蒙台梭利儿童教育手册 英文原版 Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook 蒙氏教育实操手册 英文版育儿书 进口儿童家庭教育书籍
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书名:Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook蒙台梭利儿童教育手册
作者:Maria Montessori
出版社名称:Schocken Books
商品尺寸:13.5 x 1.3 x 20.1 cm
本书Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook《蒙台梭利儿童教育手册》是蒙台梭利博士在美国传授蒙台梭利方法期间,应无数对她的方法感兴趣的父母和教师的要求而写作的一本操作性手册。书中传授了如何教学前儿童使用教具,以刺激其观察力、认识力和判断力的发育。蒙台梭利博士强调,每个孩子的方法应使用的教育方法是不同的,成人的作用应该是引导孩子自己去试验,让他们自己意识到自己的错误。
This is the book that Maria Montesorri wrote in response to requests from thousands of American parents and teachers. A short, illustrated guide to the use of the Montessori classroom materials, it shows how to set up a "children's house"--an environment for learning where children can be their own masters, free to learn at their own pace.
Frames for lacing and buttoning, geometrical wooden inserts, sound cylinders, sandpapers letters, colored numerical rods: these are familiar features of any Montesorri classroom, whether in the pioneering days or today. Dr. Montesorri explains how to use these materials with preschool children to stimulate their powers of observation, recognition, judgment, and classification.
These self-correcting learning tools are the original "teaching machines" for young children. Inherently logical and aesthetically pleasing, they were designed to hone the child's visual, auditory, and tactile perceptions. Dr. Montesorri stresses that each child approaches the apparatus differently. The role of the adult, whether teacher or parent, is to let the child experiment, perceive his own mistakes, and run his own risks in learning.
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook《蒙台梭利儿童教育手册》针对3-7岁孩子,是一部系统阐述蒙台梭利方法和“儿童之家”教具使用的操作手册,描述了如何使用“儿童之家”教学用具,以促进儿童观察力、认识力和判断力的提升,并指导父母为孩子们营造自我教育环境,同时,通过引导培养孩子的冒险精神。 这本手册提供了在“儿童之家”历经实践检验、已具有显著效果的教学用具及教育方法的详细信息;也介绍了如何对孩子进行“自发性教育”的方法;让孩子通过自己的努力,自由地学习。《蒙台梭利儿童教育手册》完全面向操作层面,为没有耐心读完蒙氏教育法等理论书籍但又相信并想实践的家长而写。蒙氏通过一系列的教具,结合观察、不干涉、引导等教育思想,来实现对孩子发展的教育!
Dr. MARIA MONTESSORIwas an Italian physician, educator, and innovator, acclaimed for her educational method that builds on the way children naturally learn.
RECENT years have seen a remarkable improvement in the conditions of child life. In all civilized countries, but especially in England, statistics show a decrease in infant mortality.
Related to this decrease in mortality a corresponding improvement is to be seen in the physical development of children; they are physically finer and more vigorous. It has been the diffusion, the popularization of science, which has brought about such notable advantages. Mothers have learned to welcome the dictates of modern hygiene and to put them into practice in bringing up their children. Many new social institutions have sprung up and have been perfected with the object of assisting children and protecting them during the period of physical growth. In this way what is practically a new race is coming into being, a race more highly developed, finer and more robust; a race which will be capable of offering resistance to insidious disease. What has science done to effect this? Science has suggested for us certain very simple rules by which the child has been restored as nearly as possible to conditions of a natural life, and an order and a guiding law have been given to the functions of the body. For example, it is science which suggested maternal feeding, the abolition of swaddling clothes, baths, life in the open air, exercise, simple short clothing, quiet and plenty of sleep. Rules were also laid down for the measurement of food adapting it rationally to the physiological needs of the child’s life. Yet with all this, science made no contribution that was entirely new. Mothers had always nursed their children, children had always been clothed, they had breathed and eaten before. The point is, that the same physical acts which, performed blindly and without order, led to disease and death, when ordered rationally were the means of giving strength and life. The great progress made may perhaps deceive us into thinking that everything possible has been done for children. We have only to weigh the matter carefully,however, to reflect: Are our children only those healthy little bodies which to-day are growing and developing so vigorously under our eyes? Is their destiny fulfilled in the production of beautiful human bodies? In that case there would be little difference between their lot and that of the animals which we raise that we may have good meat or beasts o burden.
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