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【中商原版】广阔的大海 帝国野心 The Wide Wide Sea Imperial Ambition 英文原版 Hampton Sides

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广阔的大海:帝野心,第一次接触和詹姆斯·库克船长决定性的末后一次航行 The Wide Wide Sea:Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook


Publisher ‏ : ‎ Doubleday (April 9, 2024)

Language ‏ : ‎ English

Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 432 pages

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0385544766

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0385544764

Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.74 pounds



《纽约时报》畅销书作家汉普顿·塞德斯 (Hampton Sides) 撰写了一部史诗般的作品,讲述了大航海时代的重大航行,导致詹姆斯·库克船长在夏威夷去世,留下了一份复杂而有争议的遗产,至今仍有争议。


汉普顿·赛兹 (Hampton Sides) 对库克旅程的精彩描述既与库克的遗产进行了较量,又以激动人心的方式讲述了 1700 年代探险活动所特有的巨大努力和持续的危险。 库克以其无可比拟的航海技术、人性化的领导才能以及对科学的奉献精神而闻名,知名博物学家约瑟夫·班克斯陪同他进行了初次航行,库克被称为启蒙时代的重要人物之一。 他对他遇到的当地人也很感兴趣。 事实上,他宣称的任务是将一位塔希提人麦送回他的家乡岛屿,他已成为伦敦的焦点。 在之前的探险中,库克绘制了太平洋大片地区的地图,包括大利亚东海岸,并开启了欧洲与众多民族的初次接触。 他善待他的船员,并努力以好奇心和不带偏见的态度了解他所遇到的社会。

然而这次航行有些不同。 库克变得反复无常,用鞭打来执行纪律,并一次又一次地带领他的两艘船陷入危险。 一反常态的是,他下令对土著人民的盗窃行为进行暴力报复。 这可能与他的秘密命令有关,该命令旨在抢在英竞争对手之前绘制地图并声称拥有土地,并发现传说中的西北航道。 无论库克的意图是什么,他的科学努力都是殖民利剑的锋利边缘,初次接触的影响对世界各地的土著人民来说是灾难性的。 库克的公开和秘密任务之间的紧张关系在夏威夷海岸达到了鼎盛。 他在那里的着陆很顺利,但当库克在绘制了太平洋西北海岸和阿拉斯加海岸地图后返回时,他对夏威夷人的剥削性对待导致了这场致命的遭遇。


From New York Times bestselling author Hampton Sides, an epic account of the momentous voyage of the Age of Exploration, which culminated in Captain James Cook’s death in Hawaii, and left a complex and controversial legacy still debated to this day.

On July 12th, 1776, Captain James Cook, already lionized as the great explorer in British history, set off on his third voyage in his ship the HMS Resolution. Two-and-a-half years later, on a beach on the island of Hawaii, Cook was killed in a conflict with native Hawaiians. How did Cook, who was unique among captains for his respect for Indigenous peoples and cultures, come to that fatal moment?

Hampton Sides’ bravura account of Cook’s journey both wrestles with Cook’s legacy and provides a thrilling narrative of the titanic efforts and continual danger that characterized exploration in the 1700s. Cook was renowned for his peerless seamanship, his humane leadership, and his dedication to science-–the famed naturalist Joseph Banks accompanied him on his first voyage, and Cook has been called one of the important figures of the Age of Enlightenment. He was also deeply interested in the native people he encountered. In fact, his stated mission was to return a Tahitian man, Mai, who had become the toast of London, to his home islands. On previous expeditions, Cook mapped huge swaths of the Pacific, including the east coast of Australia, and initiated first European contact with numerous peoples. He treated his crew well, and endeavored to learn about the societies he encountered with curiosity and without judgment.

Yet something was different on this voyage. Cook became mercurial, resorting to the lash to enforce discipline, and led his two vessels into danger time and again. Uncharacteristically, he ordered violent retaliation for perceived theft on the part of native peoples. This may have had something to do with his secret orders, which were to chart and claim lands before Britain’s imperial rivals could, and to discover the fabled Northwest Passage. Whatever Cook’s intentions, his scientific efforts were the sharp edge of the colonial sword, and the effects of first contact were disastrous for Indigenous people around the world. The tensions between Cook’s overt and covert missions came to a head on the shores of Hawaii. His landing there was harmonious, but when Cook returned after mapping the coast of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, his exploitative treatment of the Hawaiians led to the fatal encounter.

At once a ferociously-paced story of adventure on the high seas and a searching examination of the complexities and consequences of the Age of Exploration, THE WIDE WIDE SEA is a major work from our fine narrative nonfiction writers.



HAMPTON SIDES is the author of The New York Times bestselling histories On Desperate Ground, Hellhound on his Trail, Blood and Thunder, and Ghost Soldiers, which won the PEN USA Award for Nonfiction. 

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【中商原版】广阔的大海 帝国野心 The Wide Wide Sea Imperial Ambition 英文原版 Hampton Sides


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