童年的秘密 英文原版书 Secret of Childhood 蒙氏儿童教育经典著作 蒙台梭利家庭教育 英文版原版 正版进口育儿书籍
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书名:Secret of Childhood童年的秘密
作者:Maria Montessori玛丽亚·蒙台梭利
出版社名称:Ballantine Books
商品尺寸:10.4 x 1.5 x 17.3 cm
Secret of Childhood《童年的秘密》是对儿童行为与心灵成长规律的全新发现,揭示了震撼中国父母的教育理念。所有的父母和教师都会从这本书的许多具体事例和理论阐述中得到深刻的启迪。更值得注意的是,蒙台梭利在书中所列举的许多例子,在我们的现实生活中就可以看到。
“著名教育家玛利亚·蒙台梭利创建的新幼儿教育法风靡世界,影响了整个二十世纪,她因此被誉为“幼儿教育之母”。进入二十一世纪,蒙台梭利教育法依旧具有蓬勃的生命力,在东西各国广为传播。”——北京师范大学教育学院教授 梁志燊
Maria Montessori describes the child with warmth and the exactness of a scientist. She also discusses the array of materials and techniques needed to release his learning potential.
Secret of Childhood《童年的秘密》详尽地告诉父母,儿童的成长有着其内在的精神驱动和规律,儿童的成长需要依靠他们自身不断有意识地、自主地、独立地与外界环境进行活动(书中称为工作)来获得。成人如果想促进儿童成长,重要的是给他们创造一个充满爱的安全的环境,尊重并理解孩子的行为,对他们的行为尽量做较少的限制和“指导”。儿童自然会知道自己想做什么,该如何做。在一次又一次的探索中,他会逐渐成长起来。
书中还讲到许多具体的观念,比如,儿童充满精力乐此不疲地去工作(活动),只是一种内在的心理驱动,并没有任何目的,在这种工作中其能力也得到了发展。儿童对“秩序”有一种天然的敏感性,如果这种秩序被打乱,会引起他心理上的不安,甚至会引起生理上的疾病。更换保姆、脱穿衣服、移动一些物品的摆放位置等这些秩序的打乱,儿童都能敏感地感知,并做出相应的反应。儿童还喜欢重复性的活动,对于喜欢的活动,他会十分专注地、安静地反复操作进行,并在这种重复的活动中获得极大的满足感。成人绝不应该去取笑或打断孩子的工作。 本书从1936年出版迄今已历经七十余年,但在今天的中国,探究“童年的秘密”仍然具有强烈的现实意义,因为成人对待儿童的错误态度依然普遍存在。童年是人类生存的根基,儿童是“成人之父”,只有发现和解放儿童,我们才能拥有更好的未来。 玛丽亚·蒙台梭利(1870—1952),20世纪享誉世界的意大利幼儿教育家,蒙氏幼儿园——“儿童之家”创办者。反对过分干涉儿童,倡导为儿童设计专属环境,提出“吸收性心智”、“敏感期”等重要早教概念。在实验、观察和研究基础上,针对儿童不同年龄阶段的特点,推出多部早教经典。她的著作被译成几十种文字,多国设立蒙台梭利协会,蒙台梭利学校遍及百余国家,千万所学校推行其教育理念和方法。各界知名人士,如比尔·盖茨、彼得·德鲁克、乔治·克鲁尼等,幼时都深受蒙氏教育影响。
Dr. Maria Montessori (1870–1952) was an Italian physician, teacher, and innovator, acclaimed for her eponymous educational method that builds on the way children naturally learn. She opened the first Montessori school, the Casa dei Bambini, in Rome in 1907, and today there are more than 22,000 throughout the world. Dr. Montessori wrote numerous books on scientific pedagogy, including The Montessori Method, The Secret of Childhood, and The Discovery of the Child. Preface
Today’s problems with regard to youth and childhood are the most patent proof that teaching is not the most Important part of education. Yet the delusion persists that adults form the man through their teaching of the child. Actually, education which consists mostly of direct teaching often impedes rather than help, natural human development. The early years are useless for the transmission of culture; therefore the first part of life is disregarded. But those apparently useless years are most fundamental, for during that period an astounding phenomenon takes place: the creation of a human psyche and the development of human behavior. The child learns to function independently, to manipulate, to walk, to talk, to think and to direct himself through his will. The process takes place n because adults teach but because the child creates. The process remained mysterious until, aided by the Intuition of one who loves truly, Dr. Maria Moutessori penetrated Into the hidden realm of the child’s psyche and revealed it. The children who made this revelation possible came from the lowest strata of society they were tearful, frightened and shy, yet greedy, violent, possessive and destructive. Gradually, as their psychic needs were fulfilled, they underwent such an extraordinary transformation that the press of the time wrote of “converted children.” The witnessing of this spiritual phenomenon changed Dr. Moatessori’s life. It is true that the children learned writing spontaneously at four and a half years, but what was really important was their changed behavior. Man is not made of culture alone; there is something much more essential. If this part continues to be disregarded and emphasis put only on culture, the more advanced man becomes, the more dangerous he will be. Man has discovered flight, he has discovered atomic energy, but he has failed to discover himself. Herein lies the real value of Dr. Montessori’s contribution. To illustrate the radiance of the emerging souls of the children, she undertook a campaign that lasted all her life. After her death the Association Montessori International continued her task with congresses and study conferences, by establishing Montessori and training courses. If children are to be given the aid they need, people must be trained. As time went on tinkling centers were established in Ceylon, Denmark, Eng1nd, Eire, France, Germany, India, Italy, Pakistan, Switzerland, and the United States. The people trained spread out to all continents, to the old and the new nations. But Dr. Montessori’s books remain the most effective instrument of the Association, and this first American translation of The Secret of Childhood is a very welcome addition indeed—for our work in all the Rangier speaking countries, but especially in the United States. For here a number of schools use Montessori only as a teaching method. Here also, many people maintain that this is what Dr. Montessori meant. They disregard what she most valued: the contribution the child can give humanity. I have often thought this notion should be refuted because of the confusion it causes, but where can one find a person to speak with sufficient authority?
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