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至关重要的关系英文原版书The Start-up of You 全球化视野应对21世纪新商业环境中的变化全英文版经济管理学书籍人人都是初创公司

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至关重要的关系英文原版书The Start-up of You 全球化视野应对21世纪新商业环境中的变化全英文版经济管理学书籍人人都是初创公司 商品图0
至关重要的关系英文原版书The Start-up of You 全球化视野应对21世纪新商业环境中的变化全英文版经济管理学书籍人人都是初创公司 商品图1
至关重要的关系英文原版书The Start-up of You 全球化视野应对21世纪新商业环境中的变化全英文版经济管理学书籍人人都是初创公司 商品缩略图0 至关重要的关系英文原版书The Start-up of You 全球化视野应对21世纪新商业环境中的变化全英文版经济管理学书籍人人都是初创公司 商品缩略图1


书名:The Start-up of You至关重要的关系 
作者:Reid Hoffman;Ben Casnocha
出版社名称:Random House Business
商品尺寸:12.9 x 1.7 x 19.8 cm



商务社交网linkedIn创始人里德•霍夫曼作为硅谷英雄、美国商界领袖,他精准把握商业运作的关键点,并总结于本书The Start-up of You《至关重要的关系》中。同时,本书也是经典的商业读本与实用的个人职业规划手册。






“如果说工作与职业是一场游戏,那么本书就成了游戏策略。里德•霍夫曼是世界上伟大的商务策略师之一。他曾帮助十几位企业家变革企业。现在就请他来帮你将你的初创企业推向更高水平吧。”——马克•平卡斯,Zynga CEO

From the co-founder and chairman of LinkedIn and author Ben Casnocha comes a revolutionary new book on how to apply the strategies of successful entrepreneurship to your career: in other words, how to run the 'start-up of you'. 
In a world where wages are virtually stagnant, creative disruption is rocking every industry, global competition for jobs is fierce, and job security is a thing of the past, we're all on our own when it comes to our careers. In the face of such uncertainty, the key to success is to think and act like an entrepreneur: to be nimble and self-reliant, to be innovative, and to know how to network and stand out from the crowd. And this is precisely what Hoffman and Casnocha show you how to do in a book that is both inspirational and supremely practical. 
Just as LinkedIn is the one online community that no professional can afford not to belong to, this is the book that no professional can afford to be without.

"Being an entrepreneur isn't really about starting a business. It's a way of looking at the world: seeing opportunity where others see obstacles, taking risks when others take refuge. Whatever career you're in - or want to be in - The Start-Up of You holds lessons for success."
-Michael Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg, L.P. and Mayor, New York City

"Everyone, women and men alike, needs to think big to succeed. This is a practical book that shows you how to take control and build a career that will enable you to have real impact."
-Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer, Facebook

"Forging a fulfilling career is one of the most important--and often, most difficult--challenges in building a happy life. The Start-Up of You is crammed with insights and strategies to help each of us create the work life we want."
-Gretchen Rubin, author of the #1 bestseller, The Happiness Project

"The Startup of You" describes how to take the Silicon Valley approach to building a life: start with an idea, and work over your entire career to turn it something remarkable. In the world today, I think that the startup approach to life is necessary. This book distills the key techniques needed to succeed." 
-Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter, co-founder of Square

"This great book shows that entrepreneurship is really about taking control of your life, and you don't need a big startup to be an entrepreneur - you need personal responsibility and intellectual exploration." 
Penelope Trunk, author, Brazen Careerist

"Silicon Valley revolutionizes entire industries through the way we work. It is now time to export our playbook to the rest of the world. The Startup of You is that key playbook: it will help you revolutionize yourself and achieve your own career breakout."
-Marc Andreessen, co-founder Netscape; director at HP, Facebook, and eBay

"A profound book about self-determination and self-realization. By capturing and universalizing the wisdom of successful start-up businesses, the authors provide an exciting blueprint for building a fulfilling career. Invaluable for any person who wants to be a successful entrepreneur - not in a particular company - but in the most important enterprise of all: one's own life."
-Cory Booker, Mayor of Newark

""The Internet has fundamentally changed the architecture of business and society. This terrific book shows you how to live, learn, and thrive in a networked world."
-Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab

"Hoffman and Casnocha make a number of astute observations about shifts in the world of work.... As well as explaining network intelligence, or why your contacts' contacts may be the best source of leads about potential jobs...the book also gives numerous tips--including ones gleaned from the world of online dating--about how best to broker effective relationships. -The Economist

"If you are starting a career, it is an excellent book for thinking through the practical issues you will face in branding yourself in what is becoming a more volatile and very different labor market"
-Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution

"The same extraordinary vision and timing that enabled Reid to found LinkedIn is once again on display with his book "the start-up of YOU." His central thesis, that every individual can benefit from acting as the entrepreneur of their own life and career, has never been more important than it is in today's increasingly globalized, competitive, and networked world." 
-Jeff Weiner, CEO, LinkedIn

"LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman has pulled off something extraordinary in his book-writing debut. He has challenged a well-worn idea....and replaced it with something better." -Fortune




REID HOFFMAN is co-founder and chairman of LinkedIn, the biggest professional social network in the world with 100+ million members. Previously he was executive vice president of PayPal. He is also a partner at Greylock, a leading Silicon Valley venture capital firm. He has been an early investor in over 100 technology companies, including Facebook and Zynga.
BEN CASNOCHA is an award-winning entrepreneur and author. He has written for Newsweek and appeared on CNN, the CBS Early Show and Fox News. BusinessWeek named him one of 'America's best young entrepreneurs' and he is in much demand as a public speaker.
Centuries of immigrants risked everything to come to America with the conviction that if they worked hard they would enjoy a better life than their parents had. Since our country’s birth, each generation of Americans has generally made more money, been better educated, and enjoyed a higher standard of living titan the generation that came before it. An expectation of lockstep increases in prosperity became part of the American Dream.
For the last sixty or so years, the job market for educated workers worked like an escalator. After graduating trout college, you landed an entry-level job at the bottom of tile escalator at an IBM or a GE or a Goldman Sachs. There you were groomed and mentored, receiving training and professional development from your employer. As you gained experience, you were whisked up the organizational hierarchy, clearing room for the ambitious young graduates who followed to fill the same entry-level positions. So long as you played nice and well, you moved steadily up the escalator, and each step brought with it more power, income, and job security. Eventually, around age sixty-five, you stepped oil tile escalator, allowing those middle-ranked employees to fill the same senior positions you just vacated. You, meanwhile, coasted into a comfortable retirement financed by a company pension and government-funded Social Security.
People didn’t assume all of this necessarily happened automatically. But there was a sense that if you were basically competent, put forth a good effort, and weren’t unlucky, the strong winds at your back would eventually shoot you to a good high level. For the most part this was a justified expectation.
But now that escalator is jammed at every level. Many young people, even the most highly educated, are stuck at the bottom, underemployed, or jobless, as Ronald Brownstein noted in the Atlantic. At the same time, men and women in their sixties and seventies, with empty pensions and a government safety net that looks like Swiss cheese, are staying in or rejoining the workforce in record numbers.

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至关重要的关系英文原版书The Start-up of You 全球化视野应对21世纪新商业环境中的变化全英文版经济管理学书籍人人都是初创公司


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