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家地理旅行者:巴黎 第5版 National Geographic Traveler: Paris, 5th Edition


Series:National Geographic Traveler

Format:Paperback / softback 272 pages

Publisher:White Star

Imprint:White Star


Published:22 Jul 2021


Dimensions:125 x 201 x 23 (mm)



家地理旅行者》指南顺应了体验式旅行日益增长的趋势。 每本书都提供鼓舞人心的摄影、内部提示和专家建议,让您获得更真实、更丰富的目的地体验。 这些书籍为活跃、有眼光的旅行者提供服务,并提供互联网上无法提供的信息、历史背景和文化解释。

家地理旅行者 巴黎》是任何参观这座美丽城市的人的理想伴侣。 巴黎可以被视为一个神奇而永恒的地方,埃菲尔铁塔和蒙马特山是一个辉煌故事的不变舞台,充满了过去的非凡人物。 或者,我们可以牢牢关注当下,探索贝尔维尔等多元文化区,或知名的布朗利-雅克·希拉克码头博物馆、新人类学博物馆等未来主义建筑。 我们可以漫无目的地漫步在玛黑区的街道或林荫大道上,沿着塞纳河漫步,或者漫步在卢浮宫的走廊上,带着法人称之为闲逛的好奇心。 读者将找到有关参观重要场所和无数不太知名的地点的详细信息,从秘密的巴黎公园到优雅的蒙田大道。 该指南包含玛黑区、林荫大道和蒙帕纳斯周围步行游览的地图。

The National Geographic Traveler guidebooks are in tune with the growing trend toward experiential travel. Each book provides inspiring photography, insider tips, and expert advice for a more authentic, enriching experience of the destination. These books serve a readership of active, discerning travelers, and supply information, historical context, and cultural interpretation not available on the Internet.

National Geographic Traveler Paris is the ideal companion for anyone visiting the beautiful city. Paris can be seen as a magical, timeless place where the Tour Eiffel, and the hill of Montmartre are unchanging stages for a glorious story, populated with extraordinary characters from the past. Or, we can keep our eyes firmly fixed on the present, exploring multicultural districts like Belleville, or the futuristic constructions such as the celebrated Musée du quai Branly-Jacques Chirac, the new anthropological museum. We can wander aimlessly along the streets of the Marais or the grands boulevards, follow the Seine or stroll through the corridors of the Louvre, with that idle curiosity the French call flânerie. Readers will find detailed information on the good way to visit the essential venues, and a myriad of less well-known locations, from secret Paris parks to the elegant Avenue Montaigne. The guide includes maps for walking tours around the Marais, the grand boulevards, and Montparnasse.


作为领先的非小说类出版商之一,《家地理》已出版 1,700 多种图书,涵盖历史、旅行、自然、摄影、太空、科学、健康、传记和回忆录等类别。 其部分收益用于通过对家地理学会工作的持续贡献来资助探索、保护和教育。

丽莎·戴维森 (LISA DAVIDSON) 是一位作家兼编辑,现居巴黎。 她曾与法乡村、优质法和世界媒体网络合作,出版了一部关于俄罗斯革命的纪实作品《Baboushka》和《Dedoushka》。 目前,她正在与美术杂志和巴黎出版商伽利玛出版社合作。

One of the leading nonfiction publishers, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC has published more than 1,700 titles, featuring such categories as history, travel, nature, photography, space, science, health, biography, and memoir. A portion of its proceeds is used to fund exploration, conservation, and education through ongoing contributions to the work of the National Geographic Society.

LISA DAVIDSON, an author and editor, lives in Paris. She has worked with Village France, France par Excellence, and World Media Network, and published Baboushka and Dedoushka, a nonfiction work on the Russian Revolution. At present she is working with Beaux Arts Magazine and with the Paris-based publisher Gallimard.

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