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【中商原版】只剩他一个 美国王牌投手 克莱顿克肖与沉重的荣耀 The Last of His Kind Clayton Kershaw 英文原版 棒球运动传记

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【中商原版】只剩他一个 美国王牌投手 克莱顿克肖与沉重的荣耀 The Last of His Kind Clayton Kershaw 英文原版 棒球运动传记 商品图0
【中商原版】只剩他一个 美国王牌投手 克莱顿克肖与沉重的荣耀 The Last of His Kind Clayton Kershaw 英文原版 棒球运动传记 商品缩略图0


只剩他一个:克莱顿-克肖与沉重的荣耀 The Last of His Kind:Clayton Kershaw and the Burden of Greatness


Format:Hardback 400 pages

Publisher:Hachette Books

Imprint:Hachette Books


Published:7 May 2024

Dimensions:229 x 152 (mm)




★收录对克肖和其他 200 多人的特别采访。


在棒球变得更加冷漠的时代,一项因遵守算法和精算​​表而改变的运动,克肖体现了这项运动挥之不去的人性,每年十月追逐冠军时,他的喜悦和痛苦都会展现出来。他忍着疼痛投球,在棒球盛大的舞上将自己的未来置于危险之中。他拒绝找借口,愿意在失败时承担责任,因此赢得了队友和对手的喜爱。年复一年,即使身体因职业压力而垮掉,他仍然回来,这只会给他们留下更深刻的印象。这段旅程吸引了洛杉矶及其他地区的球迷,以至于当道奇队在 2020 年赢得冠军时,棒球界为他的胜利而欢呼雀跃。

《只剩他一个》追溯了克肖从因离婚而支离破碎的童年到成为德克萨斯州历史上受赞誉的投手之一,再到他在洛杉矶成为桑迪·库法克斯的精神继承人的历程。但这本书也记录了克肖在棒球不断变化的格局中的地位,因为他自己的固执与棒球的演变背道而驰。 21 世纪棒球的故事可以通过克肖的职业生涯来讲述,从他师从乔·托雷和格雷格·麦达克斯等偶像人物,到他对分析实施的谨慎态度,再到他在 2017 年休斯顿太空人队偷取暗号丑闻中成为受害者。在克肖辉煌的职业生涯中,这项运动发生了巨大的变化。要了解今天的棒球比赛是怎样的,以及它是如何变成这样的,你须了解克莱顿·克肖的旅程。

he definitive biography of Dodgers ace Clayton Kershaw, examining the genesis of his brilliance, his epic quest to win the World Series, and his singular place within the evolving baseball landscape—based on exclusive interviews with Kershaw and more than 200 others.​

More than any baseball player of his generation, Clayton Kershaw has embodied the burden of athletic greatness, the prizes and perils that await those who strive for it all. He is a three-time Cy Young award winner, the first pitcher to win National League MVP since Bob Gibson, and a surefire, first-ballot Hall of Famer. Many of his peers consider him the greatest pitcher to ever climb atop a big-league mound. 

In an age when baseball became more impersonal, a sport altered by adherence to algorithms and actuarial tables, Kershaw personified the game’s lingering humanity, with his joy and suffering on display each October as he chased a championship. He pitched through pain, placing his future at risk on the game’s grandest stages. He endeared himself to teammates and foes alike with his refusal to make excuses, with his willingness to shoulder the blame when he failed. And he only further impressed them when he returned, year after year, even as his body broke down from the strain of his profession. The journey captivated fans in Los Angeles and beyond, so much so that when the Dodgers finally won a title in 2020, the baseball world exulted in his triumph. 

The Last of His Kind traces Kershaw’s path from a boyhood fractured by divorce to his development as one of the most-heralded pitching prospects in Texas history to his emergence in Los Angeles as the spiritual heir to Sandy Koufax. But the book also charts Kershaw’s place in baseball’s changing landscape, as his own stubbornness butted against the game’s evolution. The story of baseball in the 21st century can be told through Kershaw’s career, from his apprenticeship with icons like Joe Torre and Greg Maddux, to his wary relationship with the implementation of analytics, to his victimhood in the 2017 sign-stealing scandal at the hands of the Houston Astros. The game has changed so much during Kershaw’s illustrious career. To understand how baseball is played today, and how it got that way, you must understand the journey of Clayton Kershaw. 


安迪·麦卡洛是 The Athletic 的作家。他自 2010 年以来一直报道美职业棒球大联盟,此前曾为《洛杉矶时报》、《堪萨斯城星报》和新泽西州纽瓦克的《明星纪事报》工作。他的作品曾七次获得美联社体育编辑部颁发的荣誉,以表彰其在专题报道、解释性报道和特写报道方面的杰出表现。他与妻子、作家斯蒂芬妮·阿普斯坦住在纽约。这是他的处女作。

Andy McCullough is a senior writer at The Athletic. He has covered Major League Baseball since 2010, previously for the Los Angeles Times, the Kansas City Star, and The Star-Ledger in Newark, N.J. His work has been honored by the Associated Press Sports Editors on seven occasions for beat writing, explanatory reporting, and feature writing. He lives in New York with his wife, the writer Stephanie Apstein. This is his first book.

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【中商原版】只剩他一个 美国王牌投手 克莱顿克肖与沉重的荣耀 The Last of His Kind Clayton Kershaw 英文原版 棒球运动传记


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