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预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品图0
预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品图1
预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品图2
预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品图3
预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品图4
预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品缩略图0 预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品缩略图1 预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品缩略图2 预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品缩略图3 预售 【中商原版】英文情绪主题绘本3册 感觉词Little Word Whizz 小怪兽医生书The Feelings Doctor 情感科学Magical Science of Feelings 商品缩略图4



英文原版 进口图书


Little Word Whizz


The Feelings Doctor


The Magical Science of Feelings


1. 9781913520878 Little Word Whizz: Feeling Words to Explain my Emotions 情绪的感觉词

2. 9781800787643 The Feelings Doctor and the Emotions 情绪小怪兽的医生书

3. 9781635867541 The Magical Science of Feelings 情感的神奇科学


1. 9781913520878 Little Word Whizz: Feeling Words to Explain my Emotions 情绪的感觉词

作者:Emily Sharratt (Author), Monika Forsberg (Illustrator)

出版商 ‏ : ‎ Magic Cat Publishing(2023 年 3 月 2 日)

语言 ‏ : ‎ 英语

精装本 ‏ : ‎ 64页

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1913520870

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1913520878

阅读年龄 ‏ : ‎ 1岁及以上

尺寸 ‏ : ‎ 21.7 x 21.7 x 1.3 厘米



30 个练习可帮助您的孩子认识并表达自己的感受。

这本书包括 30 个令人放心的正念想象和练习,适合小人物但有大感情。

与各个年龄段的孩子一起开展这些活动,围绕他们的感受和情绪展开对话,促进他们的心理健康。 这样做时,您将通过简单、平静的活动来支持他们积极的心理健康,帮助小孩子更好地理解他们的感受并在不确定的世界中保持冷静。


- 焦虑的

- 兴奋的

- 沮丧的

- 悲伤

- 害羞的


- 每个跨页的右侧都有一个引人入胜的动物角色,左侧有说明和活动

- 活动提供安慰并帮助儿童制定解决问题和健康的应对策略,以促进心理健康

- 我们流行的的一感觉抽认卡采用新的书籍格式

- 这本书将帮助父母帮助孩子驾驭和理解情绪谱

30 exercises to help your little one recognise and communicate their feelings.

This book includes 30 reassuring mindful visualisations and exercises for little people with big feelings.

Use these activities with children of all ages to open up conversations around their feelings and emotions, and promote their mental wellbeing. In doing so, you'll be supporting their positive mental health with simple, calming activities that help little ones understand their feelings better and stay calm in an uncertain world.

Some of the emotions covered include:

- Anxious

- Excited

- Frustrated

- Sad

- Shy

Help your little one learn to recognise and communicate their feelings with this charming book.

- Each spread features an engaging animal character on the right and an explanation and activity on the left

- Activities provide reassurance and help children develop problem-solving and healthy coping strategies to promote mental wellbeing

- Our popular First Feelings Flashcards in a new book format

- This book will assist parents as they help their children to navigate and understand the emotional spectrum

2. 9781800787643 The Feelings Doctor and the Emotions 情绪小怪兽的医生书

作者:Anna Llenas

出版商 ‏ : ‎ Templar Publishing (7 Dec. 2023)

语言 ‏ : ‎ 英语

页数 ‏ : ‎ 56页 平装

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1800787642

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1800787643

阅读年龄 ‏ : ‎ 婴儿- 5 岁

尺寸 ‏ : ‎ 25 x 0.5 x 25 厘米



畅销书《色彩怪物》系列的*新图画书由才华横溢的作家兼插画家 Anna Llenas 创作,鼓励有关同意、心理健康和幸福的对话。

有一天,努娜陷入了一种不知道如何拒绝的境地,这让她感到奇怪和困惑。 所以她去看了彩色怪物,他现在是一名医生,可以帮助治愈情绪,尤其是那些巨大且难以理解的情绪。

先,努纳找不到合适的词语。 但在颜色怪物和他的情绪工具包的帮助下,努娜学会了如何使用工具和技巧让她感觉更好。 他们一起尝试深呼吸、艺术和手工、吹泡泡和跳舞等事情,直到她开始感到平静。 现在努娜能说出困扰她的事情吗?

这个故事以敏感、适合年龄的方式探讨了围绕同意、说不和心理健康的复杂主题。 通过安娜作为艺术治疗师的经验,她拥有可以使这些对话变得更容易的交织技术。 包括大的折叠页面,孩子们可以查看情感工具箱的内部,并自己利用这些想法(需要时在成年人的支持下)。 对于《颜色怪物》、《颜色怪物去学校》和《不要拥抱道格》的读者来说,这是理想的对话开场白。

The latest picture book in the bestselling The Colour Monster series, from talented author-illustrator Anna Llenas, that encourages conversations about consent, mental health and wellbeing.

One day, Nuna was in situation where she didn't know how to say no and it left her feeling strange and confused. So she goes to see Colour Monster who is now a doctor and who can help to heal emotions, especially those that are big and difficult to understand.

To begin with, Nuna cannot find the right words. But with the help of Colour Monster and his emotions toolkit, Nuna learns how to use tools and techniques that will make her feel better. Together they try things like deep breathing, arts and crafts, blowing bubbles and dancing until she starts to feel calmer. Now will Nuna be able to talk about what's bothering her?

This story addresses complex themes around consent, saying no and mental wellbeing in a sensitive, age-appropriate way. Through Anna's experience as an art therapist, she has interwoven techniques that can make these conversations easier. Including big, fold-out pages, children can look inside the emotions toolkit, making use of the ideas for themselves (with the support of a grown-up when needed). The ideal conversation starter for readers of The Colour Monster, The Colour Monster Goes to School and Don't Hug Doug.


Anna Llenas 出生于巴塞罗那。她毕业于巴塞罗那自治大学广告与公共关系专业,并获得了 Escola de la Llotya 平面设计文凭和 Escola Eina 创意插画研究生学位。她为 La Vanguardia(西班牙日报)、雀巢和加泰罗尼亚政府等不同客户开发了图形项目。她作为插画家与其他作家合作。

3. 9781635867541 The Magical Science of Feelings 情感的神奇科学

作者:Jen Daily (Author)Jen Daily (Author)




Isbn-10: 1635867541

Isbn-13: 978-1635867541

阅读年龄:5 - 8岁

尺寸:21.08 x 1 x 23.88厘米



临床社会工作者 Jen Daily 帮助孩子们了解情绪背后的科学原理,带他们进行一次生动的大脑之旅,了解愤怒、焦虑、悲伤和喜悦的起源,并提供平息情绪的活动。

情绪从何而来?它们是魔法吗?不,它们是科学!当我们担心时,我们的肚子会感觉奇怪,当我们生气时,我们会想跺脚和握紧拳头,这是有原因的。通过可爱的插图,大脑的各个部分以友好的角色的形式栩栩如生,解释了快乐、悲伤、生气、担忧和不知所措等情绪是如何在身体中产生的。除了对情绪起源的清晰解释外,作者兼临床社会工作者 Jen Daily 还提供了创造性的应对技巧和活动(戏称为情绪药水),帮助孩子培养反思、应对、平息焦虑情绪和迎接更大快乐的能力。从跳舞到讲故事和冥想,应对技巧对于广泛的社会情感需求和学习方式来说都是可行的和有效的。

Clinical social worker Jen Daily helps kids understand the science behind feelings, taking them on a lively tour of the brain to see where anger, anxiety, sadness, and joy start, and offering activities for calming emotions.

Where do feelings come from? Are they magic? No, they're science! There is a reason our tummies feel funny when we are worried, and why we want to stomp and clench our fists when we feel mad. With endearing illustrations, the parts of the brain come alive as friendly characters who explain how emotions like happy, sad, mad, worried, and overwhelmed are created in the body. Along with clear explanations about the origins of feelings, author and clinical social worker Jen Daily provides creative coping skills and activities (playfully called emotion potions) that help build a child's ability to reflect, cope, calm anxious thoughts, and welcome greater joy. From dancing to storytelling and meditation, the coping skills are accessible and effective for a wide range of social-emotional needs and learning styles.


Jen Daily 是一名持证临床社会工作者,目前担任迪尔菲尔德学院的咨询主任。在她的私人诊所,她为儿童、青少年及其成年人提供心理治疗和指导,专注于情绪科学,并坚信让孩子了解自己的身体可以带来更有效的干预措施和更快乐的儿童。Daily 编写了许多团体治疗课程,为教育工作者设计了专业发展培训,并且是一位广受欢迎的演讲者,向教师传授情绪科学和有效的学校干预措施。她住在马萨诸塞州西部。


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