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梵高传 英文原版 Van Gogh The Life 印象派艺术大师梵高作品集书籍 还原梵高的一生 走进梵高的世界 英文版人物传记 进口英语书 商品图0
梵高传 英文原版 Van Gogh The Life 印象派艺术大师梵高作品集书籍 还原梵高的一生 走进梵高的世界 英文版人物传记 进口英语书 商品图1
梵高传 英文原版 Van Gogh The Life 印象派艺术大师梵高作品集书籍 还原梵高的一生 走进梵高的世界 英文版人物传记 进口英语书 商品图2
梵高传 英文原版 Van Gogh The Life 印象派艺术大师梵高作品集书籍 还原梵高的一生 走进梵高的世界 英文版人物传记 进口英语书 商品缩略图0 梵高传 英文原版 Van Gogh The Life 印象派艺术大师梵高作品集书籍 还原梵高的一生 走进梵高的世界 英文版人物传记 进口英语书 商品缩略图1 梵高传 英文原版 Van Gogh The Life 印象派艺术大师梵高作品集书籍 还原梵高的一生 走进梵高的世界 英文版人物传记 进口英语书 商品缩略图2


书名:Van Gogh: The Life梵高传

作者:Steven Naifeh;Gregory White Smith
出版社名称:Random House
商品尺寸:15.5 x 4.6 x 23.4 cm



Van Gogh: The Life梵高传由普利策奖得主史蒂文·奈菲与格雷戈里·怀特·史密斯花费十年著成,精确还原梵高的艺术与人生。本书充分运用了数字时代的新科技,依托梵高博物馆档案和学术研究,取材自数千封书信和海量文献;收录了近200幅代表画作及照片,许多珍贵图片首次发表。20余位梵高研究专家参与幕后创作,用数字技术引领传记写作和艺术史研究,使其更加真实可靠。《梵高传》出版后广受好评,梵高博物馆馆长列奥·简森评价说:“未来的数十年里都将是有标志性的梵高传记。”





Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith, who galvanized readers with their Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Jackson Pollock, have written another tour de force--an exquisitely detailed, compellingly readable portrait of Vincent van Gogh. Working with the full cooperation of the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Naifeh and Smith have accessed a wealth of previously untapped materials to bring a crucial understanding to the larger-than-life mythology of this great artist: his early struggles to find his place in the world; his intense relationship with his brother Theo; and his move to Provence, where he painted some of the best-loved works in Western art. The authors also shed new light on many unexplored aspects of Van Gogh's inner world: his erratic and tumultuous romantic life; his bouts of depression and mental illness; and the cloudy circumstances surrounding his death at the age of thirty-seven.
Though countless books have been written about Van Gogh, no serious, ambitious examination of his life has been attempted in more than seventy years. Naifeh and Smith have re-created Van Gogh's life with an astounding vividness and psychological acuity that bring a completely new and sympathetic understanding to this unique artistic genius.

"The definitive biography for decades to come."--Leo Jansen, curator, the Van Gogh Museum, and co-editor of Vincent van Gogh: The Complete Letters

"In their magisterial new biography, Van Gogh: The Life, Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith provide a guided tour through the personal world and work of that Dutch painter, shining a bright light on the evolution of his art… What [the authors] capture so powerfully is Van Gogh's extraordinary will to learn, to persevere against the odds."--Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times

"Could very well be the definitive biography… In it we get a much fuller view of Van Gogh, owing to the decade Naifeh and Smith spent on research to create this scholarly and spellbinding work… How pleased we should be that [these authors] have rendered so exquisitely and respectfully Van Gogh's short, intense, and wholly interesting life."--Roberta Silman, The Boston Globe

"This generation's definitive portrait of the great Dutch post-Impressionist. . . [The authors'] most important achievement is to produce a reckoning with Van Gogh's occasional 'madness' that doesn't lose sight of the lucidity and intelligence--the profound sanity--of his art."--Richard Lacayo, Time

"Brilliant… Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith are the big-game hunters of modern art history… [Van Gogh] rushes along on a tide of research… At once a model of scholarship and an emotive, pacy chunk of hagiography."--Martin Herbert, The Daily Telegraph (London)


Van Gogh: The Life梵高传以令人震惊的精确性,照亮了梵高困顿不安的心灵历程,对这位伟大艺术家过于浪漫的神话做出了重大的再认识:他早期为赢得容身之地所作的斗争,他与弟弟提奥极其深密却紧张的关系,他丰厚广博的文学艺术修养,他恣意又狂乱的私生活,他炽热而旺盛的创造力,他遗传自家族的精神疾病,他“自杀”案件中的重重疑云……



Steven NaifehandGregory White Smith are graduates of Harvard Law School. Mr. Naifeh, who has written for art periodicals and has lectured at numerous museums including the National Gallery of Art, studied art history at Princeton and did his graduate work at the Fogg Art Museum of Harvard University. Together they have written many books on art and other subjects, including four New York Times bestsellers. Their biography Jackson Pollock: An American Saga won the Pulitzer Prize and was a finalist for the National Book Award. It also inspired the Academy Award–winning 2000 film Pollock starring Ed Harris and Marcia Gay Harden as well as John Updike’s novel, Seek My Face. Naifeh and Smith have been profiled in The New Yorker, The New York Times, USA Today, and People, and have appeared on 60 Minutes, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, Charlie Rose, and the Today show.

Of the thousands of stories that vincent van gogh consumed in a lifetime of voracious reading, one stood out in his imagination: Hans Christian Andersen's "The Story of a Mother." Whenever he found himself with children, he told and retold Andersen's dark tale of a loving mother who chooses to let her child die rather than expose him to the risk of an unhappy life. Vincent knew the story by heart and could tell it in several languages, including a heavily accented En- glish. For him, whose own life was filled with unhappiness, and who forever sought himself in literature and art, Andersen's tale of maternal love gone awry possessed a unique power, and his obsessive retellings protested both a unique longing and a unique injury.

Vincent's own mother, Anna, never understood her eldest son. His eccentricities, even from an early age, challenged her deeply conventional worldview. His roving intellect defied her limited range of insight and inquiry. He seemed to her filled with strange and "starry-eyed" notions; she seemed to him narrow-minded and unsympathetic. As time passed, she liked him less and less. Incomprehension gave way to impatience, impatience to shame, and shame to anger. By the time he was an adult, she had all but given up hope for him. She dismissed his religious and artistic ambitions as "futureless wanderings" and compared his errant life to a death in the family. She accused him of intentionally inflicting "pain and misery" on his parents. She systematically discarded any paintings and drawings that he left at home as if disposing of rubbish (she had already thrown out virtually all his childhood memorabilia), and treated works that he subsequently gave her with little regard.

After her death, only a few of the letters and works of art Vincent had sent her were found in her possession. In the final years of his life (she outlived him by seventeen years), she wrote to him less and less often, and, when he was hospitalized toward the end, she never came to visit, despite frequent travels to see other family members. Even after his death, when fame belatedly found him, she never regretted or amended her verdict that his art was "ridiculous."

Vincent never understood his mother's rejection. At times, he lashed out angrily against it, calling her a "hard-hearted" woman "of a soured love." At times, he blamed himself for being a "half-strange, half-tiresome person...who brings only sorrow and loss." But he never stopped bidding for her approval.


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