【中商原版】粉色的微笑 英文原版 Pink Slime Fernanda Trias 乌拉圭小说文学奖得主Fernanda Trias新作 流行小说
运费: | ¥ 5.00-30.00 |
库存: | 1 件 |
粉色的微笑 乌拉圭国家小说文学奖 巴托洛梅-伊达尔戈小说奖 Pink Slime
Format:Paperback / softback 224 pages
Publisher:Scribe Publications
Imprint:Scribe Publications
Published:10 Aug 2023
Dimensions:136 x 210 x 23 (mm)
曾获乌拉圭国家小说文学奖、巴托洛梅-伊达尔戈小说奖和索-胡安娜-伊内斯-德拉克鲁斯文学奖。一座港口城市陷入了生态危机。河水中充满了有毒的藻类,致命的 "红风 "吹过街道;随着富人向内陆安全地带迁移,大部分沿海地区的居民已被疏散,剩下的人只能躲在废弃的房屋里,因为停电和食物短缺的情况比比皆是。
Winner of the Uruguayan National Literature Prize for Fiction, the Bartolome-Hidalgo Fiction Prize, and the Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Literature Prize. A port city is in the grips of an ecological crisis. The river has filled with toxic algae, and a deadly 'red wind' blows through its streets; much of the coast has been evacuated as the wealthy migrate inland to safety, leaving the rest to shelter in abandoned houses as blackouts and food shortages abound.
The unnamed narrator is one of those who has stayed. She spends her days trying to disentangle herself from the two relationships that had once meant everything to her, and looking after the young boy who's been placed in her care. As the world in which they move becomes smaller, she reflects on the collapse of the other emotional ties in her life and the emergence of a radical yet tender solitude.
With striking prose and vivid characters, the multi-award-winning Pink Slime offers profound reflections on motherhood, marriage, and caregiving, set against the backdrop of a crumbling city.
费尔南达-特里亚斯(Fernanda Trías,1976 年出生于乌拉圭)被认为是 "新拉丁美洲繁荣 "女作家中的一员,毫无疑问,她是当今河岸地区乃至整个拉丁美洲杰出的文学代表。她的作品已在西班牙、哥伦比亚、玻利维亚、阿根廷、智利、乌拉圭、墨西哥和法国出版。然而,直到现在,她的所有作品都没有英文版。
Considered to be one of the authors forming part of the 'new Latin American Boom’ of women writers, Fernanda Trías (Uruguay, 1976) is without doubt the prominent literary voices in today’s River Plate region and in all of Latin America. Her books have been published in Spain as well as in Colombia, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Mexico, and also in France. However, none of her books have have appeared in English until now.
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