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【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan

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【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品图0
【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品图1
【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品图2
【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品图3
【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品图4
【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品图5
【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品图6
【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品图7
【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品缩略图4 【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品缩略图5 【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品缩略图6 【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan 商品缩略图7


埃及守护神系列 3本套装 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan


For ages 12-17

Format Paperback |1440pages

Dimensions 129 x 198 x 86mm | 990g

Publication date 05 May 2011

Publisher Penguin Random House Children's UK

Imprint Puffin

Language English



9780141325507 The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles Book 1) 埃及守护神系列1:凯恩与邪神之塔 Rick Riordan

9780141335674 The Throne of Fire (The Kane Chronicles Book 2) 埃及守护神系列2:凯恩与烈焰王座 Rick Riordan

9780141335704 The Serpent’s Shadow (The Kane Chronicles Book 3) 埃及守护神系列3:凯恩与蛇神暗影 Rick Riordan  


The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles Book 1) 埃及守护神系列1:凯恩与邪神之塔


珀西·杰克逊与希腊诸神作战。 现在埃及的众神在现代世界苏醒…  


卡特和赛迪·凯恩的父亲是一位杰出的埃及古物学家,他的秘密计划出了严重的错误。 一场爆炸粉碎了古老的罗塞塔石碑,释放了邪恶的混乱之神塞特…  


 古埃及的法老们还远没有死去或被埋葬。 不幸的是,他们的神也不是……  


The Red Pyramid: the first book in Rick Riordan's The Kane Chronicles.

Percy Jackson fought Greek Gods. Now the Gods of Egypt are waking in the modern world...


CARTER AND SADIE KANE'S dad is a brilliant Egyptologist with a secret plan that goes horribly wrong. An explosion shatters the ancient Rosetta stone and unleashes Set, the evil god of chaos . . .

Set imprisons Dr Kane in a golden coffin and Carter and Sadie must run for their lives. To save their dad, they embark on a terrifying quest from Cairo to Paris to the American South-west and discover the truth about their family's connection to the House of Life: an Egyptian temple of magic that has existed for thousands of years.

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt are far from dead and buried. And neither, unfortunately, are their gods . . .

Rick Riordan has now sold an incredible 55 million copies of his books worldwide

The Throne of Fire (The Kane Chronicles Book 2) 埃及守护神系列2:凯恩与烈焰王座



作为神奇生命之家的后代,他们掌握着某些力量。 但现在一个可怕的敌人——阿波菲斯,混沌的巨蛇——正在崛起。  

如果卡特和赛迪不毁掉他,世界将在五天内毁灭。 为了对抗混乱的力量,他们必须复活太阳神拉——这是魔术师从未实现过的壮举。 因为首先他们必须在世界上寻找拉之书的三个部分,然后他们必须学习如何诵读它的咒语…  

 凯恩人能在阿波菲斯吞噬太阳并使地球陷入黑暗之前摧毁他吗? 到永远吗?  

The Throne of Fire: the second book in Rick Riordan's The Kane Chronicles.

EVER since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed on the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in big trouble.

As descendants of the magical House of Life, they command certain powers. But now a terrifying enemy - Apophis, the giant snake of chaos - is rising.

If Carter and Sadie don't destroy him, the world will end in five days' time. And in order to battle the forces of chaos, they must revive the sun god Ra - a feat no magician has ever achieved. Because first they must search the world for the three sections of the Book of Ra, then they have to learn how to chant its spells . . .

Can the Kanes destroy Apophis before he swallows the sun and plunges the earth into darkness . . . forever?

The Serpent’s Shadow (The Kane Chronicles Book 3) 埃及守护神系列3:凯恩与蛇神暗影

《埃及守护神:凯恩与蛇神暗影》是屡获殊荣的作家、珀西·杰克逊(Percy Jackson)的创作者里克·莱尔登(Rick Riordan)的埃及守护神三部曲的最后一部惊心动魄的作品。 他们继承的魔法是否足以对抗埃及诸神所赋予他们的强大的神话力量?  


 尽管他们做出了最勇敢的努力,阿波菲斯,混沌的巨蛇,仍然威胁着将世界带入永恒的黑暗。 现在凯恩兄弟必须做一件没有魔术师能做到的事——打败阿波菲斯。 

在与混沌势力的战斗中,他们的希望是一种古老的咒语——但这种魔法已经消失了一千年。 他们会找到蛇的影子,还是会被引向阴间深处的死亡?  

The Kane Chronicles: The Serpent's Shadow is the final thrilling instalment in award-winning author and Percy Jackson creator Rick Riordan's Kane Chronicles trilogy. Is their inherited magic enough to battle against the most powerful mythical forces that Egypt's gods have to throw at them?

CARTER AND SADIE KANE, descendants of the magical House of Life, are in pretty big trouble.

Despite their bravest efforts, Apophis, the giant snake of Chaos, is still threatening to plunge the world into eternal darkness. Now the Kanes must do something no magician has ever managed - defeat Apophis himself.

Battling against the forces of Chaos, their only hope is an ancient spell - but the magic has been lost for a millennia. Will they find the serpent's shadow, or will they be led to their deaths in the depths of the Underworld?


《Publishers Weekly》称瑞克•莱尔登(Rick Riordan)为“众神的说书人”,他曾出版过五本《New York Times》畅销系列图书,在全球销量达数百万册:根据希腊和罗马神话改编的《Percy Jackson》、《the Heroes of Olympus》和《the Trials of Apollo》; 根据埃及神话改编的《埃及守护神》; 以及根据挪威神话改编的《Magnus Chase》。 《Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief》是瑞克的首部以年轻英雄半神为主角的小说,获得了红屋儿童图书奖,现在是由罗根·勒曼主演的系列大片。  

Rick Riordan, dubbed 'storyteller of the gods' by Publishers Weekly, is the author of five New York Times number-one bestselling book series with millions of copies sold throughout the world: Percy Jackson, the Heroes of Olympus and the Trials of Apollo, based on Greek and Roman mythology; the Kane Chronicles, based on Egyptian mythology; and Magnus Chase, based on Norse mythology. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Rick's first novel featuring the heroic young demigod, won the Red House Children's Book Award and is now a blockbuster film franchise starring Logan Lerman.

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【中商原版】埃及守护神系列 3本套装 红色金字塔 蛇的阴影 火宝座 The Kane Chronicles Book 英文原版 Rick Riordan


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