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【中商原版】永远的朋友 老友记25周年 Friends Forever Friends Episodes 英文原版 剧集指南 幕后回顾 华纳兄弟 商品图0
【中商原版】永远的朋友 老友记25周年 Friends Forever Friends Episodes 英文原版 剧集指南 幕后回顾 华纳兄弟 商品图1
【中商原版】永远的朋友 老友记25周年 Friends Forever Friends Episodes 英文原版 剧集指南 幕后回顾 华纳兄弟 商品图2
【中商原版】永远的朋友 老友记25周年 Friends Forever Friends Episodes 英文原版 剧集指南 幕后回顾 华纳兄弟 商品图3
【中商原版】永远的朋友 老友记25周年 Friends Forever Friends Episodes 英文原版 剧集指南 幕后回顾 华纳兄弟 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】永远的朋友 老友记25周年 Friends Forever Friends Episodes 英文原版 剧集指南 幕后回顾 华纳兄弟 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】永远的朋友 老友记25周年 Friends Forever Friends Episodes 英文原版 剧集指南 幕后回顾 华纳兄弟 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】永远的朋友 老友记25周年 Friends Forever Friends Episodes 英文原版 剧集指南 幕后回顾 华纳兄弟 商品缩略图3


永远的朋友:老友记25周年 Friends Forever [25th Anniversary Ed]: The One About the Episodes


Format:Hardback 240 pages

Publisher:HarperCollins Publishers Inc

Imprint:Harper Design


Published:28 Nov 2019


Dimensions:233 x 194 x 27 (mm)




★内含对深受欢迎的剧集的幕后回顾、来自华纳兄弟的照片、对节目创作者Marta Kauffman、David Crane和布景设计师John Shaffner的全新访谈,以及更多内容。

深受喜爱的《老友记》节目向世界介绍了六个年轻的纽约人生活在一起,相爱,分手(提示罗斯的 "我们在休息!"),并陷入搞笑的恶作剧,这成为一个即时的经典公式,在该节目统治后很长时间内激发了几十个 "闲逛情景喜剧"。但是,没有任何情景喜剧能够接近这个开创了一切的系列,产生了像 "瑞秋 "这样的标志性造型和像 "你好吗?"这样永恒的口头禅,同时创造了一种文化轰动,将演员们瞬间推向了巨大的星光。







●跟随罗斯的出轨足迹,从 "朝思暮想 "开始


A fully illustrated and authorized episode guide celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the hit-television show Friends, including a look behind-the-scenes of cult-favorite episodes, exclusive photos from Warner Bros., brand new interviews with show creators Marta Kauffman, David Crane, and set designer John Shaffner, and more.

The beloved show Friends introduced the world to six young New Yorkers living together, falling in love, breaking up (cue Ross's "We were on a break!"), and getting into hilarious shenanigans, which became an instant classic formula that inspired dozens of "hangout sitcoms" long after the show's reign. But no sitcom has ever come close to the series that started it all, spawning iconic looks like "the Rachel" and timeless catchphrases like "How you doin'?" while creating a cultural sensation that catapulted the cast members to instant mega-stardom.

Throughout the show's ten- season run, viewers watched Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, and Joey navigate their twenties and thirties with unwavering friendship, determination, and, of course, plenty of sarcasm. Friends Forever takes fans back to the set where it all began with exclusive photos of the sitcom that won four Primetime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Comedy Series, eleven People's Choice Awards, and a Golden Globe for Jennifer Aniston for Best Lead Actress in a Television Series. This fully illustrated episode guide will treat readers to nostalgic flashbacks of the top one hundred episodes and sneak peeks of how popularly referenced lines from the show came to be. Friends Forever also boasts new interviews with show creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman on how the show got its start and set designer John Shaffner who reveals his inspirations behind the iconic looks behind Monica’s and Rachel’s apartment and Central Perk.

It's no wonder why the Friends cast was chosen by TV Guide readers as the Best Comedy cast of all time, while countless other publications such as Vanity Fair named the show one of the best sitcoms of all time.

Fun, hilarious interactives include:

·Joey’s fake resume vs real one

·Countdown to the funniest Thanksgiving foods

·Trivia game Q&A from "The One with the Embryos" (Seriously, what is Chandler Bing’s job?)

·Follow Ross’s infidelity trail from "The One with the Morning After"

·Who’s that celebrity? A comprehensive guide to some of the most famous celebrity guest stars from all ten seasons


加里·苏斯曼曾为《人物》、《滚石》、《Moviefone》、CNN、MSNBC、《名利场》、《时代》、《卫报》、《芝加哥太阳时报》和《乡村之声》等媒体报道电视和流行文化。他曾是《娱乐周刊》的高级作家,在《朋友》的运行期间,他在那里写了一个关于《朋友》的专栏。他是《生活》75年一书的作者之一: 生活》的作品。他曾采访过《老友记》六人组中的两人和众多客串明星。他和他的妻子住在科罗拉多州的丹佛。他认为他是一个钱德勒,但他实际上是一个罗斯。

珍妮·狄龙是一名作家、博客作者和畅销书编辑。在她的编辑生涯中,她已经出版了许多书,包括《氰化物与幸福》、《Color Me Calm》和《火人》: 艺术之火》。她曾被提名为《出版商周刊》的明星观察,目前正在创作一个青春期小说系列。她喜欢的《老友记》一集是 "有所有决心的人"(第五季第11集),因为没有什么比罗斯试图拉起皮裤更有趣的了。她住在纽约。

布莱恩·凯恩斯是一名娱乐记者,他的作品被刊登在各种出版物上,如《科幻》杂志、《迷失》: 官方杂志》、《SFX》杂志、《行尸走肉:官方杂志》、《Dog Fancy》、《Huffington Post Canada》、《SYFY WIRE》和《CBR》。他参与编写的一些书籍包括《神奇4:电影的制作》和《萤火虫》: The Official Companion。他为这本书采访了数百位名人,包括休-杰克曼、瑞秋-麦克亚当斯、德维恩-约翰逊和瑞安-雷诺兹--更不用说《朋友》的创作者玛塔-考夫曼和大卫-克兰,以及制作设计师约翰-沙夫纳。他住在安大略省多伦多市。

Gary Susman has covered TV and pop culture for such outlets as People, Rolling Stone, Moviefone, CNN, MSNBC, Vanity Fair, Time, the Guardian, the Chicago Sun-Times, and the Village Voice. He was a senior writer at Entertainment Weekly, where he wrote a column about Friends during its initial run. He is a coauthor of the book LIFE 75 Years: The Very Best of LIFE. He’s interviewed two of the Friends sextet and numerous guest stars. He and his wife live in Denver, Colorado. He thinks he’s a Chandler, but he’s really a Ross.

Jeannine Dillon is a writer, blogger, and bestselling editor. She has published many books in her editorial career, including Cyanide & Happiness, Color Me Calm, and Burning Man: Art on Fire. She was nominated for the Publishers Weekly Star Watch and is currently working on a YA fiction series. Her favorite Friends episode is “The One with All the Resolutions” (season 5, episode 11) because there’s nothing funnier than Ross trying to pull up leather pants. She lives in New York.

Bryan Cairns is an entertainment journalist whose work has been featured in various publications such as Sci Fi magazine, Lost: The Official Magazine, SFX magazine, The Walking Dead: The Official Magazine, Dog Fancy, Huffington Post Canada, SYFY WIRE, and CBR. Some of the books he has worked on include Fantastic 4: The Making of the Movie and Firefly: The Official Companion. He has interviewed hundreds of celebrities, including Hugh Jackman, Rachel McAdams, Dwayne Johnson, and Ryan Reynolds—not to mention Friends creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane, along with production designer, John Shaffner, for this book. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.

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