生物学 第11版 英文原版 Biology Eldra Pearl Solomon 英文版进口原版英语书籍
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作者:Eldra Pearl Solomon
商品尺寸:26 x 21 x 0.4cm
Solomon,Martin,Martin和Berg的《生物》——通常被认为是学习生物学的zui佳专业教材——也是一个完整的教学计划。综合的、以探究为基础的学习系统引导学生读完每一章,从每一章开头的关键概念和每一节的学习目标开始。章节结束时的检查点问题鼓励学生在继续学习前复习重点。本章的总结进一步强化了学习目标,随后为学生提供了测试他们理解能力的机会。第十一版提供扩展的整合的文本的五个指导主题的生物学——生命的进化,生物信息的传递,通过生命系统的能量流,相互作用的生物系统和结构和功能的相互关系。MindTap Biology平台提供给教师完全控制他们的课程,并为学生提供从记忆到精通的能力。
Solomon, Martin, Martin and Berg's BIOLOGY--often described as the best majors' text for learning Biology--is also a complete teaching program. The integrated, inquiry-based learning system guides students through every chapter, starting with key concepts at the beginning of each chapter and learning objectives for each section. End-of-section Checkpoint questions encourage students to review key points before moving on. A chapter summary further reinforces learning objectives, followed by an opportunity for students to test their understanding. The eleventh edition offers expanded integration of the text's five guiding themes of Biology--the evolution of life, the transmission of biological information, the flow of energy through living systems, interactions among biological systems and the inter-relationship of structure and function. Available with MindTap Biology, the platform that gives instructors complete control of their course and powers students from memorization to mastery.
Eldra Solomon博士在生物学和人体解剖学和生理学方面写了几本领先的大学水平的教科书。她的书已被翻译成十多种语言。Solomon博士在佛罗里达大学获得硕士学位,在南佛罗里达大学获得硕士和博士学位。她教生物学和护理学生20多年。除了是一名生物学家和科学作家,所罗门博士是一名生物心理学家,对创伤经历的神经生理学有特别的兴趣。她的研究重点是创伤对神经、内分泌和心理的影响,包括创伤后应激障碍和不良应对策略的发展。所罗门博士在许多国内和国际会议上展示了她的研究成果,她的研究成果也发表在主要的专业期刊上。她已经在主要出版物上被介绍了30多次,包括美国的名人录,科学和工程的名人录,医学和医疗保健的名人录,美国教育的名人录,美国女性的名人录以及世界上的名人录。
Dr. Eldra Solomon has written several leading college-level textbooks in Biology and in Human Anatomy and Physiology. Her books have been translated into more than 10 languages. Dr. Solomon earned an M.S. from the University of Florida and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of South Florida. She taught Biology and Nursing students for more than 20 years. In addition to being a biologist and science author, Dr. Solomon is a bio-psychologist with a special interest in the neurophysiology of traumatic experience. Her research has focused on the neurological, endocrine and psychological effects of trauma, including Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and development of maladaptive coping strategies. Dr. Solomon has presented her research at many national and international conferences, and her work has been published in leading professional journals. She has been profiled more than 30 times in leading publications, including WHO'S WHO IN AMERICA, WHO'S WHO IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, WHO'S WHO IN MEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE, WHO'S WHO IN AMERICAN EDUCATION, WHO'S WHO OF AMERICAN WOMEN and WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD.
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