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From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版

运费: ¥ 0.00-999.00
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From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品图0
From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品图1
From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品图2
From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品图3
From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品图4
From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品缩略图0 From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品缩略图1 From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品缩略图2 From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品缩略图3 From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版 商品缩略图4


书名:From Head to Toe  从头到脚 纸板书
读者对象:1 - 4
作者:Eric Carle
出版社名称:Harper Collins
商品尺寸:12.7x 1.2x 17.8 cm

From Head to Toe从头到脚是绘本大师艾瑞·卡尔的经典启蒙绘本之一。艾瑞·卡尔用独特的拼贴画,画出了企鹅会转头、大象会跺脚、大猩猩会捶胸、牛会耸肩膀等十二种不同生物招牌动作,并以Can you do it?I can do it.的重复句型,邀请小小孩一起来转头、弯脖子、摆动胳臂,让孩子在玩乐中掌握一些重要的技能,比如认真倾听、集中注意力、听从指挥
本书为英文原版纸板书,安全牢固,适合在活泼有趣的氛围中让孩子学习英语。通过一次次地大声重复Can you do it?”“I can do it.孩子能够建立起基本的自信心;通过模仿相关动作,孩子在自信、愉悦的状态下,轻松会常见动物、身体部位及动作等英语词汇
企鹅penguin转头turn one’s head
长颈鹿giraffe弯脖子bendone’s neck
水牛buffalo耸肩raise ones shoulders
猴子monkey挥手臂waveone’s arms
海豹seal鼓掌clap one’s hands
大猩猩gorilla捶胸thump one’s chest
cat拱背arch one’s back
鳄鱼crocodile扭臀wriggle one’s hips
骆驼camel屈膝bend one’s knees
驴子donkey踢腿kick ones legs
大象elephant跺脚stomp ones foot
摆动脚趾wiggle one’s toe  
你可以吗?Can you do it?
我可以!I can do it!

What does an elephant do? It stomps its foot. Can you? From the creator of such beloved classics as The Grouchy Ladybug and The Mixed-Up Chameleon comes this interactive story that invites kids to imitate animal movements. Watching giraffes bend their necks or monkeys wave their arms is fun, but nothing could be better than joining in. From their heads down to their toes, kids will be wriggling, jiggling, and giggling as they try to keep up with these animals! Alligators wiggle, elephants stop, gorillas thump, and giraffes bend. “Can you do it?” “I can do it!” is the confidence-building message of this fun-filled interactive picture book. A variety of familiar animals invite young children to copy their antics, and as they play, they will learn such important skills as careful listening, focusing attention, and following instructions. Just as alphabet books introduce the very young child to letters and simple words,From Head to Toe introduces the basic body parts and simple body movements. And in the same way that children progress from understanding simple words to reading and writing sentences and stories, so they will progress from simple body movements to dancing, gymnastics, and other sports and activities, with confidence and pleasure. 
Eric Carles colorful collages have delighted children for more than a generation. Each book provides hours of fun while encouraging them to stretch their imaginations. His matchless words and illustrations now send out a new challenge:
Are you ready?
Here we go!
Move yourself
From Head to Toe.
A Main Selection of the Children’s Book-of-the-Month Club


From Eric Carle, the New York Times bestselling creator of beloved books including The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Grouchy Ladybug, comes From Head to Toe, a colorful and energetic board book that will have young readers clapping their hands, stomping their feet, and wiggling their toes!
Giraffes can bend their necks, monkeys can wave their hands, and donkeys can kick their legs. And so can you! Throughout this interactive board book, the animals of From Head to Toe invite young readers to copy their antics as they play.
Through Carle’s vibrant collages and simple instructions, children will learn the importance of listening, exercising, and taking on a new challenge. Join the giraffes, monkeys, donkeys, seals, and more for a frolicking, fun adventure! 

艾瑞·卡尔Eric Carle1929年出生于纽约,1935年随父母返德国定居。他讨厌德国式教育下的学校生活及时代的战乱,让他的少年时光并不快乐。战后,从小就展露绘画天分且向往自由浪漫的艾瑞·卡尔,在中学绘画老师的推荐及母亲的鼓励下,进入斯图加特艺术学院学习了四年的商业设计,一毕业即在时尚杂志担任艺术总监。1952年,艾瑞·卡尔再次踏上他要实现梦想的土地——美国。因缘巧合,他得到李欧·李奥尼的赏识和推荐,顺利开始在《纽约时报》的工作,发挥美术兼广告设计的专长。1960年艾瑞·卡尔成立了个人工作室,辛勤工作之外,他更渴望蜕变、渴望创作!
Eric Carle is the author and illustrator of more than seventy books for children, many of them bestsellers. Born in Syracuse, New York, he moved to Germany with his parents when he was six years old. He studied at the Academy of Graphic Arts in Stuttgart before returning to the United States, where he worked as a graphic designer forThe New York Times and later as art director for an international advertising agency. His first two books,1,2,3 to the Zoo andThe Very Hungry Caterpillar, gained him immediate international recognition. The latter title, now considered a modern classic, has sold more than 30 million copies and has been translated into forty-eight languages. Eric Carle and his wife, Barbara, divide their time between the mountains of North Carolina and the Florida Keys.

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From Head to Toe 从头动到脚 英文原版 儿童绘本纸板书 eric carle 艾瑞卡尔爷爷 吴敏兰书单 1-2-3-4岁儿童绘本 英文版


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