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疾病解说者 英文原版小说 Interpreter of Maladies 解说疾病的人短篇小说合集 普利策文学奖 拉希莉处女作 英文版进口英语书

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疾病解说者 英文原版小说 Interpreter of Maladies 解说疾病的人短篇小说合集 普利策文学奖 拉希莉处女作 英文版进口英语书 商品图0
疾病解说者 英文原版小说 Interpreter of Maladies 解说疾病的人短篇小说合集 普利策文学奖 拉希莉处女作 英文版进口英语书 商品图1
疾病解说者 英文原版小说 Interpreter of Maladies 解说疾病的人短篇小说合集 普利策文学奖 拉希莉处女作 英文版进口英语书 商品缩略图0 疾病解说者 英文原版小说 Interpreter of Maladies 解说疾病的人短篇小说合集 普利策文学奖 拉希莉处女作 英文版进口英语书 商品缩略图1


书名:Interpreter of Maladies 疾病解说者/解说疾病的人

作者:Jhumpa Lahiri





商品尺寸:19.7 x 1.3 x 13 cm



★美国作家裘帕·拉希莉耀目文坛的处女作,普利策文学奖获奖作品,创造该奖项史上zui年轻获奖者纪录并保持至今。 ★全球畅销1500万册,狂揽包括普利策文学奖、欧·亨利短篇小说奖在内的美国多项文学大奖。 ★拉希莉因其在小说(尤其是短篇小说)领域里的杰出写作,获得过诸多文学奖项。 ★拉希莉的短篇小说曾三度入选《美国短篇小说年鉴》(1999/2000/2002),被认为是继承了诺贝尔文学奖得主艾丽丝·门罗、和全美书评人协会奖得主巴拉蒂·慕克吉的文坛声音。 ★妙入毫颠的情节,细腻温柔的笔触,将那些时代的错位者和故土的异乡人带到了书页之上——或者说,将读者带入了他们之间。 “世上本没有说不明白的痛苦;说得久了,只剩听不懂的孤独。” 小说集Interpreter of Maladies疾病解说者/解说疾病的人收录了9个独特的故事,讲述了那些在袭以成俗的祖先传统与令人迷惑的新世界之间,被时代忽视的喁喁私语。 媒体评论:“拉希莉向故事的每页讲述中注入了出乎意料的强大生命力……她的成功绝非偶然:故事情节的设计妙入毫颠,如同优雅的数学证明。”——《纽约时报书评周刊》(New York Times Book Review)“文笔优雅、情感深邃的处女作。每篇故事都缓缓铺陈开来,颇有艾丽丝·门罗和巴拉蒂·慕克吉的风范,带领读者进入精心描绘的小说人生。”——《明尼阿波利斯明星论坛报》(Minneapolis Star Tribune)“(书中的)这些故事令人动容,精准地记录下了身份变迁中的个体与其体会的文化冲击。”——《科克斯书评》(Kirkus Review) “拉希莉的笔触惊人地温柔。在这本小说集中,她精准的观察焕发着持久的光彩;这些五味杂陈的故事所散发的怀旧与乡愁,令每篇小说魅力无边,深入人心。”——《出版人周刊》(Publishers Weekly) “拉希莉的天赋之一是她掌握了在多重叙事视角和不同人物角色中自如切换的能力。”——《书单》(Book List) “拉希莉的笔触是如此的细腻、稳健,没有任何偏离基调的杂音,不带任何生硬的劝谕。”——《洛杉矶时报》(The Los Angeles Times) “不疾不徐的节奏,颇具长度的篇幅,加上几乎可谓沉重的笔调——她的故事耐心地集聚着细节,只为循序渐进地注入极具力量的情绪。”——《卫报》(The Guardian)Pulitzer-winning, scintillating studies in yearning and exile from a Bengali Bostonian woman of immense promise.A couple exchange unprecedented confessions during nightly blackouts in their Boston apartment as they struggle to cope with a heartbreaking loss; a student arrives in new lodgings in a mystifying new land and, while he awaits the arrival of his arranged-marriage wife from Bengal, he finds his first bearings with the aid of the curious evening rituals that his centenarian landlady orchestrates; a schoolboy looks on while his childminder finds that the smallest dislocation can unbalance her new American life all too easily and send her spiralling into nostalgia for her homeland… Jhumpa Lahiri’s prose is beautifully measured, subtle and sober, and she is a writer who leaves a lot unsaid, but this work is rich in observational detail, evocative of the yearnings of the exile (mostly Indians in Boston here), and full of emotional pull and reverberation.

1. A Temporary Matter《停电时分》一对婚姻因夭亡的胎儿而陷入破碎边缘的年轻夫妇,在偶遇的停电夜晚互相剖白心迹,那等待要弥合他们抑或拆散他们的,是说得出口的孤独,还是说不出口的痛苦? 2.When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine《柏哲达先生来搭伙》十岁的“我”和父母都是定居在美国的印度裔,1971年秋天,第三次印巴战争的前夕,我们家来了一个朋友Mr. Pirzada,他来自东巴基斯坦。“我”很敬仰Mr.Pirzada,他的举止很绅士,每次来都会给“我”糖果,“我”把它们攒到盒子里慢慢吃。Mr.Pirzada祈祷印巴不要开战,从那以后每天夜里“我”都含着一块他给的糖果偷偷地为他祈祷…… 3.Interpreter of Maladies《疾病解说者/解说疾病的人》兼职导游卡帕西先生带着一家子观光客前往太阳神庙游览。美丽、慵懒的游客太太激起了导游心中的阵阵涟漪,他的正职——在私人诊所充当医生和病人之间的语言桥梁——被游客太太夸赞为“浪漫”,更是令他十分激动。一个爱意满溢却怯于表达的导游,一个心不在焉却即将吐露巨大秘密的游客——他的孤独未必是痛苦的,她的痛苦却必定是孤独的。 4.A Real Durwan《真正的门房》老妇Boori Ma, 一幢居民楼的清洁工,她住在楼道里,忠心耿耿地清扫楼道,看楼门,嘴里念叨着过去的得意的事情,全楼的居民对她也很和善,经常邀请她串门聊天吃东西。Mr. Dalal得到了晋升,买了一个洗手池放在楼道给大家使用,却引起了大家的嫉妒和攀比之心。在Mr.Dalal一家旅游的期间,楼道里的洗手池被偷,大家都认为是Boori Ma没有负起责任,甚至说她引狼入室,将她赶出了楼道…… 5.Sexy《性感》在波士顿居住的印度裔女子Miranda在商店邂逅了同样是印度裔的Dev,后两人同居,同样的文化、对孤独的厌恶、对性的愉悦是他们结合的基础。Dev有家室,他的妻子在印度,为了不让她起疑,每天Dev都要在凌晨从Miranda的公寓回到自己的住所接妻子的电话。渐渐地,Miranda发现Dev并不爱他,于是找借口不再见面,与他断了联系。 6.Mrs. Sens《森夫人》十一岁的Eliot被单亲妈妈送到印度裔的Mr.Sen和Mrs.Sen家。Mr.Sen是大学的数学教授,而Mrs.Sen整日在家中料理家务,夫妻间几乎没有交流,Mrs.Sen说她印度老家的亲戚们都以为她过着皇后般的生活,而实际上她感觉非常空虚和孤独。夫妻的矛盾集中爆发在买鱼这件事上…… 7.This Blessed House《福佑之宅》一对通过相亲而结婚的印度籍年轻夫妇,在争吵和妥协中,思考什么是爱情,思考“是否可以先结婚后恋爱”的问题…… 8.The Treatment of Bibi Haldar《比比·哈尔达的治疗》已经二十九岁的比比·哈尔达是个麻烦姑娘——她早已无父无母,一身治不好的“疯病”,跟吝啬的兄嫂生活在一起。大家为了治好比比,在她身上实践了自己听来的许多法子,然而无一见效。医生铁口断言,只有结婚可以治好她。于是大家开始认真对待起比比的婚事来:给她介绍鳏夫、送水的男人和卸煤工,教她打扮自己,不一而足。然而兄嫂的生活容不下疯癫日益发作的比比,他们不辞而别了,比比的生活陷入了深长的死寂——就在大家对比比的婚事万念俱灰时,比比的病居然被“治”好了。 9.The Third and Final Continent《第三块大陆,zui后的家园》小说讲述了一位印裔美国人,先后在印度、英国及美国生活的故事,体现了众多远离家园的人们对于追求幸福生活地渴望。通过解读故事中主人公家园意识地流动与变化,旨在探析家园与文化、家园与归属感之间的密切联系,以及拉希莉对于流散语境下家园意识提供的新见解。

裘帕·拉希莉,美国当代著名作家,以出道处女作创造普利策文学奖历史上年轻得奖者纪录,并保持至今。著有短篇小说集两部《解说疾病的人》(1999)与《不适之地》(2008)、长篇小说两部《同名人》(2003)与《低地》(2013)及随笔集两部《另行言之》(2015)与《书之衣》(2016)。此外,拉希莉亦先后获得美国艺术文学院颁发的艾迪森·梅特卡弗奖(2000)、古根海姆奖(2002)及美国文学和人文科学委员会的国家人文奖章(2014)。 Jhumpa Lahiri was born in London of Bengali parents, and grew up in Rhode Island, USA. Her stories have appeared in many American journals and her first collection, Interpreter of Maladies, won the Pulitzer Prize 2000 for Fiction, the New Yorker Prize for Best First Book, the PEN/Hemingway Award and was shortlisted for the Los Angeles Times Award. Her novel, The Namesake, was published in 2003 and is now a major motion picture from the director of Monsoon Wedding. Unaccustomed Earth, her latest collection of stories, won the Frank O'Connor International Short Story Award and was a New York Times Number One bestseller. Jhumpa Lahiri lives in New York with her husband and two children.

A Temporary Matter停电时分 When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine柏哲达先生来搭伙 Interpreter of Maladies疾病解说者/解说疾病的人 A Real Durwan真正的门房 Sexy性感 Mrs. Sen’s森夫人 This Blessed House福佑之宅 The Treatment of Bibi Haldar比比·哈尔达的治疗 The Third and Final Continent第三块大陆,zui后的家园

HE NOTICE INFORMED THEM that it was a temporary matter: for five days their electricity would be cut off for one hour, beginning at eight P.M. A line had gone down in the last snowstorm, and the repairmen were going to take advantage of the milder evenings to set it right. The work would affect only the houses on the quiet tree-lined street, within walking distance of a row of brick-faced stores and a trolley stop, where Shoba and Shukumar had lived for three years. “It’s good of them to warn us,” Shoba conceded after reading the notice aloud, more for her own benefit than Shukumar’s. She let the strap of her leather satchel, plump with files, slip from her shoulders, and left it in the hallway as she walked into the kitchen. She wore a navy blue poplin raincoat over gray sweatpants and white sneakers, looking, at thirty-three, like the type of woman she’d once claimed she would never resemble. She’d come from the gym. Her cranberry lipstick was visible only on the outer reaches of her mouth, and her eyeliner had left charcoal patches beneath her lower lashes. She used to look this way sometimes, Shukumar thought, on mornings after a party or a night at a bar, when she’d been too lazy to wash her face, too eager to collapse into his arms. She dropped a sheaf of mail on the table without a glance. Her eyes were still fixed on the notice in her other hand. “But they should do this sort of thing during the day.” “When I’m here, you mean,” Shukumar said. He put a glass lid on a pot of lamb, adjusting it so only the slightest bit of steam could escape. Since January he’d been working at home, trying to complete the final chapters of his dissertation on agrarian revolts in India. “When do the repairs start?” “It says March nineteenth. Is today the nineteenth?” Shoba walked over to the framed corkboard that hung on the wall by the fridge, bare except for a calendar of William Morris wallpaper patterns. She looked at it as if for the first time, studying the wallpaper pattern carefully on the top half before allowing her eyes to fall to the numbered grid on the bottom. A friend had sent the calendar in the mail as a Christmas gift, even though Shoba and Shukumar hadn’t celebrated Christmas that year.

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