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预售 【中商原版】A World Of Our Own Women Artists Against The Odds 进口艺术 我们的世界:逆境中的女性艺术家 T&H 商品缩略图0 预售 【中商原版】A World Of Our Own Women Artists Against The Odds 进口艺术 我们的世界:逆境中的女性艺术家 T&H 商品缩略图1 预售 【中商原版】A World Of Our Own Women Artists Against The Odds 进口艺术 我们的世界:逆境中的女性艺术家 T&H 商品缩略图2 预售 【中商原版】A World Of Our Own Women Artists Against The Odds 进口艺术 我们的世界:逆境中的女性艺术家 T&H 商品缩略图3 预售 【中商原版】A World Of Our Own Women Artists Against The Odds 进口艺术 我们的世界:逆境中的女性艺术家 T&H 商品缩略图4



A World Of Our Own Women Artists Against The Odds


出版社 ‏ : ‎ Thames & Hudson (2024年 11月 19日)

语言 ‏ : ‎ 英语

平装 ‏ : ‎ 320页

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0500297215

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0500297216

商品重量 ‏ : ‎ 567 g

尺寸 ‏ : ‎ 16.26 x 3.05 x 23.62 cm





艺术史学家弗朗西斯·博泽洛带领读者深入过去女性艺术家的受限世界,展示她们如何努力训练自己、建立工作室并寻求富有同情心的赞助人。从文艺复兴时期的画家索福尼斯巴·安圭索拉和拉维尼亚·丰塔纳开始,本书重构了随着社会态度的演变,女性艺术家的世界也在不断变化。17 世纪的画家阿尔特米西亚·真蒂莱斯基 (Artemisia Gentileschi) 和朱迪思·莱斯特 (Judith Leyster) 通过描绘与女性相关的主题而获得了成功,18 世纪的伟大画家安吉莉卡·考夫曼 (Angelica Kauffman) 和伊丽莎白·维杰-勒布伦也通过利润丰厚的委托获得了成功。19 世纪,年轻的希望之星玛丽·卡萨特 (Mary Cassatt) 和玛丽·巴什基尔特塞夫努力争取加入展览协会并开办艺术学校,取得了进一步的突破。终于,随着 20 世纪女性平等的进步,奥古斯塔·萨维奇 (Augusta Savage)、乔治亚·奥基芙 (Georgia O'Keeffe)、弗里达·卡罗 (Frida Kahlo)、辛迪·舍曼 (Cindy Sherman)、莫娜·哈透姆 (Mona Hatoum) 等人为当今才华横溢的女性开辟了道路,让她们在艺术史上占据一席之地。现在经过修订和更新,弗朗西斯·博泽洛引人入胜的叙述继续激励着我们。

A new edition of one of the first books to focus on the world of women artists and their practice.

Women have always practiced as artists, but for centuries the art world considered them mere dilettantes. Their work was derided as second-rate, and they were considered intruders in a male profession. This study examines how, against the odds, they overcame these difficulties and shifts the focus away from women artists as "victims" to give an account of how they actually practiced their art. This stirring account documents the centuries- long struggle of gifted women who confronted the exclusionary tactics of a male-dominated art establishment but pressed ahead undaunted to gain acceptance as sought-after professionals.

Art historian Frances Borzello takes readers deep into the restricted world of women artists of the past, showing how diligently they trained themselves, set up studios, and pursued sympathetic patrons. Starting with Renaissance painters Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana, the book reconstructs the changing world of women artists as social attitudes evolved. Seventeenth-century painters Artemisia Gentileschi and Judith Leyster enjoyed success by depicting subjects relevant to women, as did eighteenth- century greats Angelica Kauffman and Vigée-Lebrun with lucrative commissions. Further breakthroughs came in the nineteenth century as young hopefuls Mary Cassatt and Marie Bashkirtseff strove to be admitted to exhibiting societies and opened art schools. Finally, as equality for women advanced through the twentieth century, Augusta Savage, Georgia O'Keeffe, Frida Kahlo, Cindy Sherman, Mona Hatoum, and others led the way for today's talented women to secure their rightful place in the annals of art. Now fully revised and updated, Frances Borzello's engaging narrative continues to inspire.

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