英文原版 The Drowned And The Saved 被淹没和被拯救的 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
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书名:The Drowned And The Saved 被淹没和被拯救的
作者:Primo Levi
商品尺寸:20 x 1.6 x 13 cm
Shortly after completingThe Drowned and the Saved, Primo Levi committed suicide. The manner of his death was sudden, violent and unpremeditated, and there are some who argue that he kiled himself because he was tormented by guilt - guilt that he had survived the horrors of Auschwitz while others, better than he, had gone to the wall.
Primo Levi 被誉为意大利国宝级作家,他是奥斯维辛倖存者,第174517号囚犯,也是二十世纪最引人关注的公共喉舌,备受索尔·贝娄、菲利普·罗斯以及卡尔维诺 等文学大师的推崇。 莱维同时也是一位化学家,他常说:「化学家和奥斯维辛集中营的囚犯这两种身份在我身上是如此根深蒂固。」他无法想像没有这双重经历的自己。 是莱维1947年出版第一部作品回忆奥斯维辛经历的《如果这就是人类》时,卡尔维诺为他撰写书评,热切推介。然而,却直至1958年的修订版,才终获文坛认可。从此,他的创作如源泉喷涌,涉及诗歌、小说、回忆录等各个领域。1963年出版的《终战》,描述从集中营得救回到义大利的经过,这部作品不仅被选入义大利语文教材,还于1997年被编为电影《劫后馀生》。出版于1975年《周期表》是莱维最为著名的作品。 1987年,由于抑鬱症,莱维从住宅一跃而下。同样是奥斯维辛倖存者、诺贝尔和平奖获得者埃利·维瑟尔说:「早在四十年前的奥斯维辛时代,莱维已死。」
Primo Michele Levi (31 July 1919 - 11 April 1987) was an Italian Jewish chemist, writer, and Holocaust survivor. He was the author of several books, novels, collections of short stories, essays, and poems. His best-known works include If This Is a Man (1947) (U.S.: Survival in Auschwitz), his account of the year he spent as a prisoner in the Auschwitz concentration camp in Nazi-occupied Poland; and his unique work, The Periodic Table (1975), linked to qualities of the elements, which the Royal Institution of Great Britain named the best science book ever written.
人们一定记得,当时距离奥斯维辛解放仅仅过去了15年: 我这本书的读者正是“那些人”,而不是他们的继承者。之前他们是压迫者或冷漠的旁观者,而现在他们将是我的读者:我要将他们逼进困境,把他们绑在镜子前。算账的时刻到了,摊牌的时刻到了,而最重要的,对话的时刻到了。
The Drowned and the Saved dispels the myth that Primo Levi forgave the Germans for what they did to his people. He didn't, and couldn't forgive. He refused, however, to indulge in what he called "the bestial vice of hatred" which is an entirely different matter. The voice that sounds in his writing is that of a reasonable man . . . it warns and reminds us that the unimaginable can happen again. A would-be tyrant is waiting in the wings, with "beautiful words" on his lips. The book is constantly impressing on us the need to learn from the past, to make sense of the senseless'-——Paul Bailey
Levi writes of unspeakable things with charity, clarity and objectivity——Sunday Times
Not a word he writes should be missed——Independent
One of the most devastating masterworks of our era——Observer
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