Viberti Barolo Buon Padre 维博帝好爸爸干红葡萄酒
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维伯蒂酒庄 (Viberti Giovanni) 的故事始于1923年,时任庄主卡瓦利耶·安东尼奥·维伯蒂(Cavalier Antonio Viberti)在巴罗洛产区(Barolo DOCG)购买了一间名为Locanda del Buon Padre并带有葡萄园的旅馆。同年,安东尼奥开始在旅馆的地下酒窖为旅馆餐厅的客人酿制葡萄酒,并只在旅馆内部销售。The story of the Viberti Giovanni winery began when Cavalier Antonio Viberti bought an inn named Locanda del Buon Padre with vineyard in the Barolo DOCG. And that year, Antonio began producing wine in the basement of the inn and selling it only inside the hotel.在70年代末至80年代,由于酒窖的发展和空间的增加,酒窖的酿造设备也从最开始的水泥罐升级为温控不锈钢罐,保证发酵的可控性,并且他们也开始尝试使用单一葡萄园的酿造概念,同时提升酿酒技术。酒款的销售地区也逐渐拓展至欧洲的各个国家。In the late 70s and 80s, due to the development and the expansion of the cellar, the winemaking equipment was upgraded from the initial cement tanks to temperature-controlled steel tanks to ensure controlled fermentation. They also began to experiment with the concept of single-vineyard winemaking while upgrading winemaking techniques. The wines were also being sold in multiple countries in Europe.如今,家族中的第三代,最小的儿子克劳迪奥(Claudio)管理酒庄业务并负责酿酒,在他的带领下维伯蒂酒庄的历史将被继续书写。Today the history of Viberti Giovanni continues with the third generation Claudio, the youngest son, who involves in winemaking and management.维伯蒂酒庄认为葡萄园犹如是家族产业中心脏一般的存在,所以在葡萄园管理方面极为谨慎,注重细节。主要种植品种为内比奥罗(Nebbiolo)、多塞托(Dolcetto)和巴贝拉(Barbera)。The vineyards are at the heart of the production and are managed with extreme care and attention to detail. The main varieties are Nebbiolo, Dolcetto, and Barbera.维伯蒂酒庄拥有21公顷的葡萄园,主要位于巴罗洛村的西侧,海拔均在400至500米之间,这也是造就这些优质葡萄的关键自然因素。这里的土壤类型主要为黏土为主的钙质土壤。They have 21 hectares of vineyards located mainly on the west side of the Barolo village. It is key to keeping altitude at 400 to 500 meters above sea level. The soil has an argil-calcareous composition.这里出产的葡萄酒具有优雅的酒体和精细的香气,清爽和矿物感也是其优势和特征,并有足够的酸度为葡萄酒提供框架支持。这个葡萄园出产的葡萄会用于Viberti Barolo Buon Padre和Langhe Nebbiolo酒款的酿造。The resulting wines are decidedly elegant, with fine aromas. The wines are characterized by great freshness and minerality, and well supported by an acidic backbone. The grapes from this vineyard are used in the production of Barolo Buon Padre and Langhe Nebbiolo.维伯蒂酒庄相信,葡萄酒的质量70%是来自葡萄园工作的结果,因此,他们会在葡萄成熟期,通过严格筛选成熟度最佳的葡萄的方法,控制产量的同时并提高收获的果实品质。经过完全手工的筛选,葡萄和葡萄汁浓郁度的质量都有显著提升。Viberti are convinced that 70% of the quality of a wine is the result of work in the vineyard, therefore their efforts are mainly aimed at reducing the yield through a strict selection of the best bunches in their ripening phase. By entirely manual selection and increasing the concentrations of grapes, they raise the quality standards considerably.酒庄的酿酒理念非常明确,他们希望在传统和创新之间做出平衡。他们也会采用最现代的酿酒技术,保证葡萄酒的质量达到他们预期的高度。例如循环发酵器(roto)的使用,这会提高酒液浸渍时的效率,充分提取出果香中的纯净和优雅,使得维伯蒂的风格更加独特和清晰,让人印象深刻。The philosophy in the cellar is very clear. The cellar, with the most modern technics, has advanced the production of great quality wines. For example, the use of roto fermenter, the shortening of macerations, and the maniacal attention to the cleanliness and elegance of the perfumes have allowed Viberti to make their style unmistakable to others.在维伯蒂酒庄,他们还会使用Tino橡木桶对酒液进行陈酿。这种特殊的截顶圆锥形木桶是由未经烘烤过的橡木制成的。在这样的橡木桶中陈年,可以使葡萄自身个性的香气得到良好的发展,也是葡萄酒可以进行长期陈酿的保证。In Viberti they continuously use "tino" for aging. This particular type of truncated conical barrel is made of non-toasted oak wooden slats. This type of aging allows a well-defined development of the varietal aromas and is a guarantee for wines of long ageing.- 多次获得《葡萄酒爱好者》、《葡萄酒观察家》和意大利本土酒评机构WinesCritic.com的90+评分
- 90+ ratings from Wine Enthusiast, Wine Spectator and
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Viberti Barolo Buon Padre 维博帝好爸爸干红葡萄酒
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