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Collins 唐顿庄园剧本全集 英文原版 英剧剧本 Downton Abbey Script Book 1-3 全英文版电影原著小说书 进口英语书籍 商品图0
Collins 唐顿庄园剧本全集 英文原版 英剧剧本 Downton Abbey Script Book 1-3 全英文版电影原著小说书 进口英语书籍 商品图1
Collins 唐顿庄园剧本全集 英文原版 英剧剧本 Downton Abbey Script Book 1-3 全英文版电影原著小说书 进口英语书籍 商品图2
Collins 唐顿庄园剧本全集 英文原版 英剧剧本 Downton Abbey Script Book 1-3 全英文版电影原著小说书 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图0 Collins 唐顿庄园剧本全集 英文原版 英剧剧本 Downton Abbey Script Book 1-3 全英文版电影原著小说书 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图1 Collins 唐顿庄园剧本全集 英文原版 英剧剧本 Downton Abbey Script Book 1-3 全英文版电影原著小说书 进口英语书籍 商品缩略图2


书名:Downton Abbey Script Book 1-3 唐顿庄园剧本1-3

作者:Julian Fellowes朱利安·费罗斯

出版社名称:William Morrow Paperbacks




商品尺寸:17.8 x10.5 x 23.5 cm


页数:1536 (以实物为准)

Downton Abbey《唐顿庄园》是由英国ITV电视台出品的时代剧,由荣获奥斯卡金牌编剧Julian Fellowes一手打造,被称为20世纪初ITV版的《楼上楼下》。背景设定在1910年代英王乔治五世在位时约克郡一个虚构的庄园——“唐顿庄园”,故事开始于Grantham伯爵一家由家产继承问题而引发的种种纠葛,呈现了英国上层贵族与其仆人们在森严的等级制度下的人间百态。该剧从2010年开播至今,一直深受观众喜爱,收视率极高,共获奖16次,提名60次,更是荣膺吉尼斯世界纪录大全的2010年“全球受好评电视剧”,是首部获此殊荣的英国电视剧。 本套装为英文剧本书,包含第一季、第二季和第三季的内容,非常适合各位“唐顿粉”、英语学习者或剧本爱好者阅读收藏。 推荐理由: 1.内容完整全面,电视剧中被剪掉的情节和台词都有收录; 2.英文原版剧本,地道英式英语,无太多生词,阅读难度不太; 3.第63届艾美奖编剧奖作品,剧本创作者或剧本爱好者也可阅读借鉴; 4.书中含作者对人物剧情的详细注释,如对删减部分或演员的挑选都有作解释,有助于读者了解内容; 5.印刷清晰,彩页剧照精美,开本较大,书页留白的空间较大,便于做笔记。 The most successful British television drama of our time, the multi-award-winning Downton Abbey has become a national phenomenon. Created by Julian Fellowes—who received an Academy Award for his screenplay for the acclaimed Robert Altman motion picture, Gosford Park—Downton Abbey features stellar performances, ravishing sets and costumes, and, most importantly, absolutely riveting plots. Praise forDownton Abbey “A deft balance of emotion of emotion, suspense and comedy.”—Daily Telegraph “The sets and costumes are ravishing, the attention to detail painstaking and the performances are brilliant. But above all, it’s a cracking story.”—The Times (London) “There is no mystery about the potency of this series, slathered in wit, powered by storytelling of a high order.”—Wall Street Journal “A sumpyuous, accomplished piece of television.”—Guardian (U.K.)


Downton Abbey Script Book Season 1《唐顿庄园第一季》 故事是从1912年到1914年一战爆发开始。Grantham的伯爵的头衔及产业只能由男性继承人同时继承。现任伯爵Robert通过迎娶了非常富有的Cora才让产业得救,同时她的巨额财产按照契约永久的成为伯爵资产的一部分。没有子嗣的伯爵只能让侄儿Patrick成为法定继承人(即大女儿Mary的未婚夫)。可Patrick却在泰坦尼克号事故中丧生,而他们的远房亲戚Matthew将继承他们的一切,包括伯爵夫人的个人巨额财产。围绕财产的继承问题,Mary和Matthew的情感纠葛,Grantham一家和仆人们的关系,会发展会怎样的故事呢? Set in a grand country house during the late Edwardian era, season one of Downton Abbey follows the lives of the Crawley family upstairs and their servants downstairs as they approach the announcement of the First World War. Fellowes succeeds in not only entertaining his audience with a combination of sustained storylines and sharp one-liners but also in delivering a social commentary of British life. The scripts from season one give readers the opportunity to read the work in more detail and to study the characters, pace, and themes in depth. With extended commentary from Fellowes, highlighting key historical or dramatic details, this book gives invaluable insight, particularly for would-be screenwriters, into how Fellowes researched and crafted the world of Downton Abbey.  Downton Abbey Script Book Season 2 《唐顿庄园第二季》第二季的故事从1916年到1918年康边停战协定讲起。正值战争时期,壮年男性都去了前线参加战争,唐顿庄园却因此遭到了男性劳动力的短缺。Grantham家三个女儿的命运也发生了改变。Mary为了掩盖年少时的丑闻不得已与一暴发户订婚,当回到唐顿发现Matthew已经订婚时,强忍悲伤。Edith一改往日张扬跋扈留在家中照顾前来疗养的士兵。Sybil不但投身于为女权运动还不顾反对与家中的司机结合。同样,在本季中,Bates和Anna的感情戏也加重了戏码。在这个战火缭绕的年代,这个家庭又会发生了怎么样的变化呢? The second series of Downton Abbey opens in 1916 as the First World War rages across Europe. The Crawley family and their servants play their part on the front line and the home front, their lives intensified by the strain of war. Julian Fellowes succeeds in not only riveting his audience with cleverly woven storylines of love, loss and betrayal but also in delivering a social commentary of British life. Downton Abbey Script Book Season 3《唐顿庄园第三季》大小姐Mary和Matthew终于赢来了众人期盼的婚礼,为前两季的波折暂时划下了一个完美的句点。但麻烦事依然不断,老爷投资失败,让唐顿庄园陷入了财政危机;而马修意外收到了一份让他很为难的遗产;三小姐和汤姆的结合依然让老爷耿耿于怀;而二小姐依然在为自己的幸福争取着…… The most successful British drama of our time continues to captivate viewers with its riveting storylines, stunning costumes, and unforgettable performances. With Downton Abbey’s scripts from Season Three—which was the most dramatic yet—fans can go behind-the-scenes to learn all of the show’s secrets.


朱利安·费罗斯,1949年08月17日出生于埃及开罗,英国大师级编剧、导演、演员、制片人。在从事电影编剧之前,费罗斯有过30年不太成功的演员生涯,直到2002年,已经53岁的朱利安·费洛斯凭藉首个被拍成电影的剧本《高斯福德庄园》获得第74届奥斯卡金像奖原创剧本奖之后,其担任编剧的作品《浮华世家》、《年轻的维多利亚》和音乐剧《玛丽·波平斯》等都广获好评。2011年,费罗斯又凭借《唐顿庄园》获得第63届美国电视艾美奖编剧。 Julian Fellowes has had an illustrious career in film, theater, television, and literature. Among his many screenplays are the Oscar-winning Gosford Park, The Young Victoria, and Vanity Fair. He has directed and performed in numerous films and television series, and his novels include the Sunday Times bestseller Snobs. His most recent projects have been the multiaward-winning screenplays for ITV’s Downton Abbey, which has enjoyed five immensely popular seasons with viewing figures of over ten million. The highly anticipated sixth season is scheduled for winter 2016. He lives in Dorset, England, with his family.

Downton Abbey Script Book Season 1 唐顿庄园第一季 Downton Abbey Script Book Season 2 唐顿庄园第二季 Downton Abbey Script Book Season 3 唐顿庄园第三季


I was keen on Highclere to playDownton Abbey from the start, because it an extraordinary expression of aristocratic confidence, a loud statement of the value of aristocracy. The house was built, or rather, adapted, in the 1830s, at the very beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign, by Sir Charles Barry who was working on the Houses of Parliament at the time. Knowing as we did that the series, if it was going to run at all, would trace the decline of this particular class there seemed to be a nice irony in choosing a house that was so confident of their worth and value, and you get that from the first moment you arrive, when you enter the great atrium hall to find the coats of arms of every bride reaching all the way up to the ceiling. Somehow that seemed right, as a comment on Robert’s melancholy appreciation that these will prove to be the last days of summer for his kind. These houses were deliberately designed to look monumental, and when you enter any of them, even Blenheim, you will find they are not quite as big as they look from outside, although they are big enough, Lord knows. But Highclere has the added advantage of a very straightforward plan. On the left of the entrance is the small library, followed by the large library, the painted room, the drawing room, the smoking room which we don’t use, the staircase, the door to the kitchens, and the circuit is complete with the dining room.

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