追忆逝水年华3册 英文原版 In Search of Lost Time 英文版意识流小说 回忆录式自传体小说 法国普鲁斯特 进口 Penguin Classics
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库存: | 44 件 |

书名:In Search of Lost Time追忆逝水年华3册
作者:Marcel Proust
出版社名称:Penguin Classics
商品尺寸:12.9 x 19.8 cm
页数:496-640页/册x 3册In Search of Lost Time《追忆逝水年华》是法国著名作家马塞尔·普鲁斯特写于19世纪末年的小说,以第1人称讲述故事,折射出临近巨大的变革与转折点时刻的法国社会,是反映旧时代的小说,也是开创“意识流小说”之先河的伟大小说。
本套装共有3册书,分别为The Way by Swann's《在斯万家这边》、In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower《在花季少女倩影下》、The Guermantes Way《盖尔芒特那边》。
Since the original pre-war translation Remembrance of Things Past by C. K. Scott Moncrieff and Terence Kilmartin, there has been no completely new rendering of Proust's French original into English. This translation brings to the fore a more sharply engaged, comic and lucid Proust. As the great story unfolds from its magical opening scenes to its devastating end, it is this Penguin Classics edition of In Search of Lost Time that makes Proust accessible to a new generation.In Search of Lost Time《追忆逝水年华》是与传统小说不同的长篇小说。书中以叙述者“我”为主体,将其所见所闻所思所感融合一体,既有对社会生活、人情世态的真实描写,又是一份作者自我追求、自我认识的内心经历的记录。
1. In Search of Lost Time: v. 1: The Way by Swann's《追忆逝水年华:在斯万家这边》
The Way by Swann's is one of the great novels of childhood, depicting the impressions of a sensitive boy of his family and neighbours, brought dazzlingly back to life by the famous taste of a madeleine. It contains the separate short novel, A Love of Swann's, a study of sexual jealousy that forms a crucial part of the vast, unfolding structure of In Search of Lost Time. This book established Proust as one of the greatest voices of the modern age - satirical, sceptical, confiding and endlessly varied in his responses to the human condition.
2. In Search of Lost Time: v. 2: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower《追忆逝水年华:在花季少女倩影下》
In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower is a spectacular dissection of male and female adolescence, charged with the narrator’s memories of Paris and the Normandy seaside. In it, Proust introduces some of his greatest comic inventions. As a meditation on different forms of love, In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower has no equal.
3. In Search of Lost Time: v. 3: The Guermantes Way《追忆逝水年华:盖尔芒特那边》
In The Guermantes Way Proust's narrator recalls his initiation into the dazzling world of Parisian high society. Looking back over his time in the glamorous salons of the aristocracy, he satirises this shallow world and his own youthful infatuation with it. His observations, and his experiences with his lover Albertine, also educate him in the volatile nature of desire as he walks the path towards adulthood.马塞尔·普鲁斯特,法国小说家,意识流小说大师。出生于法国奥特伊市,后入巴黎大学和政治科学学校钻研修辞和哲学。普鲁斯特自幼体弱多病,生性敏感,富有幻想。十岁时得哮喘病,拖累终生。由于患有严重的哮喘,普鲁斯特长期闭门从事翻译与写作,并从1909年开始创作这部凝聚了其毕生心力的《追忆似水年华》。写《追忆似水年华》的普鲁斯特,是个半辈子躺在床上、与药罐子为伍的人。靠着被宠坏的童年和放纵反叛的青年时代那短暂的正常生活记忆,完成了他的大量作品。普鲁斯特临终前还在工作,在他的书里,记忆是瞬间的,也是永恒的。《追忆似水年华》的第二部《在少女花影下》得到阿尔封斯·都德父子的赞赏与推荐,荣获龚古尔文学奖。普鲁斯特本人也被法国《读书》杂志评为欧洲伟大的十位作家之一。
Marcel Proustwas born in Auteuil in 1871. In his twenties he became a conspicuous society figure, frequenting the most fashionable Paris salons of the day. After 1899, however, his suffering from chronic asthma, the death of his parents and his growing disillusionment with humanity caused him to lead an increasingly retired life. He slept by day and worked by night, writing letters and devoting himself to the completion of A la recherche du temps perdu. He died in 1922 before publication of the last three volumes of his great work.1. In Search of Lost Time: v. 1: The Way by Swann's追忆逝水年华:在斯万家这边
2. In Search of Lost Time: v. 2: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower追忆逝水年华:在花季少女倩影下
3. In Search of Lost Time: v. 3: The Guermantes Way追忆逝水年华:盖尔芒特那边For a long time, I went to bed early. Sometimes, my candle scarcely out, my eyes would close so quickly that I did not have time to say to myself: ‘I’m falling asleep.’ And, half an hour later, the thought that it was time to try to sleep would wake me; I wanted to put down the book I thought I still had in my hands and blow out my light; I had not ceased while sleeping to form reflections on what I had just read, but these reflections had taken a rather peculiar turn; it seemed to me that I myself was what the book was talking about: a church, a quartet, the rivalry between François I and Charles V. This belief lived on for a few seconds after my waking; it did not shock my reason but lay heavy like scales on my eyes and kept them from realizing that the candlestick was no longer lit. Then it began to grow unintelligible to me, as after metempsychosis do the thoughts of an earlier existence; the subject of the book detached itself from me, I was free to apply myself to it or not; immediately I recovered my sight and I was amazed to find a darkness around me soft and restful for my eyes, but perhaps even more so for my mind, to which it appeared a thing without cause, incomprehensible, a thing truly dark. I would ask myself what time it might be; I could hear the whistling of the trains which, remote or near by, like the singing of a bird in a forest, plotting the distances, described to me the extent of the deserted countryside where the traveller hastens towards the nearest station; and the little road he is following will be engraved of his memory by the excitement he owes to new places, to unaccustomed activities, to the recent conversation and the farewells under the unfamiliar lamp that follow him still through the silence of the night, to the imminent sweetness of his return.
I would rest my cheeks tenderly against the lovely cheeks of the pillow, which, full and fresh, are like the cheeks of our childhood. I would strike a match to look at my watch. Nearly midnight. This is the hour when the sick man who has been obliged to go off on a journey and has had to sleep in an unfamiliar hotel, wakened by an attack, is cheered to see a ray of light under the door. How fortunate, it’s already morning! In a moment the servants will be up, he will be able to ring, someone will come to help him. The hope of being relieved gives him the courage to suffer. In fact he thought he heard footsteps; the steps approach, then recede. And the ray of light that was under his door has disappeared. It is midnight; they have just turned off the gas; the last servant has gone and he will have to suffer the whole night through without remedy.
I would go back to sleep, and sometimes afterwards woke only briefly for a moment, long enough to hear the organic creak of the woodwork, open my eyes and stare at the kaleidoscope of the darkness, savour in a momentary glimmer of consciousness the sleep into which were plunged the furniture, the room, that whole of which I was only a small part and whose insensibility I would soon return to share.
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