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英文原版工具书 牛津莎士比亚词典插图版 Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary 牛津英英词典英文版字典正版进口书

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英文原版工具书 牛津莎士比亚词典插图版 Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary 牛津英英词典英文版字典正版进口书 商品图0
英文原版工具书 牛津莎士比亚词典插图版 Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary 牛津英英词典英文版字典正版进口书 商品图1
英文原版工具书 牛津莎士比亚词典插图版 Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary 牛津英英词典英文版字典正版进口书 商品图2
英文原版工具书 牛津莎士比亚词典插图版 Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary 牛津英英词典英文版字典正版进口书 商品缩略图0 英文原版工具书 牛津莎士比亚词典插图版 Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary 牛津英英词典英文版字典正版进口书 商品缩略图1 英文原版工具书 牛津莎士比亚词典插图版 Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary 牛津英英词典英文版字典正版进口书 商品缩略图2


书名:Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary牛津莎士比亚词典插图版

作者:David Crystal; Ben Crystal 

出版社名称:OUP Oxford 




商品尺寸:17.8 x 2 x 23.6 cm 



现今使用的许多单词都是由莎士比亚首次使用之后而进入英语词汇的,或是因为他的使用使原来的词义或词性发生了变化。此外,莎翁还创造出相当数量生动活泼、简洁精辟、色彩鲜明的短语或习语,极大地丰富了英语的表现力,也使其作品更富有情趣、诗意和魅力。 莎士比亚使用过的单词和句子都被后来的作者有意无意地引用,许多单词和句子在反复引用中固定了下来。有些作者在使用方式中再进行引申,使词意或句意得到了扩大。莎翁作品的语言丰富多彩,他不但是个遣词造句的高手,而且是个善用修辞的能手;作品中比喻、笑谑、拟人、双关语等别开生面,许多佳句音韵美妙,或表现鲜明形象,或者表达深刻哲理,更有利于他的作品语言在日常生活中的广泛传播和被人接受。 Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary收录了莎士比亚作品中使用的4000多个词汇及含义,每个单词都附有相应的例句,皆取自《麦克白》《哈姆雷特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》《仲夏夜之梦》《亨利五世》等12部广为人知的莎士比亚戏剧作品,方便读者理解、研究和学习。 本词典由英国著名语言学教授David Crystal及其戏剧演员Ben Crystal共同编写,将学术和戏剧结合在一起,独具特色。读者在了解时代背景的同时,也能够增加自身的词汇量。 本书荣获2015年Falstaff Awards,并入围2016年SLA Information Book Award。 Winner of Best Book, Publication, or Recording prize at the Falstaff Awards 2015 Shortlisted for the 2016 SLA Information Book Award

Comprehensive dictionary for studying Shakespeare at school and at home

This innovative dictionary is written by leading experts in linguistics and Shakespeare, David and Ben Crystal. It provides students with invaluable support while they read and understand Shakespeare’s plays. Features ·Over 4000 difficult words explained with clear definitions from the 12 most-studied plays ·Language and usage notes include fascinating insights into Shakespeare’s world and the Elizabethan theatre ·24 full-colour illustrated pages—on themes such as dress, armour, maps, music and more—bring Shakespearean times to life Review “Sometimes you find a book and think, ‘Why didn’t someone do this years ago?’ The answer is probably that no-one else could have approached the job or seen it through to completion so magnificently. This is much more than a valuable resource to make Shakespeare’s vocabulary accessible to students; it is so crammed with delicious snippets that it is a delight to browse.”  — UK Literacy Association (UKLA) “Savvy navigation tools, skilful indexing and clever colour coded referencing.”  — The BookBag “Guaranteed to enhance enjoyment and understanding of Shakespeare’s work.”  — Parents In Touch “Stunningly useful book.”  — The Guardian “A modern and dynamic approach to Shakespeare’s language usage.” — Editing Matters “It is not only scholarly and comprehensive, it is hugely enjoyable.” — Books for Keeps “A charming and deliciously meaty book, it’s a must for every primary and secondary English and Drama classroom in my view, and essential for the school library too.”—Susan Elkin, The School Librarian “It’s a joyful celebration as much as an aid to teaching and learning and affectionate as it is scholarly.”— Teach SecondaryThe Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary is the first of its kind, a brand new illustrated alphabetical dictionary of all the words and meanings students of Shakespeare need to know. Every word has an example sentence selected from the twelve most studied plays, including Macbeth, Hamlet, RomeoandJuliet, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Henry V. Usage notes and theatre notes provide additional background to Shakespearean times and the performance of his plays. 

Further support is provided by language panels on select topics like the ‘humours’, ‘swearing’, and ‘stage directions’, and full-colour illustrated thematic spreads on special feature topics from ‘clothes’ and ‘armour’ to ‘music’ and ‘recreation’. The dictionary is easy to use with its clear signposting, accessible design, and expertly levelled contemporary look and feel. It is the perfect support for a full understanding of Shakespeare, created by renowned authors Professor David Crystal and actor Ben Crystal, a father and son team who combine for the first time the academic and the theatre, bringing together language, literature, and lexicography in this unique Shakespeare dictionary of global appeal. David Crystalis known throughout the world as a writer, editor, lecturer and broadcaster on language. He has published extensively on the history and development of English, including The Stories of English (2004), Evolving English (2010), Begat: The King James Bible and the English Language (2010), The Story of English in 100 Words (2011), Spell It Out: The Singular Story of English Spelling (2012), and Wordsmiths and Warriors: The English-Language Tourist’s Guide to Britain (with Hilary Crystal, 2013).

Ben Crystalis an actor, writer, and producer. Along with books co-written with his father, he wrote a series of introductions to Shakespeare’s plays for Arden called Springboard Shakespeare and his Shakespeare on Toast was shortlisted for the Educational Writer of the Year Award. He and his ensemble perform Shakespeare in original pronunciation (OP) and give workshops around the world. Introduction

How To Use This Dictionary A-Z Illustrations Closet Cockpit Doublet and Hose Rapier Armour Swords and Daggers Clothing Hats Animals Colours Occupations Ships Recreation Music Cosmos Maps Shakespearean Grammar Shakespearean Pronunciation Shakespeare’s French Shakespeare’s Latin Panels Alarums and excursions Attention signals Comparisons Exclamations Family Goodbye Hello Humours Insults Money Numbers Politeness Quote it! Regretting Stage Directions Swearing Terms of Address

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