【预订】Rebecca Norris Webb:A Difficulty is A Light | 困境是盏明灯 摄影诗集
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书名:A Difficulty is A Light,困境是盏明灯 Rebecca Norris Webb摄影诗集
作者:Rebecca Norris Webb
作者:Rebecca Norris Webb
2022 年秋季,美国诗人、摄影师 Rebecca Norris Webb 在义大利工作时,接到哥哥的噩耗──他选择结束自己的生命──哥哥的离世让 Rebecca 陷于深深的哀戚之中,模糊地度过了那年剩下的秋季。
一直到隔年冬季的来临,散落的诗句找上了本是诗人的 Rebecca,“一开始只是犭虫立的几个句子,后来它们纷纷牵引出其他句子。”透过诗,她开始向外窥探世界,也向内探索内心的万种情绪。同时,Rebecca 也藉著摄影师的目光,以接获意外时她的所在地义大利为起点,随著鸟群的踪迹,到达美国南方与法国北部。她看见雨燕迁徙,也意外目睹了深秋时鸟群旋飞的场景,在一次次旅途中,Rebecca 重新注视这场意外在心裡留下的伤疤,并巧合地发现鸟类与同卵双胞胎手足之间的关联。
《A Difficulty Is a Light》收录十多幅影像与数篇诗作,在鸟群与兄长,哀悼与迁徙,失落与光影,荒地与海岸之间创造“双生”意象;Rebecca 透过摄影师之眼,诗人之手,轻柔地奏出一曲献给离世手足的悼亡之歌。
Rebecca Norris Webb,生于 1956 年,原为诗人,擅于以文字和影像探索人类与世界的关联性,出版书籍包括《The Glass Between Us》(2006)、与 Alex 共同创作的《Violet Isle: A Duet of Photographs from Cuba》(2009)、《My Dakota》(2012)。现正专注于达科他荒地的长期摄影计画“Badlands”,并筹备收录了她三十年来诗意影像精选的新书《Glimmerings》。
In the autumn of 2022, American poet and photographer Rebecca Norris Webb is working in Italy when she receives the tragic news that her brother has chosen to end his life - a death that leaves Rebecca in a deep state of mourning for the rest of the autumn.
It was not until the following winter that scattered poems found their way to Rebecca, a poet herself, ‘at first just a few lines that stood alone, but then they led to other lines. Through her poems, she began to look outward to the world and inward to explore her innermost emotions. At the same time, Rebecca follows the flocks of birds through the south of the United States and the north of France with the photographer's eye, starting from Italy, where she was when she received the accident. As she watches swallows migrate and witnesses the unexpected swirl of birds in late autumn, Rebecca revisits the scars left by the accident and coincidentally discovers a connection between birds and the hands and feet of identical twins.
A Difficulty Is a Light is a collection of over a dozen images and poems that create images of ‘twins’ between flocks and siblings, mourning and migration, loss and light, wasteland and coast; Rebecca gently plays a song of mourning for departed siblings through the eyes of a photographer and the hands of a poet.
Rebecca Norris Webb, born in 1956, is a poet who specialises in exploring the interconnectedness of humanity and the world through words and images. Her books include The Glass Between Us (2006), Violet Isle: A Duet of Photographs from Cuba (2009), Violet Isle: A Duet of Photographs from Cuba (2009), Violet Isle: A Duet of Photographs from Cuba (2009), and Violet Isle: A Duet of Photographs from Cuba (2009). Violet Isle: A Duet of Photographs from Cuba’ (2009) and “My Dakota” (2012), co-written with Alex. She is currently focusing on a long-term photography project in the Dakota Badlands, Badlands, and working on a new book, Glimmerings, which will include a selection of her poetic images from the past thirty years.
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