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丘吉尔 语言的力量 英文原版人物传记 Churchill The Power of Words 英国前首相丘吉尔 马丁吉尔伯特 英文版进口书籍正版 商品图0
丘吉尔 语言的力量 英文原版人物传记 Churchill The Power of Words 英国前首相丘吉尔 马丁吉尔伯特 英文版进口书籍正版 商品图1
丘吉尔 语言的力量 英文原版人物传记 Churchill The Power of Words 英国前首相丘吉尔 马丁吉尔伯特 英文版进口书籍正版 商品图2
丘吉尔 语言的力量 英文原版人物传记 Churchill The Power of Words 英国前首相丘吉尔 马丁吉尔伯特 英文版进口书籍正版 商品缩略图0 丘吉尔 语言的力量 英文原版人物传记 Churchill The Power of Words 英国前首相丘吉尔 马丁吉尔伯特 英文版进口书籍正版 商品缩略图1 丘吉尔 语言的力量 英文原版人物传记 Churchill The Power of Words 英国前首相丘吉尔 马丁吉尔伯特 英文版进口书籍正版 商品缩略图2


书名:Churchill: The Power of Words丘吉尔:语言的力量
作者:Winston S. Churchill;Martin Gilbert
商品尺寸:12.7 x 4.3 x 19.8 cm

温斯顿·丘吉尔是20世纪伟大的政治家之一,曾两度出任英国首相,被誉为“一个逝去的时代的缩影”。丘吉尔官方传记的作者是英国历史学家马丁·吉尔伯特,他从丘吉尔的著作、文章和演讲中,选取了200篇摘录,编写成本书Churchill: The Power of Words《丘吉尔:语言的力量》。书中讲述了丘吉尔的生平、职业以及他所推崇的哲学,并且阐释了他如何运用语言的力量来达成自己的目标,具有一定的启发意义和收藏价值。

Winston Churchill knew the power of words. In speeches, books, and articles, he expressed his feelings and laid out his vision for the future. His wartime writings and speeches have fascinated generation after generation with their powerful narrative style and thoughtful reflection.
Martin Gilbert, Churchill's official biographer, has chosen passages that express the essence of Churchill's thoughts and describe—in his own inimitable words—the main adventures of his life and the main crises of his career. From first to last, they give insight into his life, how it evolved, and how he made his mark on the British and world stage.

"A masterful book and a history worth buying and reading and paying attention to."
--Veterans Reporter

"With 200 extracts well chosen by historian and Churchill biographer Martin Gilbert, this book isn't just informative and entertaining. It's inspiring."--Charleston Post and Courier

"It will give the reader great insight into the history of Britain during the time of Churchill and Churchill's own development into the leader during their 'finest hour.' Highly recommended especially in this age of politics over character."--Sacramento Book Review
Winston S. Churchill (1874–1965), was Prime Minister of Britain in war (1940–5) and peace (1951–5). After completing his education at Harrow and the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, he spent six years in the army. He served as a Member of Parliament from 1901 until 1963. His published works include memoirs of his childhood and of both world wars, 22 volumes of speeches, 6 volumes of collected published articles, and one novel, Savrola. In 1953 he received the Nobel Prize in Literature. In 1908 he married Clementine Hozier; they had four daughters and one son.

Sir Martin Gilbert,one of Britain’s leading historians, is the author of more than eighty books, including six volumes of the Churchill Biography and eleven volumes of Churchill documents. His other books include Churchill: A Life, The First World War, The Second World War, A History of the Twentieth Century, and twelve historical atlases, including Atlas of the Second World War. He is an Honorary Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. In 2009 he was appointed a Privy Councillor, and a member of the British Government’s Iraq Inquiry.

In 1891, while at Harrow, the sixteen-year-old Churchill would often speak about his future with the other boys, one of whom, Murland (later Sir Murland) de Grasse Evans — who was Churchill’ s age, and lived to see him become Prime Minister — later recalled a conversation one Sunday evening after chapel: ‘We frankly discussed our futures. After placing me in the Diplomatic Service, perhaps because of my French descent from Admiral de Grasse who was defeated by Lord Rodney in the Battle of the Saints, 1782; or alternatively in finance, following my father’ s career, we came to his own future’:
‘Will you go into the army?’ I asked.
‘I don’ t know, it is probable, but I shall have great adventures beginning soon after I leave here.’
‘Are you going into politics? Following your famous father?’
‘I don’ t know, but it is more than likely because, you see, I am not afraid to speak in public.’
‘You do not seem at all clear about your intentions or desires.’
‘That may be, but I have a wonderful idea of where I shall be eventually. I have dreams about it.’
‘Where is that?’ I enquired.
‘Well, I can see vast changes coming over a now peaceful world; great upheavals, terrible struggles; wars such as one cannot imagine; and I tell you London will be in danger — London will be attacked and I shall be very prominent in the defence of London.’
‘How can you talk like that?’ I said; ‘we are for ever safe from invasion, since the days of Napoleon.’
‘I see further ahead than you do. I see into the future. This country will be subjected somehow, to a tremendous invasion, by what means I do not know, but (warming up to his subject) I tell you I shall be in command of the defences of London and I shall save London and England from disaster.’
‘Will you be a general then, in command of the troops?’
‘I don’ t know; dreams of the future are blurred but the main objective is clear. I repeat — London will be in danger and in the high position I shall occupy, it will fall to me to save the Capital and save the Empire.’

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丘吉尔 语言的力量 英文原版人物传记 Churchill The Power of Words 英国前首相丘吉尔 马丁吉尔伯特 英文版进口书籍正版


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