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Pumpkin Soup 南瓜汤

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Winner 1998 Kate Greenaway medal
Shortlisted Kurt Maschler Award
Guardian Book of the Week
Waterstones Children’s Book of the Month
Ottakar's Children's Book of the Month

There is something so warm, satisfying and homey about this book. The three animals live happily together in their warm and cozy house eating their regular supper of pumpkin soup. Each member of this little family has his own role in the soup making process; however, happiness cannot last forever and one morning the duck decides he wants to trade parts! HE wants to be the one stirring the soup... This wish causes chaos in the little house and the duck decides to leave....
I am sure you can guess the ending, but nevertheless this is a rich, beautiful and lovable story which has several surprises along the way.
The paintings are beautiful and colorful (I especially love the pumpkin garden) and my son always ends the reading with his wish "please make me a pumpkin soup"...


  From Publishers Weekly
  This enchanting story explores the ups and downs of close-knitcamaraderie. Beginning with a peek through a window where Cat,Squirrel and Duck are making music together, Cooper (The Boy WhoWouldn't Go to Bed) invites youngsters into their cozypumpkin-shaped home. There's a rhythm to their lives: each has hisown instrument to play and his own duties when it comes to cookingtheir famous pumpkin soup ("the best you ever tasted"). But oneday, Duck decides to be the stirrer instead of the salt pourer, andan all-out battle ensues. Here the warm golden glow that haspermeated their dwelling turns an angry orange-red with paws, wingsand "@#$!"s flying. After Duck waddles off in a huff, the remainingpair heads out to hunt for himAto no avail. In a charmingtime-lapse sequence, vignettes of Cat and Squirrel moping on thesteps of their house form an arc along the side of a spread ("Sothey waited.../ All that long afternoon..."). Mimickinggrade-schoolers everywhere, Cat and Squirrel next decide to carryon with the cooking, adopting a we'll-show-him attitude. Of coursethe soup is too salty and the repentant pals begin to imagine scaryscenarios of where Duck might be. But Duck does return, to a warmwelcomeAuntil he suggests a turn on Cat's bagpipes. Thanks toCooper's uncanny ability to capture the dynamics of friendship,children will be able to laugh at this trio (and themselves) andrecognize that true friendship can weather most any storm. Ages4-8.
  Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refersto an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  From School Library Journal
  PreSchool-Grade 2 Cooper serves up a well-rounded tale told withstoryteller's cadences. Pudgy housemates Squirrel, Cat, and Duckteam up for activities including quilt making and music concerts,until Duck wants to be Head Cook and stir the soup. The trio spatsand Duck waddles off in a huff. As the remaining pair searchpumpkin patch and dark forest for their pal, they rethink theirposition. Coziness returns when they find Duck back home and learnto share at least cooking roles. Readers will linger over eachpage, savoring the delicious illustrations. Rich autumn colors andenchanting details on large spreads and spot illustrationsembellish characterizations and setting. Energetic language withfresh images keeps the story bouncing along. Some may be troubledby the lack of closure on Duck's whereabouts during his absence,but the final comic page makes for a satisfying ending. The grandfinale, of course, is a recipe for pumpkin soup. Gay Lynn VanVleck, Henrico County Library, Glen Allen, VA
  Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refersto an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  From Booklist
  Cat, Squirrel, and Duck share both an old white cabin in thewoods and clearly defined duties with regard to making pumpkinsoup. Cat slices the pumpkin, Squirrel stirs in the water, and Duckadds just enough salt. One day Duck decides he wants to stir,creating such household consternation and so many hard feelingsthat he finally packs his wheelbarrow and waddles away. Cat andSquirrel try to carry on, but the soup isn't as good without theirfriend's touch. Finally Duck returns, and the three experiment withchanging roles. The process is very messy, but all agree that theresult tastes as good as ever. Cooper's richly coloredillustrations, rendered in warm, autumnal hues, suggest a sense ofsecurity that will assure even the youngest listener that all willend well. Complete with a recipe for pumpkin soup, this should finda niche in holiday story hours and with young families looking forseasonal projects. Kay Weisman --This text refers to an out ofprint or unavailable edition of this title.
  From Kirkus Reviews
  Cooper (The Boy Who Wouldn't Go to Bed, 1997, etc.) tries for ashaggy-dog story, whose details are less compelling than page afterpage of charmingly snug illustrations. Deep in the forest, in theirsquash-like abode, live three little creatures: a cat, a squirrel,and a duck. They are a harmonious trio, especially when theyconcoct their pumpkin soup. Cat dices the pumpkin, Squirrel stirsin the water, and Duck adds the all-important pipkin of salt. ThenDuck decides to take over Squirrel's responsibilities. Squirreltells him to take a hike, which the disgruntled Duck does. Withouthis touch with the salt, however, the soup is a disaster, and Catand Squirrel just plain miss Duck. They set out to find him, fret,fuss, worry that he's been hurt, or worse, found new friends. Whenthey don't find him, they return home crestfallen, where Duck iswaiting. Both his earlier desertion and return fall woefully flat,but readers will be smitten with Cooper's smart and utterlydisarming artwork. (Picture book. 4-8) -- Copyright ©1999,Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. --This text refers toan out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  "Housemates Squirrel, Cat and Duck team up for activities . . .until Duck wants to be Head Cook and stir the soup. The trio spatsand Duck waddles off in a huff . . . Coziness returns when they . .. learn to share . . . Readers will linger over each page, savoringthe delicious illustrations. --Starred, School LibraryJournal
  -- Review --This text refers to an out of print or unavailableedition of this title.


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Pumpkin Soup 南瓜汤


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