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预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品图0
预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品图1
预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品图2
预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品图3
预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品图4
预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品图5
预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品图6
预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品图7
预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品缩略图0 预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品缩略图1 预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品缩略图2 预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品缩略图3 预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品缩略图4 预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品缩略图5 预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品缩略图6 预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar 商品缩略图7


这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 This Is How You Lose the Time War


Format:Paperback 224 pages

Publisher:Gallery / Saga Press

Imprint:Gallery / Saga Press


Published:17 Mar 2020


Dimensions:210 x 140 (mm)






获奖作家阿玛尔·埃尔·莫赫塔尔(Amal El-Mohtar)和马克斯-格拉德斯通(Max Gladstone)创作了一部跨越时空、令人着迷的浪漫小说,讲述了两个穿越时空的情敌坠入爱河,必须改变过去才能确保未来的故事。

在一个垂死世界的灰烬中,一位诫命者的特工发现了一封信。信上写道 阅读前请烧毁。

就这样,两个敌对的特工开始了一段不可能的通信,他们一心想为各自交战的派系争取未来。现在,一开始的嘲弄、战场上的吹嘘,变成了更多的东西。史诗般的东西。浪漫 可以改变过去和未来的东西。

但如果他们的羁绊被发现 就意味着每个人的死亡 毕竟战争还在继续 总得有人赢 战争就是这样,不是吗?



“[An] exquisitely crafted tale...Part epistolary romance, part mind-blowing science fiction adventure, this dazzling story unfolds bit by bit, revealing layers of meaning as it plays with cause and effect, wildly imaginative technologies, and increasingly intricate wordplay...This short novel warrants multiple readings to fully unlock its complexities.” —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

From award-winning authors Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone comes an enthralling, romantic novel spanning time and space about two time-traveling rivals who fall in love and must change the past to ensure their future.

Among the ashes of a dying world, an agent of the Commandment finds a letter. It reads: Burn before reading.

Thus begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents hellbent on securing the best possible future for their warring factions. Now, what began as a taunt, a battlefield boast, becomes something more. Something epic. Something romantic. Something that could change the past and the future.

Except the discovery of their bond would mean the death of each of them. There’s still a war going on, after all. And someone has to win. That’s how war works, right?

Cowritten by two beloved and award-winning sci-fi writers, This Is How You Lose the Time War is an epic love story spanning time and space.


Amal El-Mohtar 是一位获奖作家、编辑和评论家。她的短篇小说《玻璃与铁的季节》曾获雨果奖、星云奖和 Locus 奖,并入围世界奇幻奖、斯特金奖、极光奖和尤金-福斯特奖。她是《蜂蜜月》(The Honey Month)一书的作者,这是一本根据 28 种不同蜂蜜的味道而创作的诗歌和散文集,她还为 NPR Books 和《纽约时报》撰写评论文章。她的小说发表在《Tor.com》和《Uncanny》杂志上,并被选入《精灵坠入爱河及其他故事》和《星光之林:新童话》等选集。她目前正在卡尔顿大学攻读博士学位,并在渥太华大学教授创意写作。您可以在 @Tithenai 上找到她。

马克斯-格拉德斯通是获得雨果奖提名的《工艺系列》的作者,帕特里克-罗斯福斯称其为 "令人目瞪口呆的好作品"。第六部《天使的毁灭》已于今年 9 月发行。麦克斯的互动手机游戏《Choice of the Deathless》曾获 XYZZY 奖提名,他的短篇小说曾在 Tor.com 和《Uncanny》杂志上发表,并被选入《XO Orpheus》等文集,广受好评: 五十个新神话》和《星光之林:新童话》等选集中。约翰-克劳利形容麦克斯是 "二十一世纪真正的奇幻明星"。麦克斯曾在卡内基音乐厅演唱,还曾在蒙古被人从马上扔下来。

Amal El-Mohtar is an award-winning author, editor, and critic. Her short story “Seasons of Glass and Iron” won the Hugo, Nebula, and Locus awards and was a finalist for the World Fantasy, Sturgeon, Aurora, and Eugie Foster awards. She is the author of The Honey Month, a collection of poetry and prose written to the taste of twenty-eight different kinds of honey, and contributes criticism to NPR Books and The New York Times. Her fiction has most recently appeared on Tor.com and Uncanny Magazine, and in anthologies such as The Djinn Falls in Love & Other Stories and The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales. She is presently pursuing a PhD at Carleton University and teaches creative writing at the University of Ottawa. She can be found online at @Tithenai.

Max Gladstone is the author of the Hugo-nominated Craft Sequence, which Patrick Rothfuss called “stupefyingly good.” The sixth book, Ruin of Angels, was released this September. Max’s interactive mobile game Choice of the Deathless was nominated for the XYZZY Award, and his critically acclaimed short fiction has appeared on Tor.com and in Uncanny Magazine, and in anthologies such as XO Orpheus: Fifty New Myths and The Starlit Wood: New Fairy Tales. John Crowley described Max as “a true star of twenty first century fantasy.” Max has sung in Carnegie Hall and was once thrown from a horse in Mongolia.

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预售 【中商原版】这就是你输掉时间战争的方式 科幻爱情小说 This Is How You Lose the Time War 英文原版 Amal El Mohtar


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