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英文原版小说 傻子出国记 The Innocents Abroad 英文版 在国外的无辜者 异乡奇遇 马克吐温 经典世界名著 英文版进口书籍 正版

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英文原版小说 傻子出国记 The Innocents Abroad 英文版 在国外的无辜者 异乡奇遇 马克吐温 经典世界名著 英文版进口书籍 正版 商品图0
英文原版小说 傻子出国记 The Innocents Abroad 英文版 在国外的无辜者 异乡奇遇 马克吐温 经典世界名著 英文版进口书籍 正版 商品图1
英文原版小说 傻子出国记 The Innocents Abroad 英文版 在国外的无辜者 异乡奇遇 马克吐温 经典世界名著 英文版进口书籍 正版 商品图2
英文原版小说 傻子出国记 The Innocents Abroad 英文版 在国外的无辜者 异乡奇遇 马克吐温 经典世界名著 英文版进口书籍 正版 商品缩略图0 英文原版小说 傻子出国记 The Innocents Abroad 英文版 在国外的无辜者 异乡奇遇 马克吐温 经典世界名著 英文版进口书籍 正版 商品缩略图1 英文原版小说 傻子出国记 The Innocents Abroad 英文版 在国外的无辜者 异乡奇遇 马克吐温 经典世界名著 英文版进口书籍 正版 商品缩略图2


书名:The Innocents Abroad 傻子出国记/在国外的无辜者
作者:Mark Twain马克吐温
出版社名称:Signet Classics
商品尺寸:10.5 x 3.5 x 17.1 cm
页数:560 (以实物为准)

The Innocents Abroad《傻子出国记》,是文学大师马克·吐温于1869年出版的游记类作品,同时也是游记类文学的奠基之作。作品以第一人称的叙述方式,讲述了一次“雄伟而愉悦的远行”。马克吐温运用其一贯流畅的写作手法,将自己的所见所闻所感与文学批判手段相结合,创作出这部影响深远的作品,以独特的视角想世人展现了当时世界的面貌。从初版至今,一直畅销全世界,并深深地影响了文学史的进程。
With an Introduction Michael Meyer and an Afterword by Leslie A. Fiedler.
The Innocents Abroad, orThe New Pilgrims’ Progressis a travel book by American author Mark Twain, published in 1869, which humorously chronicles what Twain called his “Great Pleasure Excursion” on board the chartered vessel Quaker City,through Europe and the Holy Land, with a group of American travelers in 1867. It was the best-selling of Twain’s works during his lifetime,as well as one of the best-selling travel books of all time.
“All the prominent characteristics of our peculiar school of humoriststheir audacity, their extravagance and exaggerationMr. Clemens displays in fulness in the course of his ramblings, and he has some merits which belong to his individual self, and which make him a very agreeable companion when he is at ease and natural”The Nation

One of the most famous travel books ever written by an American,The Innocents Abroadis Mark Twain s irreverent and incisive commentary on nineteenth century Americans encountering the Old World. Come along for the ride as Twain and his unsuspecting travel companions visit the Azores, Tangiers, Paris, Rome, the Vatican, Genoa, Gibraltar, Odessa, Constantinople, Cairo, the Holy Land and other locales renowned in history. No person or place is safe from Twain s sharp wit as it impales both the conservative and the liberal, the Old World and the New. He uses these contrasts to find out who we as Americans are, notes Leslie A. Fiedler. But his travelogue demonstrates that, in our attempt to understand ourselves, we must first find out what we are “not.”
There was never anybody like him; there never will be.William Dean Howells
The Innocents Abroad《傻子出国记》,叙述者以第一人称的视角,讲述他在欧洲旅游中所见所闻。有时以真实记述的笔法,有时以讽刺、嘲笑、幽默的口吻,谈古论今,审势评述,潇洒自如。他既着眼于欧洲的时代久远、丰富多彩的人文历史,又着墨于崇山峻岭、清澈流水的自然风光。仔细读来,使我们有身临其境的感觉。

In his person and in his pursuits,Mark Twain(1835-1910) was a man of extraordinary contrasts. Although he left school at twelve, when his father died, he was eventually awarded honorary degrees from Yale University, the University of Missouri, and Oxford University. His career encompassed such varied occupations as printer, Mississippi riverboat pilot, journalist, travel writer, and publisher. He made fortunes from his writing, but toward the end of his life he had to resort to lecture tours to pay his debts. He was hot-tempered, profane, and sentimental and also pessimistic, cynical, and tortured by self-doubt. His nostalgia for the past helped produce some of his best books. He lives in American letters as a great artist, the writer whom William Dean Howells called the Lincoln of our literature.
Michael Meyer, Ph.D., professor emeritus of English at the University of Connecticut, is a former president of the Thoreau Society and the coauthor of “The New Thoreau Handbook,” a standard reference. His first book, “Several More Lives to Live: Thoreau s Political Reputation in America,” was awarded the Ralph Henry Gabriel Prize by the American Studies Association. In addition to “The Bedford Introduction to Literature,” his edited volumes include “Frederick Douglas: The Narrative and Selected Writings.”
Leslie A. Fielder(1917-2003) was a longtime professor of English at Montana State University and then the Samuel Langhorne Clemens Professor of Literature at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He was the author of four novels, as well as many influential works of criticism including “Life and Death in the American Novel” and “What Was Literature? Class Culture and Mass Society.” Among his many awards is the Modern Language Association s Hubbell Medal for lifetime contribution to the study of American literature.”

The undersigned will make an excursion as above during the coming season, and begs to submit to you the following programme:
A first-class steamer, to be under his own command, and capable of accommodating at least one hundred and fifty cabin passengers, will be selected, in which will be taken a select company, numbering not more than three-fourths of the ship’s capacity. There is good reason to believe that this company can be easily made up in this immediate vicinity, of mutual friends and acquaintances.
The steamer will be provided with every necessary comfort, including library and musical instruments.
An experienced physician will be on board.
Leaving New York about June 1st, a middle and pleasant route will be taken across the Atlantic, and passing through the group of Azores, St. Michael will be reached in about ten days. A day or two will be spent here, enjoying the fruit and wild scenery of these islands, and the voyage continued, and Gibraltar reached in three or four days.
A day or two will be spent here in looking over the wonderful subterraneous fortifications, permission to visit these galleries being readily obtained.
From Gibraltar, running along the coasts of Spain and France, Marseilles will be reached in three days. Here ample time will be given not only to look over the city, which was founded six hundred years before the Christian era, and its artificial port, the finest of the kind in the Mediterranean, but to visit Paris during the Great Exhibition; and the beautiful city of Lyons, lying intermediate, from the heights of which, on a clear day, Mont Blanc and the Alps can be distinctly seen. Passengers who may wish to extend the time at Paris can do so, and, passing down through Switzerland, rejoin the steamer at Genoa.

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英文原版小说 傻子出国记 The Innocents Abroad 英文版 在国外的无辜者 异乡奇遇 马克吐温 经典世界名著 英文版进口书籍 正版


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