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【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者

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【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品图0
【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品图1
【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品图2
【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品图3
【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品图4
【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者 商品缩略图4


Off-Campus系列 1-5部


Format: Softback 2000 pages

Publisher: Piatkus

Imprint: Piatkus


Published:14 Nov. 2023

Dimensions:126 x 300 x 196(mm)



9780349440842 Off-Campus系列 第1部:交易 The Deal

9780349440859 Off-Campus系列 第2部:错误 The Mistake

9780349440927 Off-Campus系列 第3部:分数 The Score

9780349440873 Off-Campus系列 第4部:目标 The Goal

9780349440897 Off-Campus系列 第5部:遗留 The Legacy


Off-Campus系列第1部:交易 The Deal

际畅销书! 《纽约时报》和际畅销书作家艾丽·肯尼迪共同创作的独立小说*!


汉娜·威尔斯终于找到了让她兴奋的人。 尽管她可能对生活的其他方面充满信心,但在性和诱惑方面,她却背负着一整套包袱。 如果她想引起暗恋对象的注意,她就走出自己的舒适区,让他注意到她……即使这意味着要辅导烦人、幼稚、自大的曲棍球队队长,以换取一次假装约会。

校外系列第2部:错误The Mistake

准备好迎接际畅销书作家、TikTok 红人艾丽·肯尼迪 (Elle Kennedy) 创作的另一部值得一看的浪漫爱情故事吧。


大学三年级学生约翰·洛根可以得到任何他想要的女孩。 对于这位曲棍球明星来说,生活就是一场派对和勾搭,但在他杀手般的笑容和随和的魅力背后,他隐藏着对毕业后将被迫走的死胡同日益增长的绝望。 与新生格蕾丝·艾弗斯的性感邂逅正是他所需要的消遣,但当一个不经意的错误将她推开时,洛根计划用一年的时间向她证明他值得第二次机会。


在度过了不太出色的一年级之后,格蕾丝回到了布莱尔大学,她变得更老了,也更聪明了,所以她几乎把自己的 V 卡递给了那个傲慢的曲棍球运动员。 她不是慈善机构,也不再是他们刚交往时那只安静的蝴蝶。 如果洛根希望她像其他冰球兔子一样翻身乞求,他可以再考虑一下。 他想要她回来? 他为此努力。 这一次,她将成为驾驶座上的人 。她打算让他发狂。

Off-Campus系列第3部: 分数 The Score

纽约时报畅销书! 准备好迎接际畅销书作家艾丽·肯尼迪的另一部值得狂欢的浪漫故事吧。


艾莉·海耶斯正处于危机模式。 毕业在即,她仍然不知道大学毕业后要做什么。 更糟糕的是,由于长期关系的结束,她正在承受一颗破碎的心。 狂野的反弹性爱不是解决她问题的办法,但华丽的曲棍球明星迪恩·迪·劳伦蒂斯却无法抗拒。 不过,只有一次,因为即使她的未来不确定,也肯定不会包括一夜情。


Dean总是能得到他想要的。 女孩,成绩,女孩,认可,女孩。 。 。 好吧,他是个女人味十足的男人,而且他还没有遇到过一个对他的魅力免疫的女人。 直到艾莉。 一晚,这位活跃的金发女郎震撼了他的整个世界 - 现在她想成为朋友? 没有。 在他说结束之前,一切都还没有结束。 迪恩全力追求,但当生活发生巨大变化时,他开始怀疑是否是时候停止专注于得分了。并为爱而拍摄。

Off-Campus系列第4部:目标 The Goal



大学四年级学生萨布丽娜·詹姆斯 (Sabrina James) 已经规划好了自己的整个未来:大学毕业,进入法学院,然后在一家竞争激烈的公司找到一份高薪工作。 她逃离可耻过去的道路当然不包括一位相信一见钟情的华丽曲棍球运动员。 她愿意给约翰·塔克的只是一晚的炎热和令人惊讶的温柔,但有时,一晚就能改变你的整个生活。


塔克认为成为团队合作者与成为明星同样重要。 在冰上,他可以远离聚光灯,但当他在二十二岁时成为一名父亲时,他拒绝成为板凳上的暖人。 他孩子的未来母亲很漂亮,很聪明,而且让他保持警惕,这并没有什么坏处。 问题是,萨布丽娜的心被锁得很紧,而火热的黑发女人太固执,不愿意接受他的帮助。 如果他想和他梦想中的女人一起生活,他就让她相信,有些目标只有在助攻的情况下才能实现。

Off-Campus系列第5部:传承 The Legacy

际畅销的校外系列带着《纽约时报》畅销书作家、TikTok 红人艾丽·肯尼迪的四篇中篇小说集回归! 这个全新的部分为以下问题提供了备受期待的答案:他们现在在哪里?

四个故事。 四对情侣。 毕业后的三年现实生活。 





对于加勒特和汉娜、洛根和格蕾丝、迪恩和艾莉、塔克和萨布丽娜来说,大学毕业后的生活并不完全是他们想象的那样。 当然,他们有彼此,但他们也有现实生活中的问题,这些问题在布莱尔大学四年。

Off-Campus系列 第1部:交易 The Deal

The international bestseller! A standalone novel* from New York Times and international bestselling author Elle Kennedy!

She’s about to make a deal with the college bad boy…

Hannah Wells has finally found someone who turns her on. But while she might be confident in every other area of her life, she’s carting around a full set of baggage when it comes to sex and seduction. If she wants to get her crush’s attention, she’ll have to step out of her comfort zone and make him take notice…even if it means tutoring the annoying, childish, cocky captain of the hockey team in exchange for a pretend date.

Off-Campus系列 第2部:错误 The Mistake

Get ready for another binge-worthy romance from international bestselling author and TikTok sensation Elle Kennedy.

He's a player in more ways than one . . .

College junior John Logan can get any girl he wants. For this hockey star, life is a parade of parties and hook-ups, but behind his killer grins and easygoing charm, he hides growing despair about the dead-end road he'll be forced to walk after graduation. A sexy encounter with freshman Grace Ivers is just the distraction he needs, but when a thoughtless mistake pushes her away, Logan plans to spend his final year proving to her that he's worth a second chance.

Now he's going to need to up his game . . .

After a less than stellar freshman year, Grace is back at Briar University, older, wiser, and so over the arrogant hockey player she nearly handed her V-card to. She's not a charity case, and she's not the quiet butterfly she was when they first hooked up. If Logan expects her to roll over and beg like all his other puck bunnies, he can think again. He wants her back? He'll have to work for it. This time around, she'll be the one in the driver's seat . . . and she plans on driving him wild.

Off-Campus系列 第3部:分数 The Score

A New York Times bestseller! Get ready for another binge-worthy romance from international bestselling author Elle Kennedy.

He knows how to score, on and off the ice . . .

Allie Hayes is in crisis mode. With graduation looming, she still doesn't have the first clue about what she's going to do after college. To make matters worse, she's nursing a broken heart thanks to the end of her longtime relationship. Wild rebound sex is definitely not the solution to her problems, but gorgeous hockey star Dean Di Laurentis is impossible to resist. Just once, though, because even if her future is uncertain, it sure as heck won't include the king of one-night stands.

It'll take more than flashy moves to win her over . . .

Dean always gets what he wants. Girls, grades, girls, recognition, girls . . . he's a ladies man, all right, and he's yet to meet a woman who's immune to his charms. Until Allie. For one night, the feisty blonde rocked his entire world - and now she wants to be friends? Nope. It's not over until he says it's over. Dean is in full-on pursuit, but when life-rocking changes strike, he starts to wonder if maybe it's time to stop focusing on scoring . . . and shoot for love.

Off-Campus系列 第4部:目标 The Goal

Discover another binge-worthy romance from New York Times and international bestselling author Elle Kennedy!

She's good at achieving her goals . . .

College senior Sabrina James has her whole future planned out: graduate from college, kick butt in law school, and land a high-paying job at a cut-throat firm. Her path to escaping her shameful past certainly doesn't include a gorgeous hockey player who believes in love at first sight. One night of sizzling heat and surprising tenderness is all she's willing to give John Tucker, but sometimes, one night is all it takes for your entire life to change.

But the game just got a whole lot more complicated . . .

Tucker believes being a team player is as important as being the star. On the ice, he's fine staying out of the spotlight, but when it comes to becoming a daddy at the age of twenty-two, he refuses to be a bench warmer. It doesn't hurt that the soon-to-be mother of his child is beautiful, whip-smart, and keeps him on his toes. The problem is, Sabrina's heart is locked up tight, and the fiery brunette is too stubborn to accept his help. If he wants a life with the woman of his dreams, he'll have to convince her that some goals can only be made with an assist . . .

Off-Campus系列 第5部:遗留 The Legacy

The international bestselling Off-Campus series returns with a collection of four novellas by New York Times bestselling author and TikTok sensation Elle Kennedy! This brand-new instalment provides the much-anticipated answer to the question: Where are they now?

Four stories. Four couples. Three years of real life after graduation. . .

A wedding.

A proposal.

An elopement.

And a surprise pregnancy.

Life after college for Garrett and Hannah, Logan and Grace, Dean and Allie, and Tucker and Sabrina, isn't quite what they imagined it would be. Sure, they have each other, but they also have real-life problems that four years at Briar U didn't exactly prepare them for. As it turns out, for these four couples, love is the easy part. Growing up is a whole lot harder.

Come for the drama, stay for the laughs! Catch up with your favourite Off-Campus characters as they navigate the changes that come with growing up and discover that big decisions can have big consequences . . . and big rewards.


艾丽·肯尼迪 (Elle Kennedy) 是《纽约时报》、《今日美》和《华尔街日报》的畅销书作家,在安大略省多伦多郊区长大,拥有经济学学士学位。 约克大学英语专业。 她从小就知道自己想成为一名作家,并在青少年时期积极追求这个梦想。

《Elle》目前为多家出版商撰稿。 她是 50 多本当代言情小说和浪漫悬疑小说的作者,其中包括轰动全球的《校外》系列。

A New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a B.A. in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer, and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager.

Elle currently writes for various publishers. She is the author of more than 50 titles of contemporary romance and romantic suspense novels, including the global sensation Off-Campus series.

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【中商原版】Off-Campus系列 1-5部套装 英文原版 Elle Kennedy 北美晋江文学 爱情小说 TikTok畅销书作者


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