AVLARE 超轻薄系列是一款革命性高科技“干式”面料,是ZHIK专为2016里约夏季奥运会研发一款全新产品系列。该面料集轻质、高弹、防水、透气、保暖于一身,颠覆了人们对水上运动装备的印象。适用于多种水上运动如帆船、游艇、皮划艇、SUP桨板、风筝冲浪等。即使在最湿的环境,也能让你身体保持完全干燥
Avlare® is a revolutionary fabric technology incorporated into a new range of Zhik performance water sports apparel. Tested by Zhik’s international team of elite sailing and paddling athletes, Avlare® is destined to change the way we think about what we wear across many water sports, including dinghy sailing, yachting, kayaking, stand-up paddling, kite surfing, and more.
Our Avlare® top is super lightweight and water repellent, so water repellent in fact that it doesn't wet out! Water will just bead off it, making it 1/4 the weight of wet spandex. It's high stretch fabric breathes yet cuts wind chill at the same time, giving you dynamic hot and cold protection. It also features a 3D body mapped fit for performance comfort.
Special edition with minimalist branding as worn by the Zhik champions at Rio.