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【中商原版】约翰 刘易斯 一生 John Lewis A Life 英文原版 David Greenberg 大卫 格林伯格 人物传记

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【中商原版】约翰 刘易斯 一生 John Lewis A Life 英文原版 David Greenberg 大卫 格林伯格 人物传记 商品图0
【中商原版】约翰 刘易斯 一生 John Lewis A Life 英文原版 David Greenberg 大卫 格林伯格 人物传记 商品缩略图0


约翰·刘易斯:一生 John Lewis: A Life


Format:Hardback 704 pages

Publisher:Simon & Schuster

Imprint:Simon & Schuster


Published:8 Oct 2024


Dimensions:235 x 159 (mm)



一部丰富的民权偶像约翰·刘易斯传记,被称为“国会的良心”,书中引用了对刘易斯以及大约 275 名在他生命各个阶段认识他的人的采访,以及从未使用过的 FBI 文件和文档。

刘易斯出生于阿拉巴马州农村的贫困家庭,在民权运动方面的贡献仅次于马丁·路德·金。他是一名自由骑士,帮助整合了南方的公交车站,是纳什维尔静坐运动的带领者,是 1963 年华盛顿游行中年轻的演讲者,也是学生非暴力协调委员会 (SNCC) 的主席,他使该委员会成为主要的民权组织之一。他令人难忘的可能是在阿拉巴马州塞尔玛的埃德蒙·佩特斯桥脚下遭到阿拉巴马州州警的毒打,差点丧命。


格林伯格的传记经过彻底的研究和戏剧性的讲述,通过数十份档案中的文件、对数百名认识刘易斯的人的采访,以及刘易斯本人在塞尔玛“血腥星期天”遭受严重殴打后在病床上对记者讲话的遗失已久的镜头,记录了约翰·刘易斯的影响力职业生涯。 《约翰·刘易斯:一生》收录了有关他的个人和职业关系的新细节,是一部关于这位在民权运动期间以英勇行为帮助美获得自由新生的男子的传记。

A comprehensive, authoritative biography of Civil Rights icon John Lewis, “the conscience of the Congress,” drawing on interviews with Lewis and approximately 275 others who knew him at various stages of his life, as well as never-before-used FBI files and documents.

Born into poverty in rural Alabama, Lewis would become second only to Martin Luther King, Jr. in his contributions to the Civil Rights Movement. He was a Freedom Rider who helped to integrate bus stations in the South, a leader of the Nashville sit-in movement, the youngest speaker at the 1963 March on Washington, and the chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), which he made into one of the major civil rights organizations. He may be best remembered as the victim of a vicious beating by Alabama state troopers at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, where he nearly died.

Greenberg’s biography traces Lewis’s life through the post-Civil Rights years, when he headed the Voter Education Project, which enrolled millions of African American voters across the South. The book reveals the little-known story of his political ascent first locally in Atlanta, and then as a member of Congress. Tapped to be a part of the Democratic leadership in Congress, he earned respect on both sides of the aisle for the sacrifices he had made on behalf of nonviolent integration in the South and came to be known as the “conscience of the Congress.”

Thoroughly researched and dramatically told, Greenberg’s biography captures John Lewis’s influential career through documents from dozens of archives, interviews with hundreds of people who knew Lewis, and long-lost footage of Lewis himself speaking to reporters from his hospital bed following his severe beating on “Bloody Sunday” in Selma. With new details about his personal and professional relationships, John Lewis: A Life is the definitive biography of a man whose heroism during the Civil Rights movement helped to bring America a new birth of freedom.



David Greenberg is a professor of history and of journalism and media studies at Rutgers University and a frequent commentator on historical and political affairs. He is the author or editor of several books on American history and politics including Nixon's Shadow: The History of an Image and Republic of Spin: An Inside History of the American Presidency. Formerly acting editor of The New Republic and then a columnist for Slate, Greenberg now writes regularly for Politico, Liberties, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. His work has also been featured in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, The Wall Street Journal, and numerous academic journals. In support of this book Greenberg won awards from the Guggenheim Foundation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Cullman Center of the New York Public Library, and the Leon Levy Center for Biography. He holds a PhD in history from Columbia University and a BA from Yale and lives with his family in Manhattan.

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【中商原版】约翰 刘易斯 一生 John Lewis A Life 英文原版 David Greenberg 大卫 格林伯格 人物传记


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