预售 【中商原版】通信的数学理论 英文原版 The Mathematical Theory of Communication 克劳德·E·香农 Claude E. Shannon
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库存: | 16 件 |
The Mathematical Theory of Communication
Format:Paperback / softback 144 pages
Publisher:University of Illinois Press
Imprint:University of Illinois Press
Published:1 Oct 1963
Dimensions:141 x 210 x 7 (mm)
《通信的数学理论》A Mathematical Theory of Communication信息论的奠基性论文,美国数学家C.E.香农所著。1948年发表在《贝尔系统技术杂志》第27卷上。原文共分五章。香农在这篇论文中把通信的数学理论建立在概率论的基础上,把通信的基本问题归结为通信的一方能以一定的概率复现另一方发出的消息,并针对这一基本问题对信息作了定量描述。香农在这篇论文中还精确地定义了信源信道信宿编码、译码等概念,建立了通信系统的数学模型,并得出了信源编码定理和信道编码定理等重要结果。这篇论文的发表标志一门新的学科──信息论的诞生。
Scientific knowledge grows at a phenomenal pace--but few books have had as lasting an impact or played as important a role in our modern world as The Mathematical Theory of Communication, published originally as a paper on communication theory in the Bell System Technical Journal more than fifty years ago. Republished in book form shortly thereafter, it has since gone through four hardcover and sixteen paperback printings. It is a revolutionary work, astounding in its foresight and contemporaneity. The University of Illinois Press is pleased and honored to issue this commemorative reprinting of a classic.
克劳德·艾尔伍德·香农(Claude Elwood Shannon ,1916年4月30日—2001年2月24日)是美国数学家、信息论的创始人。1936年获得密歇根大学学士学位 。1940年在麻省理工学院获得硕士和博士学位,1941年进入贝尔实验室工作。香农提出了信息熵的概念,为信息论和数字通信奠定了基础。主要论文有:1938年的硕士论文《继电器与开关电路的符号分析》,1948年的《通讯的数学原理》和1949年的《噪声下的通信》。
Claude E. Shannon is a research mathematician at the Bell Telephone Laboratories and Donner professor of science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Warren Weaver, at present a consultant on scientific projects to the Sloan Foundation, has had a distinguished academic, government, and foundation career. Both authors have received numerous awards and honors.
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