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常春藤英语(精编版·五级)(常春藤英语系列)/适合初三学生阅读 商品图0
常春藤英语(精编版·五级)(常春藤英语系列)/适合初三学生阅读 商品缩略图0



本书根据《常春藤英语 五级(上下)》两本书进行修订,从中选取难度相对较低的文本,并增加重新收集和加工的新文本。每篇文章的前面设有导读,后面有品读助手和参考译文。其中品读助手包括背景知识、难句解析等。难句解析部分解析细致到位,能帮助学生理解文章中的长难句和语法现象,从而加深对整篇文章的理解。 每篇文章独立成篇,互不影响,语言流畅,通俗易懂;每篇文章后面都设计了一定数量的阅读理解考察题,以检查读者的阅读能力和对文章的理解水平。 通过阅读本书,读者还会学到相关的英语知识,巩固和扩大词汇量,培养英语语感和阅读习惯,提升人文素养。本书旨在扩大读者视野,丰富英语知识,全面提高英语阅读能力。

聂成军,中国民主促进会会员,*深英语教研专家。现任北京市海淀区教师进修学校中学英语教研员、高中英语教研室主任,北京市中学英语学科教学带头人,北京师范大学英语教学方向专业硕士研究生导师, 中央民族大学专业硕士研究生导师,临沂大学外国语学院兼职教授,中国基础教育质量评价与提升协同创新中心&席命题专家;曾任北京市高考试题评价专家组成员、主笔高考英语试题评价报告,北京市高中英语会考试题评价专家组组长。

Lesson 1 One Tent, Lots of Stuff

Lesson 2 The Hare and the Tortoise

Lesson 3 The Children's Friends

Lesson 4 The Two Goats

Lesson 5 Tell the Truth

Lesson 6 The White Bear

Lesson 7 The Prince and the Spider

Lesson 8 The Cat and the Canary

Lesson 9 An Experiment

Lesson 10 The Fox and the Goat

Lesson 11 A Faithful Friend

Lesson 12 The Prince and the Prisoners

Lesson 13 A Touching Scene

Lesson 14 Two Ways

Lesson 15 The Ugly Duckling (Part I)

Lesson 16 The Ugly Duckling (Part II)

Lesson 17 The King and the Ants

Lesson 18 The Foolish Monkeys

Lesson 19 The Stone in the Road

Lesson 20 The Torn Doll

Lesson 21 The Three Bears

Lesson 22 And the Next Unit Is…

Lesson 23 The Jaguar

Lesson 24 The Tiger

Lesson 25 Father’s Garden

Lesson 26 Mamma's Present

Lesson 27 A Good Example

Lesson 28 Words Which Deceive

Lesson 29 The Truant

Lesson 30 Why to Play Games?

Lesson 31 Fear Matters

Lesson 32 The Story-Teller

Lesson 33 A Walk in the Garden

Lesson 34 The Camel

Lesson 35 Sharing Beauty

Lesson 36 The Broken Window

Lesson 37 Frank and the Hourglass

Lesson 38 Bird Friends

Lesson 39 The Widow and the Merchant

Lesson 40 Beautiful Hands

Lesson 41 The Playhouse

Lesson 42 The Fox and the Stork

Lesson 43 Health of the Body

Lesson 44 Houses Made of Snow

Lesson 45 The Trunk of the Elephant

Lesson 46 Try Again

Lesson 47 Rising Seas Will Erase More Cities by 2050, New Research Shows

Lesson 48 The Old Man and His Donkey

Lesson 49 Half the Profit

Lesson 50 A Faithful Dog

Lesson 51 The Song of Cicadas

Lesson 52 The Good King (Alfred the Great)

Lesson 53 Weighing an Elephant

Lesson 54 The Judge and the Beetle

Lesson 55 The Forbidden City in China

Lesson 56 Diamonds and Toads

Lesson 57 The May Basket

Lesson 58 Little Red Cap

Lesson 59 Why Are People Afraid of Clowns?

Lesson 60 The Ugly Duckling (Excerpt)

译  文

答  案

Have you ever failed in an exam? Have you ever won in a competition? It's very common in our daily life. But have you seen a competition between a hare and a tortoise? Let's see what happened.
Lesson 2 The Hare and the Tortoise
A hare, very proud of her speed, once ran a race with a tor toise. In a moment the hare got far before her rival, who, with his heavy shell on his back, could move only at a very slow pace.
“Ha! ha!” laughed the hare, as she stopped half-way to glance back at the tortoise creeping on far behind; “if you don't walk a little faster, my friend, I'll be half over the country before you reach the end of the field.”
The tortoise said not a word, but walked on.
“Really,” said the saucy hare, “if I were to hop on three legs I should get on much faster than you do! I think that I’ll take a short nap. If you were but a yard from the goal, I could overtake you with a few bounds.”
So the hare lay down on the grass, and soon fell fast asleep. She didn't hear the little feet of the tortoise, as he came creeping up to the place; he didn't see her as he went steadily on, never stopping to look behind.
Presently the hare awoke, and sprang up, ready to dart on like the wind.“Where is the tortoise?” cried she.
“Here,” cried a voice from the end of the field, “the slow and steady has on the race!”

I. Vocabulary Acquisition
Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words.
1 In a moment the hare got far before her rival, who, with his heavy shell on his back, could move only at a very slow pace. (Para. 1)
A. 敌人 B. 朋友 C. 对手
2 “Ha! ha!” laughed the hare, as she stopped half-way to (1) glance back at the tor toise (2) creeping on far behind. (Para. 2)
(1) A. look B. turn C. go
(2) A. moving quickly B. moving slowly C. running
3 If you were but a yard from the goal, I could overtake you with a few bounds. (Para. 4)
A. 超过 B. 追上 C. 陪伴
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