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【中商原版】My Morning Routine How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired 英文原版 起床后的黄金1小时 Benjamin S

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My Morning Routine : How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired


Format:Paperback / softback 288 pages

Publisher:Penguin Books Ltd

Imprint:Penguin Books Ltd


Published: 15 May 2018

Classifications:Time management, Advice on careers & achieving success

Readership:General (US: Trade) Professional & Vocational Tertiary Education (US: College)


Dimensions:177 x 130 x 19 (mm)

Pub. Country:United Kingdom



我们大多数人早上都漫无目的地从床到电话再到冰箱再到工作。然而,我们每天最初几个小时所做的选择会对其他所有事情产生巨大的影响。在我早上的例行公事中,才华横溢的创意人士和成功的商业人士会分享他们释放更大能量、专注和冷静的秘诀——早上的第一件事就开始做。例如,阿里安娜•赫芬顿(Arianna Huffington)描述了她是如何每天早晨让自我怀疑的“坏室友”保持沉默的;谷歌的M.G. Siegler揭示了为什么他虔诚地喝瓶装星巴克星冰乐;一位前海豹突击队中尉解释了为什么他的晨训计划每季都会改变。从睡眠模式和饮食偏好到电子产品的使用,锻炼习惯和更休闲和自我放纵的习惯,Benjamin Spall和Michael Xander为读者提供了广泛的可能的做法选择。《起床后的黄金1小时》说明了没有一种正确的方式来开始新的一天,但它鼓励你不断尝试,直到形成一个对你有用的晨间作息——一个让你感到清醒、警觉、身心健康、精神振奋的晨间作息,从而拥有美好的一天。

Most of us mindlessly drift from bed to phone to fridge to work in the morning. Yet the choices we make during the first few hours of our day have an outsized effect on everything else. In My Morning Routine, talented creatives and successful business people share their secrets to unlocking greater energy, focus and calm - starting first thing in the morning. For example, Arianna Huffington describes how she silences the 'bad roommate' of self-doubt every morning; Google's M.G. Siegler reveals why he religiously drinks bottled Starbucks Frappucinos; and a former Navy SEAL lieutenant explains why his morning workout routine changes each season. From sleep patterns and dietary preferences to electronics use, workout rituals and more leisurely and self-indulgent habits, Benjamin Spall and Michael Xander present readers with a wide range of possible practices to choose from. My Morning Routine illustrates that there is not one right way to start the day, but encourages you to experiment until you've formed a morning routine that works for you - one that makes you feel awake, alert, physically and mentally healthy and psyched up to have a great day.


本杰明·斯波(Benjamin Spall)是这一做法的联合创始人,也是《起床后的黄金1小时》(My Morning Routine)的编辑,曾为《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)、《99U》(99U)和Next Web等媒体撰写过这一主题的文章。Michael Xander是一位产品设计师和工程师,也是“起床后的黄金1小时”的另一位创造者和编辑。

Benjamin Spall is the co-founder of this practice and the editor of My Morning Routine and has written on that topic for media outlets including the Huffington Post, 99U and The Next Web. Michael Xander is a product designer and engineer and the other creator and editor of My Morning Routine.

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【中商原版】My Morning Routine How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired 英文原版 起床后的黄金1小时 Benjamin S


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