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Peter Zumthor

瑞士建筑师彼得 卒姆托


出版商 ‏ : Scheidegger & Spiess (2024 年 10 月 31 日)

语言 ‏ : 英语

精装本 : ‎ 800页

ISBN-10 ‏: ‎ 3039422480

ISBN-13 ‏: ‎ 978-3039422487

尺寸 ‏ : ‎ 30 x 10 x 24 厘米



建筑师彼得·卒姆托的综合专著新版,涵盖了他截至 2013 年的整个职业生涯

通过照片、规划、图纸和 Peter Zumthor 撰写的文字展示所有主要建筑和项目

2014 年版荣获 2014 年 Filaf d'argent(际艺术书籍及电影节)和 2014 年 DAM 建筑书籍奖

“很少有建筑师像彼得·卒姆托这样耐心和严谨,这本专著通过图纸、照片和简短的文字捕捉到了他作品的物质性和无形精神。将如此丰富的作品分成五卷,而不是像其他知名建筑师那样塞进一本巨型出版物,这是一个绝妙的想法。每一本都拿在手里翻阅都很赏心悦目,从灰色丝绸封面到清晰的字体和宽敞的布局,都是瑞士设计的典范。触觉建筑很少在印刷品中得到更好的表达。” -迈克尔·韦伯,《建筑师报纸》,2014 年版

“卒姆托以他建筑作品的严谨和诗意,为我们呈现了他的歌剧大全。但他的言辞如此简洁,谁知道这是否是后一本。” -爱德华多·普列托 (Eduardo Prieto),《ArcitecturaViva》,2014 年版

2009 年普利兹克奖获得者彼得·卒姆托 (Peter Zumthor) 是当今受赞誉的建筑师。他因其精确和彻底而广受赞誉,他设计的建筑与其位置和功能相适应,其材料和其所包围空间的氛围质量都非常出色。

这部五卷本的调查研究了他截至 2013 年的作品,包含 43 座建筑和项目,其中包括一些从未发表过的作品。856 页的调查研究包含 750 多张照片、平面图、草图、图纸和水彩画,以及彼得·卒姆托本人专门为这本专著撰写的文字,记录了从几座世界闻名的建筑到一些从未离开过绘图板的建筑等各种项目。 2014 年的版本赢得了 2014 年 Filaf d'argent(际艺术书籍与电影节)奖和 2014 年 DAM 建筑书籍奖。

New edition of the comprehensive monograph on celebrated architect Peter Zumthor, covering his entire career until 2013

Features all key buildings and projects through photographs, plans, drawings, and texts written by Peter Zumthor

The first edition of 2014 won the 2014 Filaf d'argent (Festival International du Livre d'Art & du Film) and the 2014 DAM Architectural Book Award 2014

“Few architects are as patient and exacting as Peter Zumthor, and this monograph captures the materiality and intangible spirit of his work in drawings, photographs, and his brief texts. It was an inspired idea to divide this rich concentration of work into five slim volumes, rather than cram it into one of the mega-publications that entomb other celebrated architects. Each is a delight to hold and page through, and a model of Swiss design from the gray silk covers to the crisp typography and spacious layouts. Rarely has haptic architecture been better expressed in print.” - Michael Webb, The Architects Newspaper, on the 2014 edition

“With the same rigor and poetry of his architecture Zumthor offers us his opera omnia. But so laconic is he that who knows if this is the last.” - Eduardo Prieto, ArcitecturaViva, on the 2014 edition

Peter Zumthor, 2009 Pritzker laureate, is one of the best-known and most acclaimed architects of the present day. Widely admired for his precision and thoroughness, he creates buildings that are responsive to their location and function, and that are remarkable both for their materials and the atmospheric quality of the spaces they enclose.

This five-volume survey of his work until 2013 features 43 buildings and projects, including some that have never been published before. On 856 pages with more than 750 photographs, plans, sketches, drawings and watercolours, and with texts written by Peter Zumthor himself specially for this monograph, it documents a wide range of projects from several world-famous buildings to some that never left the drawing board. The first edition of 2014 won the 2014 Filaf d'argent (Festival International du Livre d'Art & du Film) and of the 2014 DAM Architectural Book Award.

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