银河帝国基地 英文原版 Foundation 英文版进口科幻小说书 基地系列七部曲1 Isaac Asimov 阿西莫夫 英语书籍
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库存: | 185 件 |
书名:Foundation 银河帝国:基地
作者:Isaac Asimov艾萨克·阿西莫夫
商品尺寸:10.5 x 2.2 x 17.4 cm
Foundation《基地》是美国作家艾萨克·阿西莫夫的科幻小说短篇集,是“基地系列”的第1部。本书讲述了在统治银河系达一万两千年之久的银河帝国逐渐走向衰亡期间,只有心理史学的一代宗师哈里·谢顿预见未来银河将会经历一段长达三万年、充满无知、野蛮和战争的黑暗时期,于是设立集合帝国中优秀的科学家,来到银河边缘的一个荒凉行星建立“基地”,使之成为未来世代人类的希望灯塔的科幻史诗故事,共由五个短篇故事组成。 ★被马斯克用火箭送上太空的科幻神作,讲述人类未来两万年的历史。 ★人类历史不容错过的系列小说(Best All-Time Novel Series)——世界SF小说协会,1966年,俄亥俄州 ★地球人公认的“科幻圣经”,文艺青年和技术宅的共同挚爱! ★《银河帝国》系列小说,一直被认为是人类想象力的极限,人类有趣迷人的故事,讲述人类未来两万年的历史。 ★1977年经典电影《星球大战》,偷取了本书构思。 ★2009年卖座电影《阿凡达》,抄袭了本书创意。 ★不过,2008年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者克鲁格曼则亲口承认,他的经济学理论来自《银河帝国》的启示。 ★出版60年来,本书对人类的太空探索、世界局势、前沿经济学理论、好莱坞电影产生了深远的影响;更随着它的读者成长为各行各业的领袖,而将这种影响渗透到人类文化的方方面面。 媒体评论“阿西莫夫的《银河帝国》系列光芒万丈。” ——埃隆·马斯克 “阿西莫夫是这个时代尤为伟大的阐释者之一。” ——卡尔·萨根(著名天文学家) “女士们,先生们,世界上只有一个艾萨克·阿西莫夫。” ——阿瑟·克拉克(著名科幻作家) “阿西莫夫,一个为世间万物而生的人。” ——肯德里克·弗雷泽(著名科学编辑) “阿西莫夫的作品,干净利落,悬念出彩。” ——《纽约时报》 “我们的想象力从此被阿西莫夫左右。” ——《卫报》 “世界上从来没有过像他这样的人,而且,我想再也不会有像他这样的人了。” ——弗雷德里克·波尔(著名科幻作家) “我们永远也无法知晓,究竟有多少科学家由于读了阿西莫夫的某一本书、某一篇文章或某一个小故事而触发了灵感,我们也无法知晓,究竟有多少普通百姓因为同样的缘故而对科学事业有了感情。” ——卡尔·萨根(著名天文学家) “阿西莫夫:科幻小说的基石。” ——詹姆斯·冈恩(著名科幻学者) “艾萨克·阿西莫夫不仅是重要的科幻小说作者之一,他还是史上杰出的人物之一。” ——本·波瓦(著名科幻作家) “当你为错过阿西莫夫的书而哭泣时,你也将错过整个宇宙。” ——马伯庸(作家) “阿西莫夫讲了一个很重要的事情,就是我们预先去想象未来,有些事情你可以选择让它发生,有些事情你可以选择不要让它发生。” ——蔡康永(知名主持人) “在互联网时代,我们其实都生活在‘已经发生的未来’之中。为此,我们有必要时常重温阿西莫夫,重温那些澎湃的想象力。” ——罗振宇(资深媒体人) “阿西莫夫是位真正伟大的科幻作家,他的想象,直至今日仍是幻想世界的边疆。” ——姚海军(《科幻世界》主编)
人类蜗居在银河系的一个小角落——太阳系,在围绕太阳旋转的第三颗行星上,生活了十多万年之久。人类在这个小小的行星(他们称之为“地球”)上,建立了两百多个不同的行政区域(他们称之为“国家”),直到地球上诞生了第1个会思考的机器人。 在机器人的帮助下,人类迅速掌握了改造外星球的技术,开启了恢弘的星际殖民运动;人类在银河系如蝗虫般繁衍扩张,带着他们永不磨灭的愚昧与智慧、贪婪与良知,登上了一个个荒凉的星球,并将银河系卷入漫长的星际战国时代,直至整个银河被统一,一个统治超过2500万个住人行星、疆域横跨十万光年、总计数兆亿人口的庞大帝国崛起——银河帝国。 一个微妙的转折发生在银河帝国建国后的12020年。哈里·谢顿,这个刚满32岁的年轻数学家,开创了“心理史学”,这门学科能用数学公式准确推演全人类的未来——“预言”从此成为一门可以信任的科学,人类由此可以看见未来。 谢顿的第1个预言是:虽然毫无征兆,但已存在一万两千年之久的银河帝国即将灭亡。 一时间,银河震动,帝国飘摇;皇帝、宰相、夺权者、反叛星球,各方势力立刻剑拔弩张,人类银河时代伟大的传奇就此开启…… For twelve thousand years the Galactic Empire has ruled supreme. Now it is dying. Only Hari Seldon, creator of the revolutionary science of psychohistory, can see into the future—a dark age of ignorance, barbarism, and warfare that will last thirty thousand years. To preserve knowledge and save humanity, Seldon gathers the best minds in the Empire—both scientists and scholars—and brings them to a bleak planet at the edge of the galaxy to serve as a beacon of hope for future generations. He calls this sanctuary the Foundation. But soon the fledgling Foundation finds itself at the mercy of corrupt warlords rising in the wake of the receding Empire. And mankind’s last best hope is faced with an agonizing choice: submit to the barbarians and live as slaves—or take a stand for freedom and risk total destruction.
艾萨克·阿西莫夫(1920-1992),俄裔美籍作家,被全世界的读者誉为“神一样的人”;美国政府授予他“国家的资源与自然的奇迹”这个独一无二的称号,以表彰他在“拓展人类想象力”上做出的杰出贡献。阿西莫夫是一个全知全能的作家,其著作几乎覆盖人类生活的一切方面,上天下海、古往今来、从恐龙到亚原子到全宇宙无所不包,从通俗小说到罗马帝国史,从科普读物到远东千年历史,从圣经指南,到科学指南,到两性生活指南,每一部著作都朴实、严谨而又充满幽默风趣的格调,为了尽情发挥自己诙谐搞笑的天赋,他甚至还写过一本《笑话集》。提出的“机器人学三大法则”是当代机器人学的基本法则,他预言了今天的生物科技,预言了互联网时代的数字图书馆,预言了人类将进行太空殖民。终其一生,阿西莫夫引以为豪的则是:《银河帝国》系列小说。 Isaac Asimov began his Foundation Series at the age of twenty-one, not realizing that it would one day be considered a cornerstone of science fiction. During his legendary career, Asimov penned per 470 books on subjects ranging from science to Shakespeare to history, though he was most loved for his award-winning science fiction sagas, which include the Robot, Empire, and Foundation series. Named a Grand Master of Science Fiction by the Science Fiction Writers of America, Asimov entertained and educated readers of all ages for close to five decades. He died, at age of seventy-two, in April 1992.
Part I The Psychohistorians心理史学家 Part II The Encyclopedists百科全书编者 Part III The Mayors市长 Part IV The Traders行商 Part V The Merchant Princes商业王侯
Hisname wasGaal Dornick and he was just acountry who had never seen Trantorbefore. That is, not in real life. Hehad seen it many times onthe hyper-video, andoccasionally in tremendous three-dimensional newscasts covering an ImperialCoronation or the opening of aGalactic Council. Even thoughhe had lived all his life on the world of Synnax, which circled astar at the edges of the BlueDrift, he was not cut oil from civilization.vou see. At thattime, no place in the Galaxy was. There were nearly twenty-five million inhabited planets in theGalaxy then, and not onebut owed allegiance to the Empire whose seat was on Trantor. It was the lasthalf-century in which thatcould be said. ToGaal, this trip was the undoubted climax ofhis young, scholarly life. He had been in spacebefore so that the trip, as a voyage and nothing more, meant little to him. Tobe sure, he had traveled previously only as liar as Synnax’s only satellite in order to get the data onthemechanics of meteor driftage whichhe needed for his dissertation, hut space-travel was all one whether one travelled half a million miles, or as many light years. He had steeledhimself just a little forthe Jump throughhyper-space, a phenomenon one did not experience in simple interplanetary trips The Jump remained, and would probably remain forever, the only practical method of travelling between the stars. Travel through ordinary space could proceed at no rate more rapid than that of ordinary light (a bit of scientific knowledge that belonged among the items known since the forgotten dawn of human history), and that would havemeant years of travelbetween even the nearest of inhabited systems. Through hype-space, thatunimaginable region that was neither space nor time, matter nor energy,something nor nothing,one could traverse the length of theGalaxy in the interval between two neighboring instants of time.Gaal had waited for the first of those umps with a little dread curled gently in his stomach, and it ended in nothing more than a triflingjar,a little internal kick which ceased an instantbefore he could he sure he had felt it. Thatwas all. And after that, there was only the ship, large and glistening; the cool production of 12,000 years of Imperial progress; and himself, with his doctorate in mathematics freshly obtained and an invitation from the great Hari Seldon to come to Trantor and join the vast and somewhat mysterious Seldon Project.
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