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【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品图1
【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品图2
【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品图3
【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品图4
【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍 商品缩略图4





一本让绘本和小说两相逢的奇妙之书----The Invention of Hugo Cabret





在New York Times童书销售排行榜上,连续十周让哈利波特也敬陪末座






The Invention of Hugo Cabret


作者:Brian Selznick 

出版社: Scholastic Press; 2007-01-30 (2007年1月30日)

外文书名: 哈利波特替代者: 雨果·卡布里特的发明和创造-绘本

丛书名: Caldecott Medal Book

精装: 544页

读者对象: 8 - 12 岁

语种: 英语

开本: 32开

ISBN: 0439813786

条形码: 9780439813785

商品尺寸: 5.1 x 14.6 x 21.6 cm

商品重量: 1.2 Kg





这本New York Times童书销售排行榜上,连续十周让哈利波特也敬陪末座的魔幻故事,结合了绘本和小说的两种特性,近三百页的连续插画,让整本书看起来像是部小型的动画电影,生动地将这个少年的魔幻人生呈现出来。

而更奇特的是,这本让电影与绘本两相逢的奇妙之书,将表现主义电影先驱、乔治·梅里爱大师(George Melies)的真实生平故事和电影剧照耐人寻味的穿插于书中。乔治·梅里爱在从事电影工作前,先在父母亲经营的制鞋厂工作,后来把工厂的股份卖给兄弟,买下魔术剧场,成为魔术师,他曾亲手制作魔术用的机械装置和拍摄电影的摄影机,这些事实都和小说后半段梅里爱自述的生平吻合,而魔术和机械装置也同时成为小说的重要主题,将那个表演艺术与魔术融合入电影的年代,在悬疑推理的叙述中惊喜地呈现。

谈及本书的创作灵感来源时,作者Brian Selznick说:“数年前,我读了盖比.伍徳的《爱迪生的夏娃:探求机械生命的魔术史》,因此得知许多机械发条玩偶(也就是所谓的机器人)收藏品的真实故事;原物主将这些机器人捐赠给巴黎的一座博物馆,它们被搁置在潮湿的阁楼里,最终难逃被丢弃的命运。我想象有个男孩发现了那些损毁、生锈的机器,就在那一刻,雨果和他的故事诞生了。”

Book Description

Orphan, clock keeper, and thief, Hugo lives in the walls of a busy Paris train station, where his survival depends on secrets and anonymity. But when his world suddenly interlocks with an eccentric, bookish girl and a bitter old man who runs a toy booth in the station, Hugo's undercover life, and his most precious secret, are put in jeopardy. A cryptic drawing, a treasured notebook, a stolen key, a mechanical man, and a hidden message from Hugo's dead father form the backbone of this intricate, tender, and spellbinding mystery. 


布莱恩·塞兹尼克 (Brian Selznick 2002)年凯迪克银牌奖得主,2008年凯迪克金奖得主。塞兹尼克曾以《霍金斯的恐龙》荣获二○○二年美国凯迪克银牌奖,以《惠特曼:写给美国的诗句》荣获纽约时报插画奖,这两本书的作者均为芭芭拉.凯利;他与潘.幕诺兹.莱恩合作的《玛丽亚在唱歌》(When Marian Sang)获颁希伯特银牌奖;除此之外,塞兹尼克所创作的诸多知名绘本与小说,更是获奖无数。


Brian Selznick grew up in New Jersey and graduated from the Rhode Island School of Art and Design in 1988. He worked for two years after graduation at Eeyore's Books for Children in New York City. His first book was published while he worked there.

Brian has also designed theater sets and worked as a professional puppeteer. His first book, The Houdini Box, was inspired by a fascination with the famous magician. He has illustrated both novels and picture books for other writers, including the Sibert Honor books, When Marian Sang by Pam Munoz Ryan and Walt Whitman: Words for America by Barbara Kerley. His illustrations for Barbara Kerley's The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins won a Caldecott Honor Award in 2002; and in 2008, his groundbreaking book The Invention of Hugo Cabret was awarded the Caldecott Medal. It was nominated for a National Book Award and was the basis for Martin Scorsese's Oscar winning film Hugo. His follow up illustrated novel, Wonderstruck, debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Brian's next book, The Marvels, will be published in the fall of 2015. Brian divides his time between New York, and San Diego.


A Letter from Brian Selznick

Dear readers, 

When I was a kid, two of my favorite books were by an amazing man named Remy Charlip. Fortunately and Thirteen fascinated me in part because, in both books, the very act of turning the pages plays a pivotal role in telling the story. Each turn reveals something new in a way that builds on the image on the previous page. Now that I’m an illustrator myself, I’ve often thought about this dramatic storytelling device and all of its creative possibilities. 

My new book, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, is a 550 page novel in words and pictures. But unlike most novels, the images in my new book don't just illustrate the story; they help tell it. I've used the lessons I learned from Remy Charlip and other masters of the picture book to create something that is not a exactly a novel, not quite a picture book, not really a graphic novel, or a flip book or a movie, but a combination of all these things. 

I began thinking about this book ten years ago after seeing some of the magical films of Georges Méliès, the father of science-fiction movies. But it wasn’t until I read a book called Edison's Eve: The Quest for Mechanical Life by Gaby Woods that my story began to come into focus. I discovered that Méliès had a collection of mechanical, wind-up figures (called automata) that were donated to a museum, but which were later destroyed and thrown away. Instantly, I imagined a boy discovering these broken, rusty machines in the garbage, stealing one and attempting to fix it. At that moment, Hugo Cabret was born. 

A few years ago, I had the honor of meeting Remy Charlip, and I'm proud to say that we've become friends. Last December he was asking me what I was working on, and as I was describing this book to him, I realized that Remy looks exactly like Georges Méliès. I excitedly asked him to pose as the character in my book, and fortunately, he said yes. So every time you see Méliès in The Invention of Hugo Cabret, the person you are really looking at is my dear friend Remy Charlip, who continues to inspire everyone who has the great pleasure of knowing him or seeing his work. 

Paris in the 1930's, a thief, a broken machine, a strange girl, a mean old man, and the secrets that tie them all together... Welcome to The Invention of Hugo Cabret. 


Brian Selznick 

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【中商原版】造梦的雨果 英文原版 The Invention of Hugo Cabret 凯迪克金奖 美国经典畅销书籍


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