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【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠

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【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品图0
【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品图1
【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品图2
【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品图3
【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品图4
【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品图5
【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品图6
【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品图7
【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品缩略图4 【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品缩略图5 【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品缩略图6 【中商原版】碟形世界系列36-41 六册套装 英文原版畅销科幻小说 Discworld Novel Terry Pratchett 特里普拉切特 实习女巫和王冠 商品缩略图7


Discworld Novel 36 :Making Money


Discworld Novel 37:Unseen Academicals


Discworld Novel 38:I Shall Wear Midnight


Discworld Novel 39:Snuff


Discworld Novel 40:Raising Steam


Discworld Novel 41:The Shepherd's Crown


《碟形世界》系列是英国奇幻小说作家Terry Pratchett的系列作品。曾于2003年网络票选百大科幻作品时排名第九。《碟形世界》系列目前已出版四十一部,无论想象力、内涵还是搞笑的本领均令人震惊。其中《魔法光芒》、《异光》、《圣猪老爹》、《开始邮政》等已被改编为电影。

茫茫宇宙中,一只巨龟正缓缓地游过星星间的深渊。它的背上立着四头巨象,巨象的肩膀上驮着一块无比辽阔的平板,平板的边缘则是绵长的瀑布。平板上是一个和我们生活的地球有点儿像,却又不太一样的世界,生活着和我们相似却又不太一样的人。 这就是碟形世界。

和我们的世界相比,它 的“历史”不算悠久,不过应该比你的年纪要大一些。1983年,首本关于碟形世界的书《魔法的颜色》面世。之后,作者特里·普拉切特共出版了四十一本碟形世界小说。


Discworld Novel 36 :Making Money


'Whoever said you can't fool an honest man wasn't one'

The Royal Bank is facing a crisis, and it’s time for a change of management. Who would not to wish for that job?

It's a job for life. But, as former con-man Moist von Lipwig is learning, the life is not necessarily for long.

The Chief Cashier is almost certainly a vampire. There's something nameless in the cellar (and the cellar itself is pretty nameless), it turns out that the Royal Mint runs at a loss, and people actually want to know where the money’s gone. A 300 year old wizard is after his girlfriend, he's about to be exposed as a fraud, but the Assassins Guild might get him first. In fact lot of people want him dead

Oh. And every day he has to take the Chairman for walkies.

Everywhere he looks he's making enemies.

Discworld Novel 37:Unseen Academicals


Football has come to the ancient city of Ankh-Morpork. And now, the wizards of Unseen University must win a football match, without using magic, so they're in the mood for trying everything else. This is not going to be a gentleman’s game.

The prospect of the Big Match draws in a street urchin with a wonderful talent for kicking a tin can, a maker of jolly good pies, a dim but beautiful young woman, who might just turn out to be the greatest fashion model there has ever been, and the mysterious Mr Nutt (and no one knows anything much about Mr Nutt, not even Mr Nutt). As the match approaches, four lives are entangled and changed for ever. 

Because the thing about football - the important thing about football - is that it is not just about football.

Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!

Discworld Novel 38:I Shall Wear Midnight


As the witch of the Chalk, Tiffany Aching performs the distinctly unglamorous work of caring for the needy. But someone – or something – is inciting fear, generating dark thoughts and angry murmurs against witches. 

Tiffany must find the source of unrest and defeat the evil at its root. Aided by the tiny-but-tough Wee Free Men, Tiffany faces a dire challenge, for if she falls, the whole Chalk falls with her . . .    

Discworld Novel 39:Snuff


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a policeman taking a holiday would barely have had time to open his suitcase before he finds his first corpse.

Commander Sam Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch is on holiday in the pleasant and innocent countryside, but not for him a mere body in the wardrobe. There are many, many bodies - and an ancient crime more terrible than murder.

He is out of his jurisdiction, out of his depth, out of bacon sandwiches, occasionally snookered and out of his mind. But never out of guile. Where there is a crime there must be a finding, there must be a chase and there must be a punishment. 

They say that in the end all sins are forgiven.

But not quite all...      

Discworld Novel 40:Raising Steam


It’s all change for Moist von Lipwig, swindler, conman, and (naturally) head of the Royal Bank and Post Office.

A steaming, clanging new invention, driven by Dick Simnel, the man with t’flat cap and t’sliding rule, is drawing astonished crowds - including a few particularly keen young men armed with notepads and very sensible rainwear – and suddenly it’s a matter of national importance that the trains run on time.

Moist does not enjoy hard work. His . . .vital input at the bank and post office consists mainly of words, which are not that heavy. Or greasy. And it certainly doesn’t involve rickety bridges, runaway cheeses or a fat controller with knuckledusters. What he does enjoy is being alive, which may not be a perk of running the new railway. Because, of course, some people have OBJECTIONS, and they’ll go to extremes to stop locomotion in its tracks.

Discworld Novel 41:The Shepherd's Crown



Deep in the Chalk, something is stirring. The owls and the foxes can sense it, and Tiffany Aching feels it in her boots. An old enemy is gathering strength.

This is a time of endings and beginnings, old friends and new, a blurring of edges and a shifting of power. Now Tiffany stands between the light and the dark, the good and the bad. 

As the fairy horde prepares for invasion, Tiffany must summon all the witches to stand with her. To protect the land. Her land.

There will be a reckoning . . .


Author: Terry Pratchett 


Publisher: Corgi (11 Oct. 2012)

Language: English

Product Dimensions: 12.8 x 2.7 x 19.8 cm/册

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