Collins阿加莎系列 加勒比海之谜 进口英文原版书 A Caribbean Mystery 马普尔小姐探案系列 电视原著 英文版侦探小说搭无人生还
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书名:A Caribbean Mystery加勒比海之谜
作者:Agatha Christie阿加莎·克里斯蒂
商品尺寸:12.9 x 1.5 x 19.8 cm
页数:240★阿加莎·克里斯蒂,无可争议的侦探小说女王,侦探文学史上伟大的作家之一 ★马普尔小姐仅有的海外破案之旅,“复仇女神”从这里诞生 ★马普尔小姐和拉斐尔先生的完美CP档,一个絮叨,一个毒舌! A Caribbean Mystery《加勒比海之谜》是阿加莎·克里斯蒂所著的“马普尔小姐探案”系列小说之一,主要讲述了马普尔小姐在加勒比海岛上度着假遭遇命案的故事。 本书为Nemesis《复仇女神》的姐姐篇,也是英国ITV出品的系列剧“Agatha Christie's Marple”第六季中第1集的原著小说。 Agatha Christie’s world-famous Miss Marple mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Review ‘Throws off the false clues and misleading events as only a master of the art can do.’ --New York Times ‘Liveliness… infectious zest… as good as anything Miss Christie has done.’ --Observer “想看看杀人凶手的照片吗?”
马普尔小姐在侄子雷蒙德的款待下,来到加勒比海上的西印度群岛度假。正当她百无聊赖时,饶舌的帕尔格雷夫少校向她讲述了一桩奇特的谋杀案。就在上校刚要把凶手快照递给马普尔小姐之时,他突然脸色一变,藏起照片,转移话题。 马普尔小姐的好奇心燃起,准备隔日一问究竟,谁知第二天竟接获噩耗--帕尔格雷夫少校已于昨夜因高血压病发身亡!那张快照亦不翼而飞…… An exotic holiday for Miss Marple is ruined when a retired major is killed… As Jane Marple sat basking in the Caribbean sunshine she felt mildly discontented with life. True, the warmth eased her rheumatism, but here in paradise nothing ever happened. Eventually, her interest was aroused by an old soldier’s yarn about a strange coincidence. Infuriatingly, just as he was about to show her an astonishing photograph, the Major’s attention wandered. He never did finished the story…
无可争议的侦探小说女王,侦探文学伟大的作家之一。 阿加莎·克里斯蒂原名为阿加莎·玛丽·克拉丽莎·米勒,一八九○年九月十五日生于英国德文郡托基的阿什菲尔德宅邸。她几乎没有接受过正规的教育,但酷爱阅读,尤其痴迷于歇洛克·福尔摩斯的故事。 第1次世界大战期间,阿加莎·克里斯蒂成了一名志愿者。战争结束后,她创作了自己的首部侦探小说《斯泰尔斯庄园奇案》。几经周折,作品于一九二○正式出版,由此开启了克里斯蒂辉煌的创作生涯。一九二六年,《罗杰疑案》由哈珀柯林斯出版公司出版。这部作品一举奠定了阿加莎·克里斯蒂在侦探文学领域不可撼动的地位。之后,她又陆续出版了《东方快车谋杀案》、《ABC谋杀案》、《尼罗河上的惨案》、《无人生还》、《阳光下的罪恶》等脍炙人口的作品。时至今日,这些作品依然是世界侦探文学宝库里宝贵的财富。根据她的小说改编而成的舞台剧《捕鼠器》,已经成为世界上公演场次很多的剧目;而在影视改编方面,《东方快车谋杀案》为英格丽·褒曼斩获奥斯卡大奖,《尼罗河上的惨案》更是成为了几代人心目中的经典。 阿加莎·克里斯蒂的创作生涯持续了五十余年,总共创作了八十部侦探小说。她的作品畅销全世界一百多个国家和地区,累计销量已经突破二十亿册。她创造的小胡子侦探波洛和老处女侦探马普尔小姐为读者津津乐道。阿加莎·克里斯蒂是柯南·道尔之后伟大的侦探小说作家,是侦探文学黄金时代的开创者和集大成者。一九七一年,英国女王授予克里斯蒂爵士称号,以表彰其不朽的贡献。 Agatha Christiewas born in Torquay in 1890 and became, quite simply, the best-selling novelist in history. Her first novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, written towards the end of the First World War, introduced us to Hercule Poirot, who was to become the most popular detective in crime fiction since Sherlock Holmes. She is known throughout the world as the Queen of Crime. Her books have sold over a billion copies in the English language and another billion in over 100 foreign countries. She is the author of 80 crime novels and short story collections, 19 plays, and six novels under the name of Mary Westmacott. ‘Take all this business about Kenya,’ said Major Palgrave. ‘Lots of chaps gabbing away who know nothing about the place! Now I spent fourteen years of my life there. Some of the best years of my life, too—’ Old Miss Marple inclined her head. It was a gentle gesture of courtesy. Whilst Major Palgrave proceeded with the somewhat uninteresting recollections of a lifetime, Miss Marple peacefully pursued her own thoughts. It was a routine with which she was well acquainted. The locale varied. In the past, it had been predominantly India. Majors, Colonels, Lieutenant-Generals—and a familiar series of words: Simla. Bearers. Tigers. Chota Hazri—Tiffln. Khitmagars, and so on. With Major Palgrave the terms were slightly different. Safari. Kikiiyu. Elephants. Swahili. But the pattern was essentially the same. An elderly man who needed a listener so that he could, in memory, relive days in which he had been happy. Days when his back had been straight, his eyesight keen, his hearing acute. Some of these talkers had been handsome soldierly old boys, some again had been regrettably unattractive; and Major Palgrave, purple of face, with a glass eye, and the general appearance of a stuffed frog, belonged in the latter category. Miss Marple had bestowed on all of them the same gentle charity. She had sat attentively, inclining her head from time to time in gentle agreement, thinking her own thoughts and enjoying what there was to enjoy: in this case the deep blue of a Caribbean Sea. So kind of dear Raymond—she was thinking gratefully, so really and truly kind . . . Why he should take so much trouble about his old aunt, she really did not know. Conscience, perhaps; family feeling? Or possibly he was truly fond of her…
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