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预售 【中商原版】国家地理旅行者 伦敦 第5版 National Geographic Traveler London 英文原版 National Geographic

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家地理旅行者:伦敦 第5版 National Geographic Traveler: London, 5th Edition


Format:Paperback / softback 272 pages


Published:1 Apr 2021


Dimensions:128 x 201 x 28 (mm)



家地理旅行者》指南顺应了体验式旅行日益增长的趋势。 每本书都提供鼓舞人心的摄影、内部提示和专家建议,让您获得更真实、更丰富的目的地体验。 这些书籍为活跃、有眼光的旅行者提供服务,并提供互联网上无法提供的信息、历史背景和文化解释。

尽管英脱欧进程发生了剧变,但英都城一直被评为欧洲访问量大的城市。 这座巨大的大都市为游客提供了一系列的活动,从免费入场的大英博物馆,到历史悠久的伦敦大教堂威斯敏斯特教堂,再到游客蜂拥而至拍摄卫兵换岗仪式的白金汉宫。 伦敦也是购物之都,从邦德街到哈罗德百货公司(典型的百货公司)。

家地理旅行者伦敦》为规划理想行程提供建议。 那些寻求不寻常活动的更具冒险精神的旅行者会发现有很多可以尝试的地方,该指南涵盖了所有重要的旅游景点和令人兴奋的活动。 这里提供有关生活方式、历史和当代文化的信息、配有插图地图的特别短途旅行和散步,以及享受愉快住宿的有用提示。

The National Geographic Traveler guidebooks are in tune with the growing trend toward experiential travel. Each book provides inspiring photography, insider tips, and expert advice for a more authentic, enriching experience of the destination. These books serve a readership of active, discerning travelers, and supply information, historical context, and cultural interpretation not available on the Internet.

Despite the upheaval of the Brexit process, the English capital has constantly ranked as the large-visited city in Europe. This immense metropolis offers tourists a range of activities, from the British Museum, where entry is free, to Westminster Abbey, the historical cathedral of London, and to Buckingham Palace, where tourists flock to photograph the changing of the guard. London is also the capital of shopping, from Bond Street to Harrods, the quintessential department store. 

National Geographic Traveler London offers suggestions for planning an ideal itinerary. The more adventurous traveler looking for unusual activities will find plenty to try, and the guide covers all the essential tourist attractions and the exciting events to attend. There is information on lifestyle, history, and contemporary culture, special excursions and walks with illustrated maps, and useful tips for an enjoyable stay.


作为领先的非小说类出版商之一,《家地理》已出版 1,700 多种图书,涵盖历史、旅行、自然、摄影、太空、科学、健康、传记和回忆录等类别。 其部分收益用于通过对家地理学会工作的持续贡献来资助探索、保护和教育。

路易丝·尼科尔森 (LOUISE NICHOLSON) 在伦敦生活了 25 年,认为伦敦是世界上令人兴奋的城市。 她是艺术史学家、环保主义者和记者,撰写了超过 25 本书,并荣获伦敦旅游局颁发的有关伦敦的“十年至佳图书”奖。 2010年,美职业女性全协会将她评为“年度女性”。

One of the leading nonfiction publishers, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC has published more than 1,700 titles, featuring such categories as history, travel, nature, photography, space, science, health, biography, and memoir. A portion of its proceeds is used to fund exploration, conservation, and education through ongoing contributions to the work of the National Geographic Society.

LOUISE NICHOLSON lived in London for 25 years and considers it the exciting city in the world. Art historian, environmentalist, and journalist, she has written more than 25 books and has won the London Tourist Board award for the "best book of the decade" on London. In 2010, the National Association of Professional Women of America named her "Woman of the Year."

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