酒精度:12%vol 类型:天然型高泡
“Champagne is the only wine that makes women beautiful, even after drinking.” Madame De Pompadour“香槟是可以令女人变得美丽的美酒,即使是品尝过后亦然。”蓬巴杜夫人
Mot & Chandon is currently the world’s most successful champagne, holding thenumber one position in nearly every market including the United States, the UnitedKingdom, Italy, Switzerland, Japan and Spain.In 2005, Mot & Chandon was the only champagne house listed within BusinessWeek’s Top 100 Global Brands.Lively, elegant and generous, Mot & Chandon wines distinguish themselves by abright fruitness, a seductive palate and a confident maturity.
酩悦香槟自1743年创立以来已成为好的香槟酒厂,对创新的追求。这正是酩悦香槟传统的精髓所在;葡萄栽培、葡萄酿酒技术方面的创新、人力资源的利用以及对产品的创造都表明了香槟产区拥有的土壤特性以及人才。酩悦香槟酒厂创立于法国的启蒙时代,充分体现出该时代的进步。如今,我们可以自豪地说每一秒钟都有一瓶酩悦香槟在某处为人们分享。开拓精神、征服精神、欢庆精神— 酩悦体现了香槟的吸引力。
A seductive wine. Formed around Pinot Noir, it is both spontaneous and balanced, emphasizingfruity liveliness. Zestful, with great suppleness, the assemblage with red wine also gives it feminine,coppery shades. This champagne is full-bodied and has an assertive fruitiness. A tender structure onthe mid-palate leads to a luscious finish.
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