微分几何的基础2 Foundations of Differential Geometry, Vol. 2 英文原版 Wiley
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Foundations of Differential Geometry, Vol. 2
Paperback: 488 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; New Ed edition (8 Feb. 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471157325
ISBN-13: 978-0471157328
Product Dimensions: 163 x 226 x 29mm | 732g
本书共两卷,旨在系统介绍微分几何的基础内容,其作者是著名的几何学家 S. Kobayashi 和 K. Nomizu 。第一卷首先概要地介绍了微分流形、李群和纤维丛的概念,然后主要介绍了主丛上的联络论、向量丛上的线性联络和仿射联络、黎曼流形上的黎曼联络,还涉及空间形式、仿射联络或黎曼度量的自同构群等。第二卷主要介绍了一些经典的专题, 如子流形理论、Morse 指标理论 , 复流形、齐性空间和对称空间、示性类理论等。本书内容翔实、处理严谨,行文精练,自二十世纪六十年代问世以来,一直被认为是经典的微分几何参考书。
1996 年John Wiley & Sons 出版社将其选入经典图书系列重印了其第三版,可见其影响。 对于想从事微分几何和相关领域研究的读者,这是一本很好的参考书。
One of two volumes which lay the foundations for understanding differential geometry. This work familiarizes readers with various techniques of computation.
This two-volume introduction to differential geometry, part of Wiley's popular Classics Library, lays the foundation for understanding an area of study that has become vital to contemporary mathematics. It is completely self-contained and will serve as a reference as well as a teaching guide. Volume 1 presents a systematic introduction to the field from a brief survey of differentiable manifolds, Lie groups and fibre bundles to the extension of local transformations and Riemannian connections. The second volume continues with the study of variational problems on geodesics through differential geometric aspects of characteristic classes. Both volumes familiarize readers with basic computational techniques.
Variations of the Length Integral.
Complex Manifolds.
Homogeneous Spaces.
Symmetric Spaces.
Characteristic Classes.
Summary of Basic Notations.
小林昭七(日语:小林 昭七/こばやし しょうしち Kobayashi Shōshichi,1932年1月4日-2012年8月29日),出生于日本山梨县甲府市,是有名的数学家,研究领域是黎曼流形、复流形、无穷李群。1953年小林毕业于东京大学数学系,1956年在华盛顿大学数学系获得哲学博士,毕业论文是《联络理论》(Theory of Connections)。
Shoshichi Kobayashi was born January 4, 1932 in Kofu, Japan. After obtaining his mathematics degree from the University of Tokyo and his Ph.D. from the University of Washington, Seattle, he held positions at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, at MIT and at the University of British Columbia between 1956 and 1962, and then moved to the University of California, Berkeley, where he is now Professor in the Graduate School. Kobayashi's research spans the areas of differential geometry of real and complex variables, and his numerous resulting publications include several book: Foundations of Differential Geometry with K. Nomizu, Hyperbolic Complex Manifolds and Holomorphic Mappings and Differential Geometry of Complex Vector Bundles.
野水克己(英语:Katsumi Nomizu,1924年12月1日 - 2008年11月5日)是一位日裔美籍数学家。高中就读旧制第三高等学校,大学就读大阪大学,于1947年获理学硕士学位毕业。后赴巴黎索邦大学进修。野水赴美国芝加哥大学,在陈省身指导下攻读数学。野水于1953年发表博士论文《"Invariant affine connections on homogeneous spaces"》,此文正是野水对仿射微分几何的研究结集。然后返日,入名古屋大学继续研究,于1955年取得博士学位。日本数学学会于1956出版了野水所开设的课程"Lie Groups and Differential Geometry"的笔记讲义。野水于1958年在大阪基督教大学任教。
自1960起,野水开始了其在布朗大学的35年工作生涯,起先受聘为副教授,而于1963起任正教授。野水特别喜欢开设大一微积分。野水与小林昭七共著的《微分几何基础》于1963年出版了第一册。野水是1965年日本-美国国际微分几何京都研讨会的主要工作领导。野水的Fundamentals of Linear Algebra出版于1966年,并于1979出版了第二版。
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