美之地图 英文原版 The Atlas of Beauty Women of the World in 500 Portraits 500幅肖像中的世界女性 英文版摄影纪实 进口画册
运费: | ¥ 0.00-999.00 |
库存: | 8 件 |

书名:The Atlas of Beauty美之地图
作者:Mihaela Noroc
出版社名称:Ten Speed Press
商品尺寸:19.4 x 3 x 24.6 cm
本书The Atlas of Beauty《美之地图》是Facebook和Instagram的热门摄影项目,罗马尼亚摄影师米哈埃拉·诺洛茨走遍50国,用镜头记录下500张面孔的美丽瞬间。从亚马逊的热带雨林到伦敦街头,从印度的乡镇集市到约旦古城佩特拉,她们在千差万别的处境中,各自绽放美丽。
“美,不是一个简单的宇宙标准,而是像织锦一样复杂。”——《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)
Based on the author's online photography project, this stunning collection features portraits of 500 women from more than 50 countries, accompanied by revelatory captions that capture their personal stories.
Since 2013 photographer Mihaela Noroc has traveled the world with her backpack and camera taking photos of everyday women to showcase the diversity of beauty all around us. The Atlas of Beauty is a collection of her photographs celebrating women from all corners of the world, revealing that beauty is everywhere, and that it comes in many different sizes and colors. Noroc's colorful and moving portraits feature women in their local communities, ranging from the Amazon rainforest to London city streets, and from markets in India to parks in Harlem, visually juxtaposing the varied physical and social worlds these women inhabit. Packaged as a gift-worthy, hardcover book, The Atlas of Beauty presents a fresh perspective on the global lives of women today.
"Gorgeous."--BUST浮士德说:“你真美啊,请停一停。”在The Atlas of Beauty《美之地图》里,时间停了下来。
米哈埃拉·诺洛茨(Mihaela Noroc),罗马尼亚摄影师。诺洛茨的摄影对象来自世界各个角落,有着不同的文化背景,她用五种语言与他们交流。《美之地图》是她的第1本书。
MIHAELA NOROClives in Bucharest, Romania, and has traveled to 55 countries in the last four years working on her ongoing photography project The Atlas of Beauty, which is documented on her blog (theatlasofbeauty.com) and on her enormously popular Instagram (@the.atlas.of.beauty) and Facebook (The Atlas of Beauty) pages. Mihaela's work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and Forbes and she has appeared on CNN, the BBC, and Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday.
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