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【中商原版】虚拟社会 元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society 英文原版 Herman Narula

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【中商原版】虚拟社会 元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society 英文原版 Herman Narula 商品图0
【中商原版】虚拟社会 元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society 英文原版 Herman Narula 商品图1
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【中商原版】虚拟社会 元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society 英文原版 Herman Narula 商品图3
【中商原版】虚拟社会 元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society 英文原版 Herman Narula 商品图4
【中商原版】虚拟社会 元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society 英文原版 Herman Narula 商品图5
【中商原版】虚拟社会 元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society 英文原版 Herman Narula 商品图6
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虚拟社会:元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society: The Metaverse and the New Frontiers of Human Experience


Format Hardback | 272 pages

Dimensions 139 x 210 x 24.89mm | 403.7g

Publication date 11 Oct 2022

Publisher Crown Publishing Group, Division of Random House Inc

Imprint Currency

ISBN10 0593239970

ISBN13 9780593239971





“元宇宙 "的概念已经在公众意识中爆发,但其轮廓仍然难以捉摸。它是否只是一个沉浸式的虚拟现实游乐场,一个由Facebook和其他平控制的游乐场?它只是下一代的大型多人在线游戏吗?或者它是更具有革命性的东西?

正如先锋技术专家赫尔曼·纳鲁拉(Herman Narula)所展示的,元空间是一种古老的人类倾向的表现:世界建设的行为。从埃及人(他们对死亡的概念激发了他们建造金字塔)到现代的体育迷(他们对游戏的热情激发了极端行为),人类长期以来一直在寻求以丰富多样的替代体验来补充他们的日常生活。

纳鲁拉将他的观点扎根于历史和心理学,认为人类对自主性、成就感和联系的内在需求可以在虚拟的 "思想世界 "中得到满足,在那里用户有机会创造和交换意义和价值。元空间既是一套不断增长的充实的数字体验,从高级游戏到音乐会和其他娱乐活动,甚至到虚拟就业,也是使这些空间成为 "有用意义的网络 "的授权框架。



"A fascinating, provocative case that the metaverse will not merely transform our virtual experience--it may actually enrich the quality of our lives" (Adam Grant)--from the visionary co-founder of one of today's most innovative technology companies

"This important book offers a highly persuasive argument that the metaverse, a new kind of virtual world, marks a profound next stage in this long human quest for fulfillment through creation."--Chris Anderson, head of TED

The concept of "the metaverse" has exploded in the public consciousness, but its contours remain elusive. Is it merely an immersive virtual reality playground, one that Facebook and other platforms will angle to control? Is it simply the next generation of massive multiplayer online games? Or is it something more revolutionary?

As pioneering technologist Herman Narula shows, the metaverse is the latest manifestation of an ancient human tendency: the act of worldbuilding. From the Egyptians, whose conception of death inspired them to build the pyramids, to modern-day sports fans, whose passion for a game inspires extreme behavior, humans have long sought to supplement their day-to-day lives with a rich diversity of alternative experiences.

Rooting his vision in history and psychology, Narula argues that humans' intrinsic need for autonomy, accomplishment, and connection can best be met in virtual "worlds of ideas," where users have the chance to create and exchange meaning and value. The metaverse is both the growing set of fulfilling digital experiences--ranging from advanced gaming to concerts and other entertainment events and even to virtual employment--and the empowering framework that allows these spaces to become "networks of useful meaning."

Bloomberg Intelligence recently predicted that the metaverse will become an $800 billon industry by 2024. But its implications, argues Narula, will lead to far more awe-inspiring possibilities than a spigot of cash. The arrival of the metaverse marks the beginning of a new age of exploration--not outward, but inward--with the potential to reshape society and open the door to a new understanding of the human species and its capabilities.

Rigorously researched and passionately argued, Virtual Society is a provocative and essential guide for anyone who wants to go beyond superficial headlines to understand the true contours and potential of our virtual future.



Herman Narula is the co-founder and CEO of Improbable, a London-based technology company. He holds a computer science degree from Cambridge.

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【中商原版】虚拟社会 元宇宙和人类体验新前沿 Virtual Society 英文原版 Herman Narula


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