预售 【中商原版】研究技巧 第五版 芝加哥写作 编辑和出版指南 英文原版 Craft of Research Fifth Edition Wayne C Booth
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The Craft of Research, Fifth Edition
Series:Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing
Format:Paperback / softback 368 pages, 19 halftones, 6 line drawings, 7 tables
Publisher:The University of Chicago Press
Imprint:University of Chicago Press
Edition:Fifth Edition
Published:25 Jun 2024
Dimensions:216 x 139 x 17 (mm)
自出版以来,《研究技巧》已售出 100 多万册,帮助了一代又一代各个层次的研究人员——从高中生和一年级本科生到高年级研究生再到商界和政府研究人员。这部基础著作由经验丰富的研究人员和教育家 Wayne C. Booth、Gregory G. Colomb 和 Joseph M. Williams 构思,解释了如何选择重要的主题、提出真实而富有成效的问题、查找和评估来源、建立合理而令人信服的论点,并有效地将这些论点传达给他人。
在保留本书经过验证的研究过程方法、总体结构和易于理解的语调的同时,新版本承认了当今开展和交流研究的多种方式。经过 Joseph Bizup 和 William T. FitzGerald 的彻底修订,它认识到研究可能会产生论文以外的产品——或者根本没有产品——并包含一个关于有效演示的新章节。它介绍了来自各个领域的新鲜事例,将吸引当今的学生和其他读者。它还介绍了研究中使用的新技术,并为正确使用生成式人工智能提供了基本指导。后面是一章关于伦理的扩展内容,其中讨论了研究人员对其研究社区和受众的更广泛义务以及有关伦理研究实践的系统性问题。
A thoroughly updated edition of a beloved classic that has guided generations of researchers in conducting effective and meaningful research.
With more than a million copies sold since its first publication, The Craft of Research has helped generations of researchers at every level―from high-school students and first-year undergraduates to advanced graduate students to researchers in business and government. Conceived by seasoned researchers and educators Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams, this fundamental work explains how to choose significant topics, pose genuine and productive questions, find and evaluate sources, build sound and compelling arguments, and convey those arguments effectively to others.
While preserving the book’s proven approach to the research process, as well as its general structure and accessible voice, this new edition acknowledges the many ways research is conducted and communicated today. Thoroughly revised by Joseph Bizup and William T. FitzGerald, it recognizes that research may lead to a product other than a paper―or no product at all―and includes a new chapter about effective presentations. It features fresh examples from a variety of fields that will appeal to today’s students and other readers. It also accounts for new technologies used in research and offers basic guidelines for the appropriate use of generative AI. And it ends with an expanded chapter on ethics that addresses researchers’ broader obligations to their research communities and audiences as well as systemic questions about ethical research practices.
This new edition will be welcomed by a new and more diverse generation of researchers.
韦恩·C·布斯 (Wayne C. Booth,1921-2005) 曾任芝加哥大学英语语言文学系乔治·M·普尔曼杰出服务名誉教授。他的著作包括《小说的修辞学》和《为了爱:业余爱好者及其对手》,均由芝加哥大学出版社出版。格雷戈里·G·哥伦布 (Gregory G. Colomb,1951-2011) 曾任弗吉尼亚大学英语教授,著有《真理设计:奥古斯都模仿史诗的诗学》。约瑟夫·M·威廉姆斯 (Joseph M. Williams,1933-2008) 曾任芝加哥大学英语语言文学系教授,著有《风格:清晰优雅的课程》。约瑟夫·比祖普 (Joseph Bizup) 是波士顿大学英语系副教授。他修订了威廉姆斯的《风格:清晰优雅的课程》的后面三个版本。
Wayne C. Booth (1921–2005) was the George M. Pullman Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago. His many books include The Rhetoric of Fiction and For the Love of It:Amateuring and Its Rivals, both published by the University of Chicago Press. Gregory G. Colomb (1951–2011) was professor of English at the University of Virginia and the author of Designs on Truth: The Poetics of the Augustan Mock-Epic. Joseph M. Williams (1933–2008) was professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago and the author of Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace. Joseph Bizup is associate professor in the Department of English at Boston University. He revised the last three editions of Williams’s Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace.
William T. FitzGerald is associate professor in the Department of English and Communication at Rutgers University–Camden and has published widely on writing and research, the rhetoric of prayer, and style.
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