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【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食

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【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食 商品图0
【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食 商品图1
【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食 商品图2
【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食 商品图3
【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食 商品缩略图0 【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食 商品缩略图1 【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食 商品缩略图2 【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食 商品缩略图3


任何东西都是意大利面化的:81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable: 81 Inventive Pasta Recipes for Saucy People


Format:Hardback 288 pages

Imprint:William Morrow Cookbooks


Published:19 Mar 2024


Dimensions:229 x 203 (mm)



这位曾获得詹姆斯-比尔德奖(James Beard Award)的创新播客发明了风靡一时的卡斯卡特利(cascatelli),改变了人们对意大利面形状的看法,现在他又在这本有趣而迷人的烹饪书中为意大利面酱汁做出了同样的改变,书中还收录了畅销书作家 J. Kenji López-Alt 的序言。

当 Sporkful 播客主持人丹·帕什曼 (Dan Pashman) 推出卡斯卡泰利 (cascatelli) 时,他发明了一种新的意大利面形状,设计用于容纳大量酱汁,留在叉子上,咬起来令人难以置信的满足感,它迅速走红,并被《时代》杂志评为意大利面食发明之一。 年。 VICE 称他为“现代面食传奇”。

但当丹收到了大量人们用他的意大利面制作的照片时,他很失望地发现菜肴的数量如此有限:番茄酱、肉酱、通心粉和奶酪,一遍又一遍。 一些派对动物制作了香蒜酱。

因此,丹开始彻底改变人们对意大利面酱的概念,就像他对意大利面形状所做的那样。 他走遍了意大利,并与美的全明星食谱开发团队合作,为那些厌倦了旧方法的人们创造了一种新型的意大利面酱食谱。 这就是为什么本书中没有 3 小时的腌料食谱或从头开始制作的新鲜意大利面。 没有裹着面粉的诺纳斯或托斯卡纳山丘的照片。 相反,是时候向世界展示——一切皆可食。











•Spaghetti all’Assassina(辣味意大利面,煎至烧焦、酥脆)

•Ciceri e Tria(有嚼劲的新鲜意大利面,搭配清淡鹰嘴豆汤中的酥脆油炸意大利面)


•Creste di Gallo 配蚕豆和蒲公英叶







The innovative James Beard Award–winning podcaster who changed the way you think about pasta shapes with his invention of the viral sensation cascatelli now does the same for pasta sauces in this fun and charmingly obsessive cookbook, which includes a foreword from bestselling author J. Kenji López-Alt.

When Sporkful podcast host Dan Pashman launched cascatelli, a new pasta shape he invented that he designed to hold tons of sauce, stay on the fork, and be incredibly satisfying to bite into, it went viral and was named one of TIME Magazine’s Inventions of the Year. VICE called him "a modern pasta legend."

But as Dan was flooded with pictures of what people were making with his pasta, he was disappointed to see how limited the dishes were: tomato sauce, meat sauce, mac and cheese, over and over. A few party animals made pesto.

So Dan set out to revolutionize people’s conceptions of pasta sauces, just as he did with pasta shapes. He traveled across Italy and worked with an all-star team of recipe developers in the US to create a new kind of pasta sauce cookbook for people bored with the old standbys. That’s why there’s no 3-hour marinara recipe or fresh pasta made from scratch in this book. No photos of nonnas caked in flour or the hills of Tuscany. Instead it’s time to show the world—Anything’s Pastable.

Here you’ll enjoy dishes inspired by a range of ingredients and cuisines:

•Kimchi Carbonara

•Cacio e Pepe e Chili Crisp

•Keema Bolognese

•Mapo Tofu Cascatelli

•Shakshuka and Shells

•Smoked Cheddar and Chicken Manicotti “Enchiladas”

•Linguine with Miso Clam Sauce

•Shrimp and Andouille Mac and Cheese

Lesser-known Italian pasta dishes with a twist:

•Spaghetti all’Assassina (spicy pasta pan fried until charred and crispy crunchy)

•Ciceri e Tria (chewy fresh pasta with crispy fried pasta in a light chickpea broth)

•Cavatelli with Roasted Artichokes and Preserved Lemon

•Creste di Gallo with Fava Beans and Dandelion Greens

•Pasta Frittata

Fun and delicious concoctions that may—or may not—be how they do it in Italy:

•Spinach Artichoke Dip Lasagna Pinwheels

•Pasta Pizza (the “crust” is fettucine fused together)

•Roman Cafeteria Hot Dog Pasta Salad with Canned Veggies

With an incredible array of recipes, Dan showcases the limitless pastabilities when you really know how to use your noodle.


丹-帕什曼(Dan Pashman)是两度获得詹姆斯-比尔德奖(James Beard)和威比奖(Webby Award)的播客 The Sporkful 的创建者和主持人。他还是烹饪频道《你吃错了》节目的创作者和主持人。丹历时三年创作卡斯卡特利的故事在 The Sporkful 播客的 "Mission.ImPASTAble "系列中讲述: IMPASTAble "系列中讲述,该系列被《纽约时报》评为2021年十佳播客之一。卡斯卡泰利目前在全美 3000 多家商店销售。2023 年初,丹又推出了两款意大利面--名为维苏威(vesuvio)和夸特罗蒂尼(quattrotini)的意大利面,受到了际媒体的关注。

Dan Pashman is the creator and host of the two-time James Beard and Webby Award-winning podcast The Sporkful, which he says is not for foodies, it's for eaters. He's also the creator and host of Cooking Channel's You're Eating It Wrong.The story of Dan's three-year quest to create cascatelli was told in The Sporkful podcast's "Mission: ImPASTAble" series, which the New York Times named one of the 10 Best Podcasts of 2021. Cascatelli is now in more than 3000 stores across America. In early 2023 Dan received international media attention when he launched two more pastas--obscure Italian shapes called vesuvio and quattrotini--that he produces with the artisanal pasta company Sfoglini, who also make the original version of cascatelli.

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【中商原版】任何东西都是意大利面化的 81种美味的意大利面食谱 Anythings Pastable 英文原版 Dan Pashman 美食


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