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【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学

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【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品图0
【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品图1
【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品图2
【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品图3
【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品图4
【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品图5
【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品图6
【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品缩略图3 【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品缩略图4 【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品缩略图5 【中商原版】DK科学百科系列 DK SCIENCE OF 英文原版 Hiit科学 力量锻炼科学 跑步科学 瑜伽科学 商品缩略图6




Format:Paperback / softback 224+224+224+224pages

Collection:DK SCIENCE OF

Publisher:‎ DK USA

Published:Feb 2022


Dimensions:约932x 788(mm)




9780744051285 DK科学百科系列之Hiit科学

9780744026955 DK科学百科系列之力量锻炼科学

9781465489579 DK科学百科系列之跑步科学

9781465479358 DK科学百科系列之瑜伽科学


1. Science of Hiit: Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Transform Your Body DK科学百科系列之Hiit科学

用一半或更少的时间训练出更瘦、更强壮的身体!准备好用这本科学的HIIT训练指南出一身大汗吧! 通过了解完善每项运动所需的肌肉动作,了解你需要知道的一切,以便从你的HIIT锻炼中获得效果。在这本健身书的页面中,你将探索90多个基本HIIT训练的生理学知识!它包含了以下内容:

- 特别委托的CGI艺术作品,描绘了所有主要的HIIT阻力练习--从burpees到plank jacks--以及增加或减少挑战的变化。

- CGI艺术作品以彩色编码为特色,突出了肌肉、韧带和关节如何参与、伸展和放松以完成每项运动。

- 针对不同能力和目标的训练计划,提供了建议的锻炼方法,并在数周和数月内逐步增加挑战。

- 易懂的信息图表有助于解释为什么高强度间歇训练如此有效,以及它能带来哪些有益的身体适应。


Train your way to a leaner, stronger body in half the time or less!Get ready to break a serious sweat with this scientific guide to HIIT training! Discover everything you need to know to achieve the best results from your HIIT workouts by understanding the muscle action needed to perfect each exercise.Inside the pages of this fitness book, you'll explore the physiology of more than 90 essential HIIT exercises! It is packed with:

- Specially commissioned CGI artworks depicting all the main HIIT resistance exercises -- from burpees to plank jacks -- and variations that add or reduce the challenge.

- CGI artwork features color-coding to highlight how the muscles, ligaments and joints engage, stretch and relax to perform each exercise.

- Training programs, tailored to different abilities and goals, provide suggested workouts with a progressive increase in challenges over weeks and months.

- Easy-to-follow infographics help explain the hard science behind why HIIT training is so efficient, and what beneficial physical adaptations it can bring.

High-intensity interval training is a fantastic way to lose weight and get strong by performing very short bursts of targeted exercise. Recent scientific research shows that HIIT is the most efficient form of exercise for raising fitness levels and increasing cardio-respiratory health. Science of HIIT reveals the facts to help you optimize the benefits of HITT to your body and mind.

2. Science of Strength Training: Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Transform Your Body DK科学百科系列之力量锻炼科学


- 力量训练的生理学和益处

- 初学者、爱好者和私人教练的锻炼计划

- 驳斥常见神话的硬性饮食科学,以及为你的身体提供适当燃料的重要信息

- 33种练习描述:如何做,常见的错误,以及每种练习好处

在这本书中,作者Austin Current带领读者了解力量训练、减肥、营养和整体健康的科学。本书探讨了为什么许多人害怕力量训练,为什么他们不应该,以及如何将力量训练纳入他们的日常生活中。这本运动书充满了CGI艺术作品和有科学依据的信息,将帮助你改变你的身体,改善你的健康状况。不仅如此,这本书还包括完整的锻炼计划和100多个单独的练习。你会了解到你的肌肉在每个阶段是如何参与的,如何正确地做动作而不受伤,它还向你展示了家庭和健身房的不同变化。这本书还包含了大量的营养信息,包括对素食者和素食者的饮食建议。

Is it time to lose weight, gain muscle, and speed up your metabolism? Discover the hard science needed to perfect each exercise and build your strongest body - at home or in the gymPacked with research that supports the notion that bodyweight exercises help you reach your weight and fitness goals, this simple to follow guide also gives you valuable insight into how nutrition and exercise can improve your health.Inside the pages of this strength training book, you'll discover:

- The physiology and benefits of strength training

- Workout plans for beginners, enthusiasts, and personal trainers

- The hard dietary science that debunks common myths and important information to properly fuel your body

- Depictions of 33 exercises: how to do them, common mistakes, and the benefits of each

Work towards your strength goalsIn this book, Author Austin Current takes readers through the science of strength training, weight loss, nutrition, and overall health. The book looks at why many people fear strength training, why they shouldn't, and how they can incorporate it into their daily lives. Filled with CGI artwork and science-backed information, this exercise book will help you transform your body and improve your well-being.Not only that, but this title also includes full workout plans and over 100 individual exercises. You'll learn how your muscles engage at each stage, how to do movements properly and without injury, and it shows you different variations for home and gym. This book is also packed with nutritional information and includes dietary advice for vegans and vegetarians.

3. Science of Running: Analyze Your Technique, Prevent Injury, Revolutionize Your Training DK科学百科系列之跑步科学

跑步是有科学依据的,现在你也可以了解一下! 无论你是刚开始跑步,还是已经征服了几个马拉松,这本跑步指南将告诉你如何进行有效的训练,找到一个合适的跑步制度,并掌握终身跑步的艺术!在这本跑步书中:

- 对跑步者的解剖学和生理学的解释。

- 易于阅读的描述,说明跑步如何涉及身体的每个系统。

- 对跑步周期的每个阶段在皮肤下发生的事情进行科学分解。

- 以常见损伤的解剖学和预防及恢复的锻炼方案为特色。

- 30个关键练习,以及如何完善优化其益处。

- 为所有级别的跑步者量身定做的训练计划。


Revolutionize your running techniques! Learn how to run better and faster, with more energy while avoiding injury.There is a science to running, and now you can learn about it too! Whether you are new to running, or have conquered a few marathons in your time, this runner's guide will show you how to train efficiently, find a suitable running regime, and master the art of running for life!Inside the pages of this running book, you'll find:

- Explanations on the anatomy and physiology of the runner.

- Easy-to-read descriptions of how running involves every system in the body.

- A scientific breakdown of what happens under the skin at every stage of the running cycle.

- Featuring anatomy of common injuries and exercise programs for both prevention and recovery.

- 30 key exercises and how to perfect precision to optimize their benefits.

- Bespoke training plans for runners at all levels.

Expert-led insights backed by scientific research will show you how to start running, how to run faster, and how to improve your flexibility and gait for running efficiency and safety.

4. Science of Yoga: Understand the Anatomy and Physiology to Perfect Your Practice DK科学百科系列之瑜伽科学



Explore the biomechanics of 30 key yoga asanas in depth from every angle and master each one with confidence and ease.Introducing The Science of Yoga - an all-encompassing science book to help you better understand yoga anatomy and the medical science behind yoga to perfect your practice and postures!Did you know that yoga practice can help treat age-related memory loss better than brain training games? Recent scientific research now supports what was once anecdotal evidence of the benefits of yoga for every system in the body. The Science of Yoga details variations of key yoga poses and the specific benefits of different styles of yoga for each system of the body.




DK在印刷品和数字产品的设计创新方面享有盛名。 成人系列涵盖了旅游,包括获奖的DK Eyewitness Travel Guides、历史、科学、自然、体育、园艺、烹饪和育儿。广泛的儿童书单为儿童、幼儿和婴儿展示了一个奇妙的信息库。涵盖了从动物和人体到家庭作业帮助和工艺活动的所有内容,以及令人印象深刻的授权书清单,包括畅销的LEGO书籍。DK是《白痴指南》系列的出版商Alpha Books和视频游戏出版商Prima Games的母公司,也是屡获殊荣的旅游出版商Rough Guides的母公司。

DK was founded in London in 1974 and is now the world's leading illustrated reference publisher and part of Penguin Random House, formed on July 1, 2013. DK publishes highly visual, photographic nonfiction for adults and kids, Munich, New York, and Toronto. DK's aim is to inform, enrich, and entertain readers of all ages, and everything DK publishes, whether print or digital, the unique DK design approach. DK brings unrivalled clarity to a wide range of topics with a unique combination of words and pictures, put together to spectacular effect. We have a reputation for innovation in design for both print and digital products. Our adult range spans travel, including the award-winning DK Eyewitness Travel Guides, history, science, nature, sport, gardening, cookery, and parenting. DK’s extensive kid’s list showcases a fantastic store of information for kids, toddlers, and babies. DK covers everything from animals and the human , to homework help and craft activities, together with an impressive list of licensing titles, including the bestselling LEGO® books. DK acts as the parent company for Alpha Books, publisher of the Idiot's Guides series and Prima Games, video gaming publishers, as well as the award-winning travel publisher, Rough Guides.


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