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【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品图0
【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品图1
【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品图2
【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品图3
【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品图4
【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上 商品缩略图4


Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away!




作者:Tracey Corderoy, Steven Lenton (插画师)

ISBN: 9780857638489

ISBN-10: 0857638483

系列: Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam

年龄: 5 - 8 岁

格式: 平装

语言: 英文

页数: 128

出版时间: 2017 年 4 月 6 日

出版社:Nosy Crow

尺寸(厘米): 19.8 x 12.9 x 1.2 

重量(公斤): 0.23



Shifty McGifty 和 Slippery Sam 的三个有趣的小说冒险!

这一切都是为了我们勇敢的面包师。他们乘坐 Bakemobile 参加的古怪比赛被那个讨厌的红色火箭破坏了(是的,他回来了!),一个神秘的包裹送到咖啡馆给他们带来了无尽的麻烦,一家高档酒店的一连串抢劫看到男孩们离开在一些狡猾的伪装下卧底!这一切都很有趣和游戏,而且总是有很多甜甜圈可以让他们继续前进!

Three fun fiction adventures for Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam!

It's all go for our brave bakers. The wacky race they enter in the Bakemobile is sabotaged by that pesky Red Rocket (yes, he's back!), a mysterious parcel delivered to the cafe causes them no end of trouble, and a spate of robberies at a fancy hotel sees the boys going undercover in some dodgy disguises! It's all fun and games, and there's always a load of doughnuts to keep them going!


Tracey Corderoy 在工业化的南威尔士出生和长大,现在与她的丈夫、两个孩子和越来越多的非常可爱但有时相当顽皮的宠物住在格洛斯特郡的一个隐蔽山谷中。作为一名训练有素的老师,特蕾西一直对美妙的文学充满热情,并于 2006 年开始为儿童写作。她为其他出版商出版的书籍包括关于两个暴动巨魔的The Grunt 和 The Grouch系列,以及包括The Little White Owl在内的众多图画书。特蕾西的脑袋里充满了无数的想法和故事,她很喜欢她的角色坚持要分享的冒险经历。

Tracey Corderoy was born and grew up in industrial South Wales and now lives in a hidden valley in Gloucestershire with her husband, two children and an ever- increasing menagerie of devilishly-cute-but-sometimes-rather-naughty pets. A trained teacher, Tracey has always had a passion for wonderful literature and began writing for children in 2006. Her books for other publishers include The Grunt and The Grouch series about two riotous trolls, and numerous picture books including The Little White Owl. Tracey's head is happily crammed with countless ideas and stories and she's loving the adventures that her characters insist they share.

Steven Lenton 来自柴郡,在那里他度过了许多学校假期,在家庭绒球工厂工作,包装绒球和设计新产品。尽管他在离开工厂后获得了动画学士和硕士学位,并已成为儿童电视领域成功的动画师和艺术总监,但这对他职业生涯的这种有点蓬松的开始并没有什么坏处。Steven 还设计贺卡和印刷品,在网上和全国各地的各种精品店(商店)和 Fayres(展览会)销售。史蒂文的主要抱负一直是成为一名儿童图书制作人,他很自豪能与 Nosy Crow 一起实现这个梦想。我们喜欢将他的风格描述为迷人、现代而又温暖,并带有温和的幽默感。史蒂文喜欢把自己描述为迷人、现代而又温暖,带着温和的幽默。

Steven Lenton hails from Cheshire where he spent many a school holiday working in the family Pom-pom Factory, packing poms and designing new products. This somewhat fluffy start to his career did no harm though as since leaving the factory he gained a BA and MA in Animation and has become a successful animator and art director within the realms of children's television. Steven also designs greetings cards and prints, selling them online and in various boutiques (shops) and Fayres (Fairs) around the country. Steven's main ambition has always to be a children's book maker and he is very proud to be realising this dream with Nosy Crow. We like to describe his style as charming, contemporary yet warm, with a gentle humour. Steven likes to describe himself as charming, contemporary yet warm, with a gentle humour.


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【中商原版】Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam: Up, Up and Away! 强强和盗盗6 英文原版 进口图书 亲子儿童故事绘本 5岁以上


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