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华研原版 拯救我生命的战争 英文原版 The War That Saved My Life 战争救了我的命 英文版美国校园小说 2016年纽伯瑞银奖 进口书

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华研原版 拯救我生命的战争 英文原版 The War That Saved My Life 战争救了我的命 英文版美国校园小说 2016年纽伯瑞银奖 进口书 商品图0
华研原版 拯救我生命的战争 英文原版 The War That Saved My Life 战争救了我的命 英文版美国校园小说 2016年纽伯瑞银奖 进口书 商品图1
华研原版 拯救我生命的战争 英文原版 The War That Saved My Life 战争救了我的命 英文版美国校园小说 2016年纽伯瑞银奖 进口书 商品缩略图0 华研原版 拯救我生命的战争 英文原版 The War That Saved My Life 战争救了我的命 英文版美国校园小说 2016年纽伯瑞银奖 进口书 商品缩略图1


书名:The War That Saved My Life 拯救我生命的战争
作者:Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
出版社名称:Puffin Books
商品尺寸:12.9 x 2.1 x 19.7 cm

Josette Frank  

The War That Saved My Life《拯救我生命的战争》这本纽约时报No. 1畅销书以第二次世界大战为背景,讲述了一个战胜困难的动人故事。

2016 Newbery Honor Book
Winner of the Schneider Family Book Award (Middle School)
Winner of the Josette Frank Award
Wall Street Journal Best Children’s Books of 2015
New York Public Library’s 100 Books for Reading and Sharing
Chicago Public Library’s Best of the Best Books 2015
Publishers Weekly Best Books of 2015
Kirkus Best Books of 2015
Horn Book Fanfare Book 2015 

This #1 New York Times bestseller is an exceptionally moving story of triumph against all odds set during World War II. For fans of Counting by 7s and Sarah, Plain and Tall.
“Achingly lovely... Nuanced and emotionally acute, this vivid tale from the wartime home front will have readers ages 10-14 wincing at Ada’s stumbles and rejoicing to the point of tears in her victories.”   The Wall Street Journal

“Ada’s voice is brisk and honest; her dawning realizations are made all the more poignant for their simplicity.... Things come to an explosive head, metaphorically and literally. Ignorance and abuse are brought to light, as are the healing powers of care, respect and love. Set against a backdrop of war and sacrifice, Ada’s personal fight for freedom and ultimate triumph are cause for celebration.”  Kirkus, starred review

“Proving that her courage and compassion carry far more power than her disability, Ada earns self-respect, emerges a hero, and learns the meaning of home.”  Publishers Weekly, starred review

十岁的Ada从未离开过她的小屋,母亲对她天生残疾的双脚感到羞耻常年将她锁在屋内。因此Ada的弟弟Jamie因为战争将要离开伦敦时,毫不犹豫和弟弟一起逃跑了。姐弟俩逃亡途中认识了Susan Smith,好心的Susan担起了照顾两个孩子的重任。在Susan家里,Ada学会了骑马阅读和躲避德国间谍。她渐开始信任Susan,而Susan逐渐真心爱上了两个孩子。他们能一起度过战火连天的危机时期吗?或者两个孩子会回到母亲的魔掌
Ten-year-old Ada has never left her one-room apartment. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada’s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn’t waste a minute—she sneaks out to join him.
So begins a new adventure for Ada, and for Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take the two kids in. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read, and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan—and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. But in the end, will their bond be enough to hold them together through wartime? Or will Ada and her brother fall back into the cruel hands of their mother?

Kimberly Brubaker Bradley is the Newbery Honor and Schneider Award-winning author of several novels, including Ruthie’s Gift, One-of-a-Kind Mallie, Weaver’s Daughter, Halfway to the Sky, and For Freedom: The Story of a French Spy. Bradley and her husband have two children and they live on a farm in eastern Tennesse, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. 

“Ada! Get back from that window!” Mam’s voice, shouting. Mam’s arm, grabbing mine, yanking me so I toppled off my chair and fell hard to the floor.
“I was only saying hello to Stephen White.” I knew better than to talk back, but sometimes my mouth was faster than my brain. I’d become a fighter, that summer.
Mam smacked me. Hard. My head snapped back against the chair leg and for a moment I saw stars. “Don’t you be talkin’ to nobody!” Mam said. “I let you look out that window out a’ the kindness of my heart, but I’ll board it over if you go stickin’ your nose out, much less talkin’ to anyone!”
“Jamie’s out there,” I mumbled.
“And why shouldn’t he be?” Mam said. “He ain’t a cripple. Not like you.”
I clamped my lips over what I might have said next, and shook my head to clear it. Then I saw the smear of blood on the floor. Oh, mercy. I hadn’t cleaned it all up from this afternoon. If Mam saw it, she’d put two and two together, fast. Then I’d be in the soup for sure. I slid over until my bottom covered the bloodstain, and I curled my bad foot beneath me.
“You’d better be making my tea,” Mam said. She sat on the edge of the bed and peeled off her stockings, wiggling her two good feet near my face. “I’m off to work in a bit.”
“Yes, Mam.” I pushed my window chair sideways to hide the blood. I crawled across the floor, keeping my scabbed-over bad foot out of Mam’s line of sight. I pulled myself onto our second chair, lit the gas ring, and put the kettle on.
“Cut me some bread and dripping,” Mam said. “Get some for your brother too.” She laughed. “And, if there’s any left, you can throw it out the window. See if Stephen White would like your dinner. How’d you like that?”
I didn’t say anything. I cut two thick slices off the bread and shoved the rest behind the sink. Jamie wouldn’t come home until after Mam left anyhow, and he’d always share whatever food there was with me.
When the tea was ready Mam came to get her mug. “I see that look in your eyes, my girl,” she said. “Don’t start thinking you can cross me. You’re lucky I put up with you as it is. You’ve no idea how much worse things can be.”
I had poured myself a mug of tea too. I took a deep swallow, and felt the hot liquid scald a trail clear down to my gut. Mam wasn’t kidding. But then, neither was I.
There are all kinds of wars.
This story I’m telling starts out four years ago, at the beginning of the summer of 1939. England stood on the edge of another Great War then, the war we’re in the middle of now. Most people were afraid. I was ten years old (though I didn’t know my age at the time), and while I’d heard of Hitler—little bits and pieces and swear words that floated from the lane to my third-floor window—I wasn’t the least concerned about him or any other war fought between nations. You’d think from what I’ve already told you that I was at war with my mother, but my first war, the one I waged that June, was between my brother and me.
Jamie had a mop of dirt-brown hair, the eyes of an angel, and the soul of an imp. Mam said he was six years old, and would have to start school in the fall. Unlike me, he had strong legs, and two sound feet on the ends of them. He used them to run away from me.
I dreaded being alone.


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华研原版 拯救我生命的战争 英文原版 The War That Saved My Life 战争救了我的命 英文版美国校园小说 2016年纽伯瑞银奖 进口书


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