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【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书

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【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品图0
【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品图1
【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品图2
【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品图3
【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品图4
【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书 商品缩略图4





Wombats 1-2

Go To WizardS Wharf

Go Camping


1. 9780593465424 Go To WizardS Wharf 桥梁漫画:考拉袋熊冒险记1

2. 9780593465295 Go Camping 桥梁漫画:考拉袋熊冒险记2


1. 9780593465424 Go To WizardS Wharf 桥梁漫画:考拉袋熊冒险记1

作者:Maddie Frost (Author, Illustrator)

出版商 ‏ : ‎ Viking Books (20 Feb. 2024)

语言 ‏ : ‎ 英语

精装本 ‏ : ‎ 96页

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0593465423

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0593465424

阅读年龄 ‏ : ‎ 6 - 9 岁

尺寸 ‏ : ‎ 14.76 x 1.22 x 21.74 厘米



阿尔伯特和皮克尔斯——一对可爱但不太可能的好朋友——在麦迪·弗罗斯特的早期读者图画小说系列《袋熊!》的第二部分中回归。 非常适合阅读《Baloney and Friends》、《Narwhal and Jelly》、《Cookie and Broccoli》时笑出声的粉丝!

皮克尔斯决定是时候兑现阿尔伯特四年前给他的欠条了,并要求他们去码头一趟! 艾伯特不情愿地同意陪伴他的好朋友,但游乐园并不是他真正喜欢的。 皮克尔斯决心让阿尔伯特感受到他周围的魔力,但即使在探索了码头提供的所有游乐设施、游戏、迷宫和奖品之后,阿尔伯特仍然不像他的朋友那样对这个环境感到惊叹。

艾伯特不想让他的实用主义毁了他朋友的借条日,所以他们继续探索公园,并遇到了他们的朋友兼邻居普拉特斯,他是一名乘车机械师。 普拉特斯提议带他们参观仍在建设中的绝密游乐设施,但当游乐设施出现轻微故障并且他们三人失散时,阿尔伯特和皮克尔斯将不得不依靠他们对彼此的了解程度,并且 甚至可能是一点魔法,帮助他们找到出路。

Albert and Pickles--a lovable yet unlikely pair of besties--return in the second installment of Maddie Frost's early reader graphic novel series, Wombats!; perfect for fans who laughed out loud reading Baloney and Friends, Narwhal and Jelly, and Cookie and Broccoli!

Pickles decides it's time to make good on an IOU that Albert forgot he gave him four years ago and requests that they take a trip to Wizard's Wharf! Albert begrudingly agrees to accompany his best friend, but amusement parks aren't really his thing. Pickles is determined to make Albert feel the magic around him, but even after exploring all the rides, games, mazes, and prizes that Wizard's Wharf has to offer, Albert still isn't as wowed by this environment as his friend is.

Albert doesn't want his practicality to ruin his friend's IOU day, so they continue exploring the park and run into their friend and neighbor, Platters, who's working as a ride mechanic. Platters offers to take them on a tour of a top secret ride that's still under construction, but when the ride has a slight malfunction and the three of them are separated, Albert and Pickles will have to rely on how well they know each other, and maybe even a little magic, to help them find their way out.

2. 9780593465295 Go Camping 桥梁漫画:考拉袋熊冒险记2

作者:Maddie Frost (Author, Illustrator)

出版商 ‏ : ‎ 维京书籍(2023 年 12 月 27 日)

语言 ‏ : ‎ 英语

精装本 ‏ : ‎ 96页

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0593465296

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0593465295

阅读年龄 ‏ : ‎ 6 - 9 岁

尺寸 ‏ : ‎ 14.94 x 1.24 x 21.74 厘米




艾伯特和皮克尔斯是一对不太可能的好朋友,他们准备好一次探索伟大的户外活动。 艾伯特准备以老式方式露营,而皮克尔斯则认为他要去星空下的五星级度假村。 皮克尔斯须想办法在荒野中度过一整夜,但幸运的是,阿尔伯特在那里帮忙搭帐篷,在火边做饭,拥抱美好的户外生活。

在完成这次露营旅行的剩余时间时,阿尔伯特和皮克尔斯遇到了他们的老朋友普拉特斯,他正在寻找羊毛月兽——一种传说中的凶猛生物。 他们须齐心协力,让迷失的小考拉与其妈妈团聚,而这种潜在危险的掠食者却在树林中隐约可见。

袋熊! 是一个全新的图画小说系列,非常适合杰克书籍、胡言乱语和朋友以及独角鲸和果冻的粉丝。

Camping or Glamping?

Albert and Pickles are an unlikely pair of besties and they're ready to explore the great outdoors for the first time. Albert is ready to camp the old-fashioned way while Pickles thinks he's going to a five-star resort under the stars. Pickles is going to have to find a way to cope in the wilderness for one whole night, but luckily, Albert is there to assist in pitching a tent, cooking by the fire, and embracing the great outdoors.

While navigating their way through the rest of this camping trip, Albert and Pickles run into their old friend, Platters, who is in search of the Woolly Moon Beast--a legendary ferocious creature. Together, they must reunite a lost baby koala with its mama while this potentially dangerous predator looms large in the woods.

WOMBATS! is a brand new graphic novel series that is perfect for fans of Jack books, Baloney and Friends and Narwhal and Jelly.


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【中商原版】英文原版桥梁漫画 考拉袋熊冒险记2册 Wombats 1-2 Go To Wizards Wharf Go Camping 儿童图画图像小说故事书


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