【中商原版】约翰·兰彻斯特:资本论(小说)英文原版 Capital 英国文学小说 政治金融危机 John Lanchester
运费: | ¥ 5.00-30.00 |
库存: | 4 件 |
Capital 约翰·兰彻斯特:资本论(小说)
Paperback: 592 pages
出版社: Faber and Faber; Main (2013年1月3日)
ISBN-10: 0571234623
ISBN-13: 978-0571234622
产品尺寸及重量: 126 x 198 x 35mm | 472g
《资本论》是年度最具影响力的书籍之一。该书展示了社会全貌。《纽约时报书评杂志》认为 “作者是一个聪明的、懂得享乐的、博学的人。”
约翰•兰彻斯特是著名的小说家,《财富与快乐》(THE DEBT TO PLEASURE)一书的作者。这次他带着他史诗体小说《资本论》华丽回归,这部小说充分展现了我们这个时代的生活。这是2008年,一切都开始变得分崩离析,贝尔斯登和雷曼兄弟破产了。一位银行家以及他的妻子因患脑瘤去世了。银行家的妻子是一位老人,是一位购物狂。她有一个孙子,是涂鸦艺术家,拥有一家巴基斯坦的商店。小说还有一位女性难民,现在的工作是交通警察,专门负责处理违章停车的事情。书中还有一位来自塞内加尔的足球明星和他的经纪人。这些人都居住在伦敦佩皮斯街道上。一天,他们都收到了一张匿名的明信片,上边写着“我们想要你所拥有的。”到底谁在幕后黑手呢?他们到底想要干什么呢?书中处处都是伏笔,不同的人面临着不同的问题。这是一部关于爱情悬疑小说,其中展示了在金融崩溃、恐怖分子制造威胁的环境下社会面貌和人们的生活,小说中,整座城市都变得异常紧张。
From the bestselling author of Whoops! and The Debt to Pleasure comes a post-financial crisis, state-of-the-nation novel told with compassion, humour and unflinching truth. Featuring a contemporary cast of characters that crosses race, class and religion, Capital is the moving and hugely topical story of one street caught on the brink of the crash.
Capital: the City of London. Capital: money, currency, finance. Both are central to the multicultural micro-society living and working on Pepys Road - an ordinary street in the Capital. Formerly working class, the simple houses have seen a wave of gentrification and expensive renovations that have rendered them highly desirable, valuable real estate.
Here lives Roger Yount, powerful investment banker daily trading risk against profit on the Foreign Exchange. An annual bonus of a million might seem excessive, but with second homes and nannies to maintain, he's not sure he can get by without it. Elsewhere on Pepys Road is the Muslim Pakistani family living above their convenience store, and a senior widow who entertains visits from her graffiti artist grandson. Recently arrived is Freddy Kano, teenage football celebrity, recruited from Senegal to join the Premier League, who left a two-room shack to follow his dream.
Their stories intertwine with the immigrant workers who service the wealthy residents of the City: Zbigniew, the builder from Warsaw, catering to the super-rich in their interior decoration whims; the nanny who looks after Roger's two small boys while his well-groomed wife indulges her shopaholic tendencies; and traffic warden Quentina, who has exchanged the violence of the police in Zimbabwe for the violence of the enraged upper middle classes. For them all, this city offers the chance of a different kind of life.
Each house has its own story and its own secrets, having seen its fair share of first steps and last breaths, and plenty of laughter in between. Today, through each letterbox along this ordinary street drops a card with a simple message: We Want What You Have.
“约翰•兰彻斯特包装了一下当代伦敦的城市价值,展现了大都市衰落的故事。”——《独立报》(The Independent)
“这本书生动地为我们展示了伦敦经济开始崩溃时的社会全景,作者让我们陷入了沉思,让我们回忆起了描写19世纪伦敦生活的小说——那时的生活环境、那时的各色人物……作者巧妙地告诉了我们资本与大都市的关系,《资本城市》既展现了作者人道主义的情怀,又是对当今社会进行了温柔的讽刺。”——《星期日泰晤士报》(Sunday Times)
约翰·兰彻斯特(John Lanchester,1962年2月25日-)是一位英国记者和作家,出生于德国汉堡,在香港长大,受教育于英国格瑞萨姆学院和牛津大学圣约翰学院。兰彻斯特在远东长大成人,他在英国接受完教育之后,开始在企鹅出版集团担任总编辑,之后他成为了《伦敦书评》的编辑成员。与此同时,他还为众多报纸和杂志攥稿,譬如像《格兰塔》与《纽约客》,此外,他也担任过《观察家报》的美食家及《每日电讯报》的专栏作家。
约翰·兰彻斯特写过四部小说,分别是:《债务与快乐》(THE DEBT TO PLEASURE)、《飞利浦先生》(MR PHILLIPS)、《愉快的港湾》(FRAGRANT HARBOUR)以及《资本城市》(CAPITAL)。他的另外两部作品是非小说,《家庭罗曼史》(FAMILY ROMANCE),这是一部回忆录。《天哪!为什么每个人都欠钱不还?》(WHOOPS!: WHY EVERYONE OWES EVERYONE AND NO ONE CAN PAY),这是一本关于全球经济危机的书。他的作品屡获大奖,其中包括霍桑登奖、惠博瑞首届小说奖、E.M 福斯特奖,还获得了布克奖的提名。他的作品已被翻译成了二十种语言。目前,约翰•兰彻斯特和妻子以及两个孩子生活在伦敦。
John Henry Lanchester (born 25 February 1962) is a British journalist and novelist. He has worked as a football reporter, obituary writer, book editor, restaurant critic, and deputy editor of the London Review of Books, where he is a contributing editor. He is a regular contributor to the New Yorker. He has written four novels, The Debt to Pleasure, Mr Phillips and Fragrant Harbour, and Capital, and two works of non-fiction: Family Romance, a memoir; and Whoops!: Why everyone owes everyone and no one can pay, about the global financial crisis. His books have won the Hawthornden Prize, the Whitbread First Novel Prize, E.M Forster Award, and the Premi Llibreter, been longlisted for the Booker Prize, and been translated into twenty-five languages. He is married, has two children and lives in London.
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