢的物品围绕自己。
对 "即买即看 "的消费主义和困扰众多室内装饰的审美千篇一律进行了令人耳目一新且铋要的反思。
在现代家居中,室内装饰是否完美并不重要,重要的是它是否具有真实的个人风格、犭虫特性,以及是否充满了你所喜爱的物品。Sight Unseen》编辑莫妮卡-克姆苏罗夫(Monica Khemsurov)和吉尔-辛格(Jill Singer)通过启发灵感的家居参观以及关于如何收藏和收藏什么的实用建议,带您踏上一段极具教育意义和视觉冲击力的旅程,探寻她们设计理念的核心问题:
- 是什么让一件物品值得拥有?
- 物品如何影响我们的生活?
Khemsurov 和 Singer 引导收藏者、设计爱好者和新手以一种更有意识、更熟练的心态来获取物品并与之共处。无论您的空间限制、风格偏好或预算如何,本书都是一本详细的入门读物,告诉您如何蕞大限度地提升空间的视觉和情感冲击力。从深入了解古董狩猎世界,到米莎-卡恩(Misha Kahn)和莱克-李(Lykke Li)等创意人士蕞喜爱的物品轶事,再到砖业的造型方法,《如何与物品共处》是所有想让自己的房子成为家的人不可或缺的工具。
From the editors of Sight Unseen, an anti-decorating book that champions a new approach to interiors—simply surrounding yourself with objects you love.
“A refreshing, and necessary, counternarrative to shop-this-look consumerism and the aesthetic sameness that afflicts so many interiors.”—Vulture
In the modern home, it matters less whether your interior is perfectly appointed and more if it’s authentically personal, unique, and filled with the objects you feel a connection to. Through inspiring home tours and practical advice on how and what to collect, Sight Unseen editors Monica Khemsurov and Jill Singer take you on an educational and highly visual journey through the questions at the core of their design philosophy:
? What makes an object worth having?
? How do our objects impact our lives?
Khemsurov and Singer guide collectors, design lovers, and novices alike toward a more intentional and skilled mindset in acquiring and living with objects. The book acts as a detailed primer on how to maimize the visual and emotional impact of your space, regardless of your space limitations, style preferences, or budget. From a deep dive into the world of vintage-hunting to anecdotes about favorite objects from creatives like Misha Kahn and Lykke Li to epert styling tips, How to Live with Objects is an indispensable tool for anyone who wants to make their house a home.
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