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【中商原版】太宰治 人间失格 新译版 No Longer Human 英文原版 Osamu Dazai 现当代文学

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【中商原版】太宰治 人间失格 新译版 No Longer Human 英文原版 Osamu Dazai 现当代文学 商品图0
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太宰治:人间失格(新译版) No Longer Human


Format:Paperback / softback 160 pages, b&w illustrations throughout

Publisher:Tuttle Publishing

Imprint:Tuttle Publishing


Published:5 Apr 2024


Dimensions:203 x 130 (mm)



《人间失格》讲述的是Yozo Oba三的故事,他从小就发现自己无法与家人或朋友建立有意义的关系。 他从小就发现自己无法与家人或朋友建立有意义的关系。小时候,他装疯卖傻,一边嘲笑自己,一边取悦他人。 导致自我毁灭。

原作写于 1948 年,以太宰本人的生活为蓝本,其中关于社会疏离、失败以及一个人无法像正常人一样生活的内心折磨等永恒而普遍的主题,至今仍能引起世界各地年轻人的共鸣,使其成为一部经久不衰的际经典作品。

所有现代日本文学爱好者以及熟悉太宰治的读者都会欢迎这部当代译本。 太宰治是继夏目漱石之后日本深受欢迎的作家。 由于漫画、动画片和电影《流浪狗》系列的成功,太宰在当今年轻人中的关注度急剧上升,该系列的主人公,一位名叫太宰治的侦探,就是以这位现实生活中的作家为原型创作的。

No Longer Human is the story of Yozo Oba, who, from early childhood, finds it impossible to form meaningful relationships with family or friends. As a child he copes by acting the fool—mocking himself while entertaining others,which lead to his eventual self-destruction.

Originally written in 1948 and based closely on Dazai's own life, the timeless and universal themes of social alienation, failure and one man's inner torture at his inability to feel like a normal human still resonate with young people everywhere, making this an enduring international classic.

This contemporary translation will be welcomed by all fans of modern Japanese literature as well as by readers familiar with Osamu Dazai. After Soseki Natsume, Osamu Dazai is Japan's most popular writer. Dazai is enjoying a surge in interest among young people today thanks to the success of the manga, anime and film series Bungo Stray Dogs, whose protagonist, a detective named Osamu Dazai, is based on the real-life author.


太宰治(1909-1948 年)笔名津岛修二,是日本北部一位富有的地主和政治家所生的十一个孩子中的第十个。太宰在东京大学学习法文学,但从未获得学位。1933 年,他的作品开始在杂志上发表,从而引起了人们的注意。1930 年至 1937 年间,他曾三次自杀但不成功,在他的许多短篇小说中都涉及这一主题。尽管生活多舛,精神叛逆,但太宰的写作风格简单而口语化,通过文学作品传达了他的个人苦闷。太宰的一生早早结束于与有妇之夫的双重自杀。

朱丽叶-温特斯-卡彭特是一位屡获殊荣的美现代日本小说翻译家。卡彭特生于安娜堡,曾在密歇根大学和东京大学间日语研究中心学习日语。她是京都同志社女子文学院的名誉教授。她的作品曾多次获奖,包括 1980 年和 2014-2015 年的日美友好委员会日本文学翻译奖。2022 年,她被授予 Lindsay and Masao Miyoshi 翻译奖,以表彰她作为现代日本文学翻译家的终身成就。

Osamu Dazai (1909-1948) was the pen name of Shuji Tsushima, the tenth of eleven children born to a wealthy landowner and politician in the north of Japan. Dazai studied French literature at the University of Tokyo, but never received a degree. He attracted attention in 1933 when magazines began to publish his work. Between 1930 and 1937, he made three suicide attempts, a subject he deals with in many of his short stories. Despite his troubled life and rebellious spirit, Dazai wrote in simple and colloquial style, conveying his personal torments through literature. Dazai's life ended early in a double suicide with a married lover.

Juliet Winters Carpenter is an award-winning American translator of modern Japanese fiction. Born in Ann Arbor, Carpenter studied Japanese at the University of Michigan and the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Tokyo. She is Professor Emeritas at Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts in Kyoto. Her work has won numerous awards, including the Japan-US Friendship Commission Prize for the Translation of Japanese Literature in 1980 and 2014-2015. In 2022 she was awarded the Lindsay and Masao Miyoshi Translation Prize for a lifetime of achievement as a translator of modern Japanese literature.

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【中商原版】太宰治 人间失格 新译版 No Longer Human 英文原版 Osamu Dazai 现当代文学


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